RP pet peeves.

Let me put it in a list...

  • You know those people who don't know where to put their periods and commas? Yeah, I hate it. It's so annoying. That can also include those people to have spaces after their quotation marks and punctuations. I.e.: " Thank you so much ! "

  • Those people who godmod. Enough said.
  • Grammatical errors. I think browsers have spell-check now, right? I don't care if it's a little misspelling due to typing fast, but if it's huge mistakes... ugh. Makes my eyes bleed.
  • Too many OOC conversations. But I might be a little hypocritical, since I, myself, am guilty of this.
  • Putting too many emoticons. Personally, I've never seen someone here who RPs with emoticons, but while I was still on Facebook... I really want to dunk my laptop into boiling water when I see those. Of course, I didn't dunk it.
  • Those who try to incorporate [insert genre here] on a strictly [insert genre here] RP. It just irks me a lot.
- I am quite the grammar nazi, thus I despise grammatical errors: Things like; saying, "your" instead of "you're," among others.

- Idiots. 'Nuff said.

- Referencing memes too often. (Guilty.)

- Being over powered, and dodging too many attacks.


- Writing a half-assed, one sentence reply.What kind of projectile-vomit-then-run post is, "he stud ther smiln."

I don't care if you don't have time. Even if it means posting something right before bed, just do it, at least a paragraph, please, so we're not left gaping like floppy monkeys trying to grasp a Newtonian concept.
I hate it....

- When people use incorrect grammar. It can't be too hard to remember the different forms of words! (e.g. You're, your. There, their, they're. To, too, two.)

- Whenever people God-mod. It just kills me.

- When people posts are incredibly random, and have nothing to do with anyone else's posts. It throws me off, and I have no idea how to reply!

- One line replies. oh, how I hate those. Please, if you can't think of anything, let me know and I will help you out somehow!

- When one's characters suddenly have a 'feeling' or something, and know information that is supposed to be hidden from the character(s). It makes it hard to further the plot and make it exciting if you know everything that is going to happen!

- When I'm trying to do something, like injure a character, and the owner won't let me. In a fighting RP. I mean, come on. Why are you here? You joined a fighting RP, but won't let my character even scratch yours? And yet, while your character is miraculously dodging all of my attacks, you manage to get a serious hit on my character? *sigh* It annoys me so very much, and is pretty much God-modding.
Elenayru said:
- When I'm trying to do something, like injure a character, and the owner won't let me. In a fighting RP. I mean, come on. Why are you here? You joined a fighting RP, but won't let my character even scratch yours? And yet, while your character is miraculously dodging all of my attacks, you manage to get a serious hit on my character? *sigh* It annoys me so very much, and is pretty much God-modding.
While much of that CAN be explained away with proper knowledge of how combat works,and a good combat style,that can only be stretched so far...And I expect the post to detail EXACTLY how they dodge the blow. If it doesn't,I'll call them out on it,and if it simply doesn't make sense,I treat the dodge as "Wishful thinking on their part." Dickish? Yes. Will it raise a shitstorm? Almost guaranteed. But combat follows certain rules,even when the fighters fight as dirty as possible. And these rules are biology and physics. No,a human cannot leap seven feet straight up,and if you try,I'll bifurcate you by the knees instead of by the sternum.

I also quite dislike people fighting by "anime rules". Yeah,anime fight scenes look awesome. But they simply don't work. And I often find my realistic fighting style trumps it,anyways. Then there's the people who immediately dismiss heavy armour as being too impeding and making the user sluggish. It's called proper fitting,proper crafting,and conditioning,all of which are achieved if the person is trained,and their armour wasn't stripped from a corpse. And my final combat RP peeve? People seemingly ignoring strikes to vitals. Tell me,how is it possible for a person to continue fighting after they've been run through the chest with a zweihander? How can they keep their senses after taking a mace bash to their helmeted head? I often tell people that,if they fight my character,they have to be willing to see their character die in a fairly unceremonious manner. I used to make it a point to wrestle my opponents to the ground and finish them with a trachea crushing punch.
Well, obviously, one liners, godmodding mary sues, and metagaming.I've probably done all these (except one line posts) before without realizing but they still annoy me.

Metagaming is probably my biggest pet peeve only because a certain situation that has repeated itself numerous times. I had this story for this set of characters, an angel who is secretly a villain and a demon like girl who is actually a good person. I've tried this on three different sites other than rpn with three different sets of people, or they could've all been the same people. I don't really know. Anyway, I put this info in my character signups, asking people to please go along. Well, they didn't. Everyone, or at least the ones I interacted with, was being mean to the angel who was acting, well, like an angel. Meanwhile, they were all being nice and cooperative to the mean girl.

I once even had this one girl tell my character something along the lines of "I know you're a good person at heart. You just need a friend." I had my character kill this girl's cat (with her permission), kicked down her little brother, insulted her family and friends, and even hit her in the face with a book (also with her permission). Not to mention my character was a murderer who attacked the angel character without warning. I ended up leaving all those rps by having my character blow up a random building filled with NPCs and then fading off into the darkness.I've been able to pull off that story here though that might be because I didn't have to put down a history and personality when signing up so nobody knew at all.
Dude, I get peeved when...

1.) When everyone post like crazy when I can't get on the computer at the moment, and then I have to read 20 pages of ongoing one-liners.

2.) When your Role-Playing and no one is interacting with you, and your person is just standing there.

I have more but I gtg.
I hate whenever people make their characters get horribly injured for dramatic effect, and then heal them quickly.Yes, because a knife to the stomach heals just fine in a week, and won't have any effect on their general ability to run around like a dummkopf .
I hate whenever people make their characters get horribly injured for dramatic effect, and then heal them quickly.
YES. I was guilty of this for quite some time when I first began R.P.ing

I found that injuring my character for effect was a great way to install drama into a rather boring fight, but see, I never wanted my character to have to go through the annoying process of recovery. So I half-assed everything and conjured some kind of stupid magic potion to heal him/her.

This leads me onto another thing I find immensely annoying in R.P.s: self-mutilation.

Slight conflict adds realism to role plays, but doing something like,

"Zackary took off running into the thick flora of the forest. His limbs scrambled over rocks and roots until his luck ran dry. He tumbled over a a dry root protruding from the mossy ground, upon which he fell, and, judging by the pain searing through his leg, he had twisted his ankle. Zackary forced himself to stand, and shaking, he limped through the trees again, though he had failed to realize how muddy the ground had become. Zackary's faulty ankle skidded over the terra until, flailing, he landed on a rock, which nearly knocked him out cold. His gaze faltering, he watched a lone wolf, starved and mangy, approach him and begin to tear into his flesh.

No. No no.

Stop harming your character to extremes, because it forces me to write paragraphs of examples relating to how much I hate it.
Dear Lord, I cannot even BEGIN to list them all. So for now, I shall merely provide a ridiculous rant of immediate frustration. Being that every single one of the things you lovely people already mentioned, I agree with, there are only so many other pet peeves I can list. From just off the top of my head.....

1: This tends to happen many times when I create a thread, where somebody else will decide to become the "alpha dog" and completely dominate the posts. I utterly despise it when you get this one bum who alters the entire story-line/plot concept, and changes it into a basic interpretation of what they want it to be. Now, I think that it is very important for all members of a role play to speak to each other and actually discuss different ideas, then to act out on agreed things, that is how it is SUPPOSED to be. I just get really ticked at that one person who doesn't consult any other person about a major change, and then they go through with it and change all the shit.

2: Good grammatical endearments and spelling, also proper punctuation and sensible wording, are highly valued by the likes of myself. I am not afraid to call somebody out if they are typing like a demented three year old who has never touched a keyboard once in their short life-span. But then you get those people that claim to have dyslexia or some other quality which makes it difficult for them to use mentioned highly valued things. I am torn between feeling bad about telling them off for atrocious spelling, or just going through with it and instead informing them that they ether need to get spell-check or not join in. I do not want to seem insensitive to people with a reading or writing impairment, but it just really is not fair to other role-players when they are put into a position where they ether look like a cruel asshole by constantly fixing that person's mistakes, or not enjoying themselves in a thread because they are afraid of looking like said cruel asshole. Because I do have friends with those impairments, it's particularly difficult for me to maintain a non-offensive manner when trying to help the role-players who are unable to participate yet simply cannot focus correctly because of their own difficulties. Even when I try to explain to those people in a nice, calm manner, they tend to take it the wrong way and it never ends well.

3: When somebody just suddenly decides to create this whole "history", "friendship, "or even basic "relationship/acquaintanceship" with a character of mine, yet they decide to not inform me of this and post away. Not only do I end up looking like an uninformed moron, but it just kills whatever plans I had made previously. It's one thing to speak privately/or/whatever about specific ideas for two or more characters past together, that's just awesome, but when you go ahead and create some fantasy that never actually happened between the person I am role-playing as and the person you are role-playing as, things tend to get ugly. Just now some chick went ahead and wrote out this whole damned situation between her gal and my guy, then posted it without telling me SQUAT.


4: I just can't stand when I join in on a role play, and it's a pretty amazing rp, but then some random ass ends up screwing something up for myself or everybody. Normally, you would just call out on the person, right? Yeah, not when that person happens to be a very close friend of the person who started the thread in the first place, and if you do anything to potentially offend their delicate little feelings, you get booted from the role play. I just got to the point where when it comes to a predicament like that, even when the rp is just perfect in every other way, I do not hesitate to hand that person a version of their own ass that they represent. Unfortunately, this has gotten me kicked out of several awesome threads, solely for the reason that I was obviously pissed at this "friend" of the starter. Ugh. This also relates to the situation I described in number three, as the chick is a valued comrade of the lovely person who made the original role-play. Blagh.

5: I know I can't be the only one who just HATES it when another person brings an "out-dated" or "over-dated" item into a role-play. For instance, when you are in a thread dated for medieval times, and they have a laser gun with no logical explanation. Okay, if your character is a time traveler from the future who brought this highly advanced technology to the past, that's one thing, but in any other situation that's not magical, involving aliens, or some other wacky concept, there is no excuse for something as ridiculous as having an old-fashioned samurai warrior in a space-adventure (Yes, that has happened to me before. And no, there was not supposed to be any form of a samurai warrior, yet this guy found a way to be accepted and continue his reign of confusion throughout the inter-galactic travels)!

6: There are those times when you have a moron who decides to God-mod, not only themselves, but their weapons or armor. Those people deserve to be boiled in oil, and that's being nice. I can't even begin to go into how many times I have been working with a person, and they end up having some immortal sword from the 5th dimension that cannot be destroyed by any form of attack, upgrades the users powers by like a billion-percent, and can cut through any material. I mean, commmeeee onnnn. -_- If you have armor made out of thin leather, you CANNOT be immune to every single damned assault. If you have a simple 6-shot pistol, you have to RELOAD sometimes. There is NO SUCH THING as infinite ammunition. That just gets on my nerves.

7: I happen to love participating in fandom related role plays. But there are always those people that claim to be fans, yet when they choose to be a particular character they do insane things that the character would never even consider doing. If you're going to be a cannon, you have to be sure you can do it right. If a person can't do that character justice, then they simply shouldn't be that character. You ether stick to remaining within the boundaries set by this beloved member of the fandom, or you do not act as that person. You'll get people who will take a character who has a certain amount of powers, and they'll make them IMMORTAL. Then you have those who take a character who has a certain personality, and they'll do the total OPPOSITE (like taking a character that is usually calm, sweet, caring, and making them into a loud-mouthed, stubborn, sonofab!tch). It just kills the mood. Then it repeatedly stabs the mood even after death, and sets the dead body on fire, proceeding to scatter the ashes to the seas of stupidity.
Okay, this is probably really nit-picky, but...

I absolutely cannot stand when people use canon characters for their appearance. It just irks me so much I don't even know why, I just hate it.
[QUOTE="~Quizzical~]Okay, this is probably really nit-picky, but...
I absolutely cannot stand when people use canon characters for their appearance. It just irks me so much I don't even know why, I just hate it.

I know that feel. I get annoyed with that as well.

Eh, so obnoxious.
[QUOTE="~Quizzical~]Okay, this is probably really nit-picky, but... I absolutely cannot stand when people use canon characters for their appearance. It just irks me so much I don't even know why, I just hate it.

I feel the same, sometimes. It's like, really? Are you too lazy to make your own character's appearance?
Vibora said:
I hate whenever people make their characters get horribly injured for dramatic effect, and then heal them quickly.Yes, because a knife to the stomach heals just fine in a week, and won't have any effect on their general ability to run around like a dummkopf .
It's like in films when the protagonist gets beaten up really badly and you think they're done for. There's gonna be bruises, black eyes, swelling and cuts for the next few weeks at least if they make it out alive.

Then they wipe the blood from the corner of their mouth and it's a full recovery.

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