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  1. Elenayru

    Slave RP Anyone?

    Alrighty, see you then. :) And Paradox, I totally agree. It's weird, so many people wanting to be slaves. xD
  2. Elenayru

    Slave RP Anyone?

    Sounds awesome to me. Well, kinda tragic for the humans, but a good plot. X3
  3. Elenayru

    Slave RP Anyone?

    This sounds pretty interesting. Mind if I join in as well? I could be a master or a slave, though I would prefer the latter.
  4. Elenayru

    The Walking Dead

    Kat nodded at the first statement, and looked behind her as Jon pointed. She saw the church, and smiled at what he said. "I'm glad to know some people still do, at least." She signed to Jon. "It's times like these when we need Him most." She then commented on what he had said first. "I'm a...
  5. Elenayru

    The Walking Dead

    Kat walked with Jon, and looked down the street to the gate as he spoke about it. It was pretty impressive, the large wall a sufficient barricade against the walkers. She had wondered about how they kept the creatures out, and this was definitely a good way. "It is impressive. It obviously...
  6. Elenayru

    RP pet peeves.

    I feel the same, sometimes. It's like, really? Are you too lazy to make your own character's appearance?
  7. Elenayru

    Tomorrow is the last day of school until summer. Then I'll be able to RP more. Woo~! :D

    Tomorrow is the last day of school until summer. Then I'll be able to RP more. Woo~! :D
  8. Elenayru

    The Walking Dead

    Kat looked back over to Jon as he spoke, and saw his outstretched hand and warm smile. She had also noticed his gun earlier, but hadn't addressed it. With how things were now, the walkers everywhere, it was odder to not carry a gun. Well, if she had to trust someone here, Jon seemed like a...
  9. Elenayru

    The Walking Dead

    Kat smiled and signed a thank you to Jon, then stepped outside. It seemed like a nice morning outside, as she looked around. At least there were no walkers ambling about. She still did a quick look around for any before she walked down the steps.
  10. Elenayru

    The Walking Dead

    Kat nodded. "Seems easy enough. I'm pretty sure I can do most of that." She signed back to him, smiling a bit. "So, how about that tour?" She signed, and started walking over to the door. She was curious about the town now.
  11. Elenayru

    The Walking Dead

    Kat nodded slightly. "It is nice here. I slept better than I have in a while." She signed. "Being shown around would be nice. Thank you." She replied, her hands moving quickly as she then asked, "What kind of things are there to do around here to 'earn your keep'?" She even did air quotes as she...
  12. Elenayru

    The Walking Dead

    Kat paused in her writing as Jon stepped in front of her, glancing up at him. Her eyes widened as she realized he was signing at her, and she set the notebook down. Kat nodded as she saw what he signed, a smile of relief on her face. She then signed back at him. "I cannot speak. Throat...
  13. Elenayru

    The Walking Dead

    Kat shook her head after a moment, to let him know he wasn't bothering her. She shook his hand too, returning his kind smile with a slight one of her own. After shaking his hand, she pointed to herself, then spelt out the word 'Kat' in sign language. Luckily, 'K' 'a' and 't' were pretty easy to...
  14. Elenayru

    Half-Dragon Role Play Character Sheets

    I have character like that, so assume yes. X3
  15. Elenayru

    The Walking Dead

    Kat had finished eating a while ago, and was cleaning her carbine as she heard a knock at her door. Setting down the barrel she had been cleaning, she looked over to the door curiously. Her pistol was still belted at her hip, and she kept her right hand near it, ready to draw, as she walked to...
  16. Elenayru

    Half-Dragon Role Play!(still accepting)

    Kat and Scylla walked into the restaurant, the little girl still leading the older by the hand. Kat was smiling, in her normal pleasant mood, and the two sat down in a booth. They ordered food and drink, and talked as they waited for it to come. Well, Kat did most of the talking. Scylla didn't...
  17. Elenayru

    Half-Dragon Role Play Character Sheets

    It's fine, hun. I just call her Kat anyway. xD
  18. Elenayru

    Half-Dragon Role Play!(still accepting)

    Outside of the castle, Kat and Scylla were returning from a routine patrol. The half-dragon woman sat astride her companion, the younger pure-blooded dragon Scylla. The young, blue dragoness touched down in the central courtyard, landing with a practiced grace. She still had some forward...
  19. Elenayru

    Half-Dragon Role Play Character Sheets

    The crushes are fine by me. Her name is Kathleen though, not Katherine. xD I'll go post in the RP now. :)
  20. Elenayru

    The Walking Dead

    In the morning, Kat sat up quickly in bed, looking around. It took her a moment to remember the past day's events, and recall where she was. She let out a silent sigh of relief, and stretched a bit. That was the best sleep she'd had in a while. It was nice. She got up a little while later and...