The Matriostic Circus

Perillia entered the ring, her usual plain blue kimono replaced by a shimmering black one that reflected faces of loved ones, each one different to each person. "May I please have a volunteer?" She called out to the crowd.
He shuffled back into a dark corner to where he could see them but they couldnt see him. He didnt want to have the chance to be picked, that would drain his energy and more then likley hers too, but maybes this girl was different, he never knows that kinds of stuff.
((There's no possible way my character will be picked.. right? I want him to be picked soon enough. I made this post exteremly short because there is no interactives right now. It would be longer.))

After ten minutes of reading the paper, Gray lost interest almost immediatly. He tossed the paper aside as he casually walked to the stage again. He realized that the odd ones that he did not want to meet were potiental enemies so he came and sat near the stage. He wanted to be able to examine them closely.
Natalia noticed the young girl that had sunk down next to her feet and watched her for a moment. The skin patterns and changes of skin were truly beautiful, to her eyes anyway. Anyone who didn't understand them however - a vast majority, really - she would've been labeled a freak. She knew this just as well, being able to read peoples emotions without helping herself and blurting out the exact cause of their troubles. She wasn't exactly an introvert back then, but time had caused her to change.

Not wanting to interrupt the girl from her slumber, she smiled down at her then watched Perillia with a interested gaze. Come to think of it, she never got a chance to watch her perform and didn't know all that much about her abilities...

Noticing the blunette had returned to the stage after going somewhere unknown, she glanced at him for a split moment, the anxiety on her face faded out now that she was the proper mindset for performing.
Perillia scanned the crowd, black eyes curiously looking for an interesting person. Her gaze stopped on a boy with blue hair. Reading his mind to find out his name, she pointed at him and called out, "How about you Mr. Gray?" She asked.
Hanz followed the preformers finger and his gaze found the man that had been staring at him. Shock gave him a small jolt of surprise, but nothing more. This made no sense, he didnt even know Gray let alone even see him before now. So why was this boy looking at him so contently? It for certain baffled Han to the point where he might approach gray after the show and ask just why.
Gray did not fancy the idea of being called, but he simply nodded as he stood up. His thin figure walked up to the stage as he adjusted his mufflers and parka as he glanced upon the crowd. He took note of every single soul there, as he muttered, "What do you have in store for me, Lady Perillia?" He wanted to make a nice impression on the crowd, so if he needed to snag any information about someone in the crowd. The blunette knew her power was simply reading minds, so he cleared his mind and thought of nothing, as he stared blankly into her eyes awaiting her response. Although, he did think one thing...

'Entertain me, Perilia, if you can't, I figure you know what's in store?​'
Slowly, Alice's eyes flickered open, followed by a loud yawn. Her whole body turned into a vibrant hot pink. Checking around, she was relieved no one had heard it. Her body calmed down, and went back to changing colors. She looked up, and checked. Natalia was still there, putting a small smile on Alice's face.

"How about you, Mr.Gray?"

Alice looked up, and saw a girl, what was her name again, she heard it in her dream. Oh well. Following the performers finger, she found her eyes upon another man. She had seen him around, never really talked to him. He had interesting hair, she liked that color. Her body changed to match his hair.This color reminds me of ice...I can't wait for it to snow! I need some new snow clothes. I wonder what snowmen I'll be able to make. Hopefully it will snow a lot. I wonder what's happening now.

Slowly regaining her attention, she noticed Gray seemed content at staring a certain something. Following his gaze, she stumbled upon another man. He seemed embarrassed and nervous. She laughed, for some reason she found this little staring contest hilarious.
Natalia watched carefully as Gray made his way over to Perillia. She was almost positive that she wasn't the only one who wanted to know what went on inside Gray's head, taking note of the man in the crowd's uneasy expression. Why did Gray have such a prolonged interest in some stranger? Did they have past history?

Hearing the small laugh at her feet she turned her attention to the young girl with the expressive skin. Despite having an idea of why she was laughing due to Natalia's empath ability, she decided on asking the question with a tone of innocent curiosity anyway. "What's so funny?"
Perillia narrowed her eyes at his thought then went back to vivaciousness. Raising her hand, a chair appeared out of thin air. "Please sit down. Mr. Gray." She asked politely. With a sweep of her hand, small orbs of light swirled around her, one in particular that of a cat spirit. Perching on her head, the cat spirit yawned and fell asleep.
"Sure, why not, Miss Perillia?" He slipped a grin out, that was filled with mysteriousness as he sat on the chair. The blunette adjusted his earmuffs and crossed his legs. He watched the orb spin carefully.
Alice's eyes widened. Looking up at the lady, her smile faded. Her face when back to her usual nothing expression, "Nothing." she said, her voice empty. Alice turned back to the stage, fighting herself not to turn a bright red Oh no, what if she hates me now! She must think I'm so mean. What a horrible person I am, I 'm just like those bullies in school. I'm horrible! I should say sorry. She glanced up at Natalia, but brought down her eyes quickly. No, No!!! I can't do that! It'd be too awkward. I'll just try to make it up for her. Oh god, I can't sit here, I can feel the heat radiate off her.

Alice stood up, No, then she'll think I hate her even more. Then sat back down and pretended to watch the show, but was really lost in her own frantic thoughts.
Natalia both saw and sensed the frantic, wild energy in the younger girl before her. Feeling her emotions - not like she wanted to - she couldn't help but smile and say, "You aren't horrible! In fact, you're actually really funny." Reaccounting what she just said, she sighed deeply. Great, now she's probably going to think i'm some kind of mind-reading freak and will want nothing to do with me...

"Erm...i'm sorry if I made things awkward. I can't help it sometimes." She ran a hand through her hair and frowned as she continued to watch the show, memories of friends leaving her side for moments like this. But you're in a place where people like you are accepted...remember?

Taking a glance at the girl she smiled, attempting to brighten the rest of her appearance so she didn't resemble a wilting flower as much. "But we've all got our quirks here...don't we?"
"Now close your eyes." Perillia said, her eyes slowly changing to the color of fresh blood. Shadows started to waltz around her and more spirit orbs appeared. The cats spirit's eyes opened, now the same color of Perillia's changing eyes. Slowly the cat spirit grew larger, until it was the size of a rhino. The crowed gasped at the sight of the spirits, as they each grew to size. Most distinct of the spirits were those of beautiful endangered species.
Gray closed his eyes and fiddled with his thumbs, this was very tedious to him. This was normal in his realm, unsatisfied, he thought, "She could do better." He heard the awes of gasps and screams of excitement as he did not bother to open his eyes.
Her hair grew longer and longer, turning from black to darkness itself. A feral growl escaped her throat as her nails grew, becoming razor sharp claws. Black wings ripped out from her back, shredded skin falling to the ground around her.
Gray tapped is toe, he was getting a little uninterested, and he wanted to open his eyes. The blunette adjusted his muffs, to a position that blocked out all screaming and awe around him and let out an ample sigh. "Mam, I know it's important to showcase, but may I open my eyes?"
Alice's eyes widened at what the lady had just said.

"Thank you," Alice said, her voice dull. She could read her thoughts? But her thoughts were private, she didn't want people shuffling through them! Although, this lady seemed nice. She looked her hands and spun her fingers through her hair. Then she got an idea.

Now she could never read Alice's mind! That's when of course, all the thoughts in the world came to her head. Where'd that nervous man go? What is that girl?! Why are wings growing out her back? How come I never saw her? Maybe she just hasn't noticed. Oh no! Icecreamicecreamicecreamicecream....

Alice couldn't stand this! She was confusing herself. Grabbing at her hair, she stood up, nodded to Natalia, and walked away. As casual as possible. When she got her thoughts straight, maybe Alice could be friends with the nice lady. She wanted to know more about her. So she stood backstage, drew back the curtains, and stared.

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