Half-Dragon Role Play Character Sheets

Name:Kiba G?ruden Meshitsukai




Personality:Kiba is a very humble and nice guy but due to his unfortunate past he has turned into a stone hearted man.He is a very thoughtful person as well,choosing his moves and scanning his opponenent and reading them as if they were literally a book.

Past:Kiba G?ruden Meshitsukai was born to his father,a full fledge dragon named Kiba Sr who loved him very much.His mother who usually stayed and nursed him was very loving and never let him out of her sight...but sadly it all changed those 10 years ago.

Kiba Sr who oddly was high up as the head of the guard,a duty most suiting to a strong dragon like himself wjo was the size of an entire neighborhood in his dragon form.The day the Zynicsa attacked Kiba had been with his mother in their garden,tending to the flowers.He heard explosions and saw guards rushing to the palace but it was not his focus...his focus was the dragon who had just torn the palace down as he changed.

Kiba's father emerged,his scales a very bright golden color,his teeth shimmering in the sun and he bit and snapped around him.He swept his great wings around and tried defending the king and queen but payed dearly as he was shot down,and just to make sure his head severed.Kiba watched and when his father went down he ran but was stopped by his mother who looked him with a sad smile,"He's gone Kiba,i'm sorry but..he's gone we must go."He registered what she said but he yanked his arm out of her grasp and ran,ran to his father who with his last breath proclaimed his love for him,and gave him a flask with abit of his fire,in which he told him when the time came he would know what to do with it.

Fast forward five years to when Kiba was 15,now able to control his changing and training to be just like his father and was really coming along when his mother passed,assassinated by children of the Zynicsa who gained vengeance for their fallen parents.Kiba went after them,his fury so great that nearly a hundred plus dragons had to hold him back as he burned the remains of his mothers killers.

Ever since that day Kiba had kept to himself and hates to be asked about who or what his parents did or were and will be thrown into a violent rampage with dire consequences for whomever it concerns,except for those he loves or cares for.

Crush(Y/N and who):Blink

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdaaeba63_images(71).jpg.55716a46e35592afef6f45fcbfd9a0da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1144" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdaaeba63_images(71).jpg.55716a46e35592afef6f45fcbfd9a0da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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