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  1. Ncolic

    Anathema 1.4.2

    link still leads to a 1.4.1 release , at least for me
  2. Ncolic

    Nexus and Wyld Hunt

    this is a very nice plan. I might use it with few changes in my game. That is what most of the wyld hunts consist of these days. I disagree here, but ofcourse there is a catch. The compassion guy doesnt have any compassion for these demons, but he tries to prevent as many life as he can. So he...
  3. Ncolic

    Nexus and Wyld Hunt

    Well ofcouse thats my whole point. Wyld hunt men are people of duty, they all have high conviction, but they are not the kinna motherless scum and psychopaths that my pc's currently believe they are. The leader of wyld hunt has compassion 4 and actually believes he is saving those poor men and...
  4. Ncolic

    Nexus and Wyld Hunt

    hmm kk, what would direct confrontation within the boundaries of the dogma might be? Because the Eclipse is a very good bureaucrat and any event he can probably make it look like either wanton violance or obstruction of trade. The hunt consist of some decent fellows with honor and morality in...
  5. Ncolic

    Nexus and Wyld Hunt

    On the new Exalted game i am STing, i cant decide how the wyld hunt will react to my players with their current events, allies and actions. So i thought i'd as here for some opinions. Firstly, the circle consist of a dawn(npc), zenith, night, eclipse. All around 70ish xp, but they are not...
  6. Ncolic

    Little problem with Stunts

    Thanks alot for the replies, i was able to give her some nice examples. Although she is still not yet got used to exalted, they are as a group becoming more daring and exalted-ish with each new session :)
  7. Ncolic

    Little problem with Stunts

    I have recently started to a new exalted game after a long time. All my players are new to exalted and i had a litte hard time explaining them how stunting works. When i explained them how it works they grasped the concept but they asked for some examples. I had no problem giving examples to...
  8. Ncolic

    Players who won't go big

    I believe he is Ebon Dragon at heart and have never considered using a direct approach to the problem :)
  9. Ncolic

    Acceptable way to get through a perfect defense? (PEACH)

    I think one of the best attempts on getting through a perfect deffense was a charm that added a 1hl surcharge to the charms with four flaws of invulnerability. Basicly even though you can defend perfectly you were still getting kinna 1hl dmg when you try to use such a charm. You might wanna...
  10. Ncolic

    Green Sun Princess Jedi Monk Inquisitor

    Tyranids can be easly presented as a limited form of Fair Folk. You have to limit their looks to a certain theme, and ofcourse they are not effected from silly things like realy engines. It should work perfectly with a little work.
  11. Ncolic

    Need help with new campaign

    I think if you make the king an Infernal (which actually fits the story perfectly, selling his soul to gain power but not losing free will). Make him high essesnce like 6-7 ish with past lives 5(or even 6 dot) background , and he is trying to assend to primordialhood not godhood. the loremaster...
  12. Ncolic

    The Hundredfold Facets of Enlightenment: A Charm Compendium

    I downloaded and checking th charms at the moment. But one thing caught my eye. On some charms for example Whirling Dervish Method; you write as "Repurchasing this charm at Essence 4+ allows ....etc" Why did you feel the need that a player has to buy the same charm twice to get a little bit...
  13. Ncolic

    Long time Gm noob ST could use artefact help. Longish.

    I think it is an artifact 5 if you need to pay the mote cost and if the "parry" counts as a charm use. Even if you dont have to pay the mote cost as long as the action counts as a charm use its just a artifact 5 (since it cant counter solar circle). If they somehow repair it it might become an...
  14. Ncolic

    WarStrider Use in Combat

    An easy solution would be adding like 10 soak to all types of Warstriders. And tune the overpowering stat of Grand Daiklaive to something like 6. That should allow some kind of balance to warstrider combat. Because as it is even a Royal warstrider has max 30 soak (8 from spirit charm) and same...
  15. Ncolic

    Scroll of Heroes and Malfeas Spoilers.

    I agree it opens up finally making a char that is a Brute and still somewhat efficient in combat. And Assuming it doesnt apply to parry DV it seems very balanced Edit : They should also add Marv merit to allow you ignore 1 die from ping dmg ^^
  16. Ncolic

    Unexpected Attacks

    Hmm... ok i think i understand how it works now, thanks for the help. But it brings up another question to the mind. If the rulings are allowing Adamant Skin Technique to be used against unexpected attack , doesn't it make alot more powerful when compared to other perfect defense charms like...
  17. Ncolic

    Scroll of Heroes and Malfeas Spoilers.

    People that want to specialize further of course. Sometimes people just love their weapons; i'd even make a houserule to give a strong intimacy to the character to his weapon.
  18. Ncolic

    Unexpected Attacks

    Can i use Adamant Skin Technique or Iron Skin Concentration against an unexpected attack that i fail to notice? On page 155 of the core rule book, it just states that an Unexpected attack makes it undodgeable and unblockable, which makes both parry and dodge DV 0. Heavenly Guardian Defense and...
  19. Ncolic

    Exalted + Eberron = ??

    If my memory serves me correct unlike other D&D settings there was no spell called detect evil in the world or Eberron. As for smiting evil Creatures of Darkness concept is pretty much covers everything you need, just add Holy tag to the charms. As to who decides who is a CoD; well it could be...
  20. Ncolic

    Max weight you can throw...

    Now that depends on the tone of your game now; does'nt it?