Exalted + Eberron = ??

Kyeudo said:
Do we allow them to 'restock' every so often?
Yes, this would IMO fit. During downtime the supply of consumable items restocks. This could be explained by buying new stuff or making your own or even having found new ones during an adventure.

Kyeudo said:
There are the Five Magical Materials (see the capital letters?) and then there are magical materials. The Five Magical Materials are special. They are the basis of nearly every artifact because they channel Essence well, harmonize in specific, easily exploitable ways, and they are nearly indestructible when treated properly.
Ah, I see.

Kyeudo said:
The reason I say that Dragonshards are essentially Eberron's Magical Materials is that they are used in practically every magical item (scrolls are written in dragonshard ink, potions contain powerdered dragonshard, etc.), but they also resonate with Eberron's most major powers (Khyber, Siberys, and Eberron).
Makes sense.
Yes, this would IMO fit. During downtime the supply of consumable items restocks. This could be explained by buying new stuff or making your own or even having found new ones during an adventure.
I don't like it. It seems inelegant compared to the rest of the system.

Perhaps if we make a system for determining availibility of potions and such? A dice roll against a difficult of the magic item's rating to find it, with modifiers for town size and what not?
So, while we're on the subject of magic items, how do we want to handle magic weapons and armor?

The most accurate model of a +5 sword would be a sword with +5 to Accuracy and Damage, which would yield a sword with +7 Accuracy and +8L Damage. Now, granted it would have only +1 Defense, but a Daiklave is only +3 Accuracy and +6L Damage. I'm willing to let the magic item have the damage, but +7 Accuracy can't even be matched by a Moonsilver Reaper Daiklave, which is +6 Accuracy.

Similarly, the most accurate model of +5 armor would be the armor with +5 to its Soak values, but this yields armor with Soak values beating artifact armor by 3 points or more. Now, artifact armor has a few tricks (Hardness, lower Mobility and Fatigue), but those are minor bonuses that don't help all that much. On the other hand, artifact armor is considered very weak for an artifact and often houseruled stronger.

What do we want to do?
I don't fully understand the rules for Weapons and Armour. My efforts to help are curtailed.

Perhaps we could use the rules for Superior Equipment as a base?
I don't fully understand the rules for Weapons and Armour. My efforts to help are curtailed.
I'll try to fill you in quickly:

Speed - How many ticks the attack action takes.

Accuracy - the number of dice added (or subtracted) from the attack roll.

Damage - The number of dice added to damage rolls.

Defense - The number added to (Dexterity+Ability) pool to determine Parry DV.

Soak - How much damage is removed from damage rolls.

Hardness - How large the attacker's damage pool needs to be to even get to roll damage

Fatigue - How hard it is to avoid penalties from soreness

Mobility - The penalty to rolls requiring agility. Doesn't apply to Martial Arts or Melee, but does to Dodge.

Perhaps we could use the rules for Superior Equipment as a base?
How so?
Thanks. So in general a bigger positive number is better, right?

Kyeudo said:
In D&D items tend to grow in the following fashion: Standard - Masterwork (And special materials like Adamantine and Byeshk) - Magical.

Exalted has a wider degree of non-magical craftsmanship.

The way I'm reading what you wrote, you seem to be focusing on the higher end of the +X scale. The Superior Equipment stuff is just something that came to mind. It could be used when considering the lower end, the +1 and +2 items.

Just some thoughts.
Thanks. So in general a bigger positive number is better, right?
For Accuracy, Damage, Defense, Soak, and Hardness, yes.

For Speed, Fatigue, and Mobility, no.

In D&D items tend to grow in the following fashion: Standard - Masterwork (And special materials like Adamantine and Byeshk) - Magical.

Exalted has a wider degree of non-magical craftsmanship.

The way I'm reading what you wrote, you seem to be focusing on the higher end of the +X scale. The Superior Equipment stuff is just something that came to mind. It could be used when considering the lower end, the +1 and +2 items.

Just some thoughts.
That actually makes the problem even worse. Every magic weapon is also masterwork, which is the D&D equivalent of Superior Equipment. Those bonuses added to magic bonuses would push the weapon even further above an Exalt's artifact weapon.

Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to keep the nice "It's you, not your stuff" thing that Exalted has going.
Kyeudo said:
Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to keep the nice "It's you, not your stuff" thing that Exalted has going.
I guess we'll have to think on this one.

In the meantime, how about some other issue?
Well, we still have the problem of how to model a paladin's powers, since they are alignment dependent. We can't just drop paladins, since they are so ingrained into the Church of the Silver Flame.
Kyeudo said:
Well, we still have the problem of how to model a paladin's powers, since they are alignment dependent. We can't just drop paladins, since they are so ingrained into the Church of the Silver Flame.
Would a combination of Charms, Sorcery and maybe a bit of Martial Arts work?

I don't know if we have to use alignment. Eberron was pretty loose with alignment in 3.5 and 4'th Edition is even looser with it.
I don't want to put alignment in. I like my morality grey. Part of the fun of being an Exalt is getting to define your own morality.

Still, we need to figure out how to put paladins in. They have Detect Evil, Smite Evil, and the chance to fall as the relevant problems. How do you define evil in a world of subjective morality?
I know basically nothing about Eberron, so forgive me if this makes no sense, but you could easily just substitute "Detect/Smite Evil" with "Detect/Smite Creature of Darkness", and have a few of the nastier monsters/races/whatever count as CoDs.
Well, that helps somewhat, but Creatures of Darkness only covers Demons, Devils, Undead, (probably) Aberrations, and other supernatural evils. Paladins could smite evil humanoids and more, giving them more utility.
Hmmm... I was looking over the Dragon Blooded book. Breeding. We could loot this for the Dragonmarked Houses.

A direct port might not work, but it's a useful base.
Breeding doesn't work anything like a Dragonmark. It just adds extra Essence to a Dragon-Blood's pool.

I was thinking Charms would work best for handling Dragonmarks, but maybe a Background could do it better.

On the Creature of Darkness idea, I fogot something important. Creatures of Darkness are that way because of the Unconquered Sun's judgement. Who deems what Creatures of Darkness in Eberron?
If my memory serves me correct unlike other D&D settings there was no spell called detect evil in the world or Eberron. As for smiting evil Creatures of Darkness concept is pretty much covers everything you need, just add Holy tag to the charms.

As to who decides who is a CoD; well it could be various; it could be one of the Dragons that is doing it; or it could be that through his connection to his exalted (since they are carrying a part of him in them selfs) Sol Invictus could chose it for that world while still sitting on Jade Pleasure Dome and continue to play GoD.

Your main problem is you are trying to unite a system with alignment to a system with no such a thing. Easiest way is to get rid of alignment in Eberron and judge people from their actions / intentions. Evil is a point of few after all :twisted:
Kyeudo said:
Breeding doesn't work anything like a Dragonmark. It just adds extra Essence to a Dragon-Blood's pool.
I guess I should have been more specific. The rules for this background could, for example, be turned into a social-type benefit at lower levels and maybe keep as is at higher levels. The benefit of Breeding ••••• in particular (+2 to child getting DrgMrk).

Not everyone in a House has a Dragonmark. However, some families have history of producing more Dragonmarked offspring than others. So I thought that the Breeding background could be used as inspiration for something here.

I was thinking Charms would work best for handling Dragonmarks, but maybe a Background could do it better.
I think Background might work here. It could give access to a pool of Charms/Spells to select from.

Siberys level Dragonmarks do present a problem...

On the Creature of Darkness idea, I forgot something important. Creatures of Darkness are that way because of the Unconquered Sun's judgement. Who deems what Creatures of Darkness in Eberron?
Glorious Random Idea Tossing Technique!

The Draconic Prophecy, Khyber/Planar Taint, Metaphysical Wonkiness, The Religion's Beliefs and so on.
Ncolic said:
If my memory serves me correct unlike other D&D settings there was no spell called detect evil in the world or Eberron. As for smiting evil Creatures of Darkness concept is pretty much covers everything you need, just add Holy tag to the charms.
That wasn't one of Eberron's changes. Detect Evil is still part of Eberron and worked just as well. It just didn't help as much in a morally ambiguous setting like Eberron.

Your main problem is you are trying to unite a system with alignment to a system with no such a thing. Easiest way is to get rid of alignment in Eberron and judge people from their actions / intentions. Evil is a point of few after all :twisted:
Well, the paladin is a integral part of the Eberron setting, so we need to replicate him to have a decent conversion.

I think Background might work here. It could give access to a pool of Charms/Spells to select from.

Siberys level Dragonmarks do present a problem...
That reminds me. There's a keyword from the Abyssal book, Avatar, that requires a certain level in the Whispers background to function. Perhaps if we implemented something like that here, where the Dragonmark Charms need a particular rating in, say, Dragonmarked Bloodline, to take a particular level of mark.

Siberys marks would just take Bloodline 5 and no other Dragonmark Charms or something like that.

Glorious Random Idea Tossing Technique!

The Draconic Prophecy, Khyber/Planar Taint, Metaphysical Wonkiness, The Religion's Beliefs and so on.
We could go with the their faith's beliefs and get our paladins that can detect and smite all sorts of people. How do we mechanically define when someone moves from the "normal" category to "Creature of Darkness"?
I've been working on some write ups for character abilities. Here's what I have so far:


Feats are the special powers and abilities of D&D characters, similar to the Charms of the Exalted and yet different all at the same time. Unlike Charms, a Feat is not neccessarily magical in any way, so the effects of Charms cannot be altered or destroyed using countermagic. Also unlike Charms, a character can use as many Feats in the same time as he wishes, as long as he follows normal type and keyword restrictions. In essence, a D&D character can use any valid Combo of his feats at any time without spending Willpower or Experience points to do so. Feats follow all Charm rules except where otherwise specified.

Feats cannot be learned by Eclipse Caste Solars, Moonshadow Caste Abyssals, or Fiend Caste Infernals. D&D Characters cannot learn Charms.

Feat Keywords

Feats use the same keywords as Charms, with the following additions:

Supernatural - The effects of this Feat are magical in nature, making it vulnerable to all relevant effects.

Sorcerous - This keyword was introduced in the MoEP: Infernals and is reprinted here for ease of use. The Feat makes use of the sorcerous principles laid down by the Progenitor Dragons. Any Feat with this keyword is subject to be countered or displelled by appropriate effects as though it were sorcery. The effective circle of the Feat is determined by the Essence minimum of the Feat: 1-3 (emerald), 4-5 (saphire), 6+ (adamant). Necromancy that dispel sorceries do not lose a circle of relative potency when dispelling a sorcerous feat. Sorcerous Feats do not require an Essence commitment to sustain, even with a duration longer than instant. However, their creator cannot end such effects at will unless their discription states otherwise.

Holy - Unlike Exalted Charms, Feats with the Holy tag are imbued with the power of the character's faith. As such, they do not necessarily have any greater effect on Creatures of Darkness. Instead, such feats have added effect against sinners. Characters without religious beliefs cannot use Holy Feats, as they cannot determine who is a sinner and who is not.

Bardic - Feats with this keyword last only for as long as the character continues to play, sing, or speak. Continuing to play is a miscelaneous Speed 5 action with a -1 DV penalty. A character can flurry to take other actions, but the action to play must be the first in the flurry. A character cannot use two Bardic Feats at the same time.

Feat Concept: Sinners

Sinners are those creatures, human and otherwise, that grossly violate the tennants of a character's religion. Who is a sinner varies from creature to creature. For example, an atheistic cleric who believes deeply in the concepts of freedom and mercy would find slavers to be sinners, while a paladin who worships one of the Cults of the Dragon Below would find druids to be sinners.

Feat Discriptions


Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Stackable

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Feats: None

The character is tougher than normal. This Feat may be purchased multiple times, up to a maximum number of times equal to the character's Essence. Each purchase gives the character two additional -0 health levels.


Cost: -; Mins: Resistance 2, Essence 1; Type: Permanent

Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Feats: Toughness

The character is significantly tougher than normal. The character gains an number of additional -0 health levels equal to his Essence.


Cost: -; Mins: (Ability) 2, Essence 1; Type: Permanent

Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Feats: None

The character is particularly adept at an ability. This Feat may be purchased multiple times, up to a maximum number of times equal to the character's Essence. The character selects an Ability when he purchases this Feat. That Ability becomes a Favored Ability for the character. The character may not choose the same Ability for two seperate purchases of this Feat.


Cost: -; Mins: Strength 3, Essence 1; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-Ok

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: None

The character can make exceptionally powerful melee attacks at the expense of accuracy. This Feat supplements a close combat attack. The character sacrifices a number of dice from his attack roll to add twice that number of dice to the raw damage of the attack. The number of dice sacrificed this way cannot exceed the character's rating in the Ability he is using to attack. This Feat cannot be used with Archery weapons, but can be used with Thrown weapons.


Cost: -; Mins: Stealth 1, Essence 1; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-Ok

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: None

If the character can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively, he can strike a vital spot for extra damage. This Feat supplements an unexpected attack. The base damage of the attack increases by two.


Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Stackable

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Feats: Sneak Attack

The character is especially skilled at exploiting gabs in his opponent's defenses. This Feat can be purchased multiple times, up to a maximum number of times equal to the character's Essence. Each purchase increases the additional damage added by Sneak Attack by two.


Cost: 3 m; Mins: Intelligence 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: None

The character has become initiated into the mysteries of arcane magic. By using this Feat, the character can cast any first level arcane spell he knows. While he does so, however, he cannot move or take other voluntary reflexive actions (although his Dodge and Parry DVs still apply), nor can he use other Feats.

Unlike other Feats, the effects of this Feat do not take effect until just before the character's next turn. Until then, this Feat can be disrupted. If the character becomes distracted for any reason, including taking damage, he must make a reflexive (Wits+Occult) roll to keep his concentration. The difficulty of the roll is normally 1, but if the distraction was damage, subtract an external penalty equal to the number of health levels lost from he character's successes. If the roll fails, the spell dissipates with no effect.


Cost: 5 m; Mins: Intelligence 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Arcane Spellcasting - First Level

The character has become practiced with arcane magic. This Feat works like Arcane Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any second level arcane spell that he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 7 m; Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Arcane Spellcasting - Second Level

The character has become practiced with arcane magic. This Feat works like Arcane Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any thrid level arcane spell that he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 9 m; Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -3)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Arcane Spellcasting - Third Level

The character has great proficiency with the forces of magic. This Feat works like Arcane Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any foruth level arcane spell that he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 11 m; Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -3)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Arcane Spellcasting - Fourth Level

The character has great proficiency with the forces of magic. This Feat works like Arcane Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any fifth level arcane spell that he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 13 m; Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -3)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Arcane Spellcasting - Fifth Level

The character has great proficiency with the forces of magic. This Feat works like Arcane Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any sixth level arcane spell that he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 15 m; Mins: Intelligence 4, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -4)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Arcane Spellcasting - Sixth Level

The character has great proficiency with the forces of magic. This Feat works like Arcane Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any seventh level arcane spell that he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 17 m; Mins: Intelligence 4, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -4)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Arcane Spellcasting - Seventh Level

The character has great proficiency with the forces of magic. This Feat works like Arcane Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any eighth level arcane spell that he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 19 m; Mins: Intelligence 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -4)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Arcane Spellcasting - Eighth Level

The character has mastered the full power of arcane magic. This Feat works like Arcane Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any ninth level arcane spell that he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 5 m; Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK

Duration: One scene

Prerequisite Feats: None

The character can fly into a screaming blood fenzy. While using Rage, the character's Strength and Stamina temproarily increase by one dot each, his Dodge MDV increases by 2, and he gains two temporary -0 health levels. These health levels are lost first when the character takes damage and are never healed back. They fade at the end of the scene without ill effect, whether they have been lost or not. However, while in a Rage the character takes a -1 penalty to his Dodge and Parry DVs and cannot take any action that takes patience, tact, or concentration, such as any form of diplomacy.


Cost: -; Mins: Stamina 4, Essence 3; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Stackable

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Feats: Rage

The character's rage is especially empowering. When the character uses the Rage Feat, he gains an additional dot of Strength and Stamina and further increases his Dodge MDV by one. At Essence 5, the character can purchase this Feat a second time, stacking its benefits with the first.


Cost: -; Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1; Type: Permanent

Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Feats: None

The character doesn't die easily. The character gains the ability to naturally soak lethal damage. His natural lethal soak is equal to one half his Stamina.


Cost: -; Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Stackable

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Feats: Tough As Nails

The character can simply shrug off some injuries. This Feat may be purchased multiple times, up to a maximum number of times equal to the character's Stamina. Each purchase adds one to the character's natural lethal soak and two to his natural bashing soak.


Cost: -; Mins: Stamina 4, Essence 2; Type: Permanent

Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Feats: Battle Hardened

The character ignores attacks that would hurt a less hardy creature. The character has a natural Hardness equal to one half of his natural soak against that type of damage.


Cost: -; Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2; Type: Permanent

Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Feats: None

The character can react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. Whenever the character would be subject to an unexpected attack, he may reflexively attempt a Perception+Awareness roll to become aware of the attack. The difficulty of the roll is equal to [his opponent's (Dexterity+Stealth) divided by two].


Cost: 3 m; Mins: Performance 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple

Keywords: Supernatural, Bardic

Duration: One scene

Prerequisite Feats: None

The character can use his skill with words or music to fascinate others. The character rolls Charisma+Performance against the Dodge MDV of all valid targets. Each effected creature suffers a compulsion to stay and listen quietly to the character and to take no other actions. An affected creature can spend one Willpower to ignore this effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing weapons or casting a spell, instantly negates the effect of this Feat.


Cost: - (5 m); Mins: Performance 2, Essence 2; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Supernatural

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Fascinate

The character can work powerful suggestions into his music or speeches. For as long as the character continues to speak or play to maintain a use of the Fascinate Feat, he can reflexively include unnatural mental influence against one creature affected by the Fascinate each time he takes a miscelaneous action to continue playing by spending 5 motes. The character makes his social attack using Manipulation+Performance, even though it targets only a single creature. Resisting the unnatural mental influence costs one Willpower.


Cost: - (5 m); Mins: Performance 5, Essence 5; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Supernatural

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Suggestion

The character's suggestions can reach all who hear his words. When the character uses the Suggestion Feat, he can spend an additional 5 motes and have his unnatural mental influence target everyone currently Fascinated by him.


Cost: 3 m; Mins: Performance 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple

Keywords: Supernatural, Bardic

Duration: One scene

Prerequisite Feats: None

The character can use his skill with words or music to protect others from magical compulsion. All allies that can hear the character's words or music can use [(the character's Charisma+Performance+Appropriate Specialty) divided by two] in place of their Dodge MDV against magical effects.


Cost: 3 m; Mins: Performance 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple

Keywords: Supernatural, Bardic

Duration: One scene

Prerequisite Feats: None

The character can use his skill with words or music to raise his companion's spirits, bolstering them in battle. All allies that can hear the character's words or music gain a bonus to Dodge MDV and on all attack rolls they make equal to one half the character's Performance.


Cost: 5 m; Mins: Performance 3, Essence 1; Type: Simple

Keywords: Supernatural, Bardic

Duration: One scene

Prerequisite Feats: None

Somehow, the character can turn his music or words into skill. A single ally who can hear the character's words or music can use the character's Performance Ability in place of another Ability (chosen by the character when he begins using Inspire Competence).


Cost: -; Mins: Performance 3, Essence 2; Type: Permanent

Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Feats: Inspire Courage

Allies inspired by the character rise to the challenge. When using Inspire Courage, the character add his Essence to his Performance when determining the bonus to attack rolls granted to his allies.


Cost: -; Mins: Performance 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent

Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Feats: Inspire Greatness

The character's words and music can inspire his companions to accomplish deeds of legend. When the character uses Inspire Courage, allies gain a bonus to their Dodge DV equal to the bonus on attack rolls.


Cost: 10 m; Mins: Performance 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple

Keywords: Supernatural, Combo-Ok

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Countersong

The character can use his music or words to shatter magical compulsions. The character chooses one creature who can hear his words or music and rolls Charisma + Performance. Each supernaturally imposed compulson on the targeted creature is dispelled as long as the successes on the roll is less than the Essence of the character that imposed the effect.


Cost: 3 m; Mins: Intelligence 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: None

The character's faith has granted him the ability to call upon divine magic. By using this Feat, the character can cast any first level divine spell he knows. While he does so, however, he cannot move or take other voluntary reflexive actions (although his Dodge and Parry DVs still apply), nor can he use other Feats.

Unlike other Feats, the effects of this Feat do not take effect until just before the character's next turn. Until then, this Feat can be disrupted. If the character becomes distracted for any reason, including taking damage, he must make a reflexive (Wits+Occult) roll to keep his concentration. The difficulty of the roll is normally 1, but if the distraction was damage, subtract an external penalty equal to the number of health levels lost from he character's successes. If the roll fails, the spell dissipates with no effect.


Cost: 3 m; Mins: Intelligence 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Divine Spellcasting - First Level

The character's faith grows stronger, allowing him to work greater miracles. This feat works like Divine Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any second level divine spell he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 3 m; Mins: Intelligence 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Divine Spellcasting - Second Level

The character's faith grows stronger, allowing him to work greater miracles. This feat works like Divine Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any third level divine spell he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 3 m; Mins: Intelligence 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Divine Spellcasting - Third Level

The character's faith grows stronger, allowing him to work greater miracles. This feat works like Divine Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any fouth level divine spell he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 3 m; Mins: Intelligence 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Divine Spellcasting - Fourth Level

The character's faith grows stronger, allowing him to work greater miracles. This feat works like Divine Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any fifth level divine spell he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 3 m; Mins: Intelligence 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Divine Spellcasting - Fifth Level

The character's faith grows stronger, allowing him to work greater miracles. This feat works like Divine Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any sixth level divine spell he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 3 m; Mins: Intelligence 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Divine Spellcasting - Sixth Level

The character's faith grows stronger, allowing him to work greater miracles. This feat works like Divine Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any seventh level divine spell he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 3 m; Mins: Intelligence 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Divine Spellcasting - Seventh Level

The character's faith grows stronger, allowing him to work greater miracles. This feat works like Divine Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any eighth level divine spell he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 3 m; Mins: Intelligence 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)

Keywords: Obvious, Supernatural, Sorcerous

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Divine Spellcasting - Eighth Level

The character's faith is strong enough to invoke the greatest miracles of his god. This feat works like Divine Spellcasting - First Level, except that the character can cast any ninth level divine spell he knows instead of any first level spell.


Cost: 3 m; Mins: Integrity 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple

Keywords: Supernatural, Obvious, Combo-Ok

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: Divine Spellcasting - First Level

The character can use his faith to call forth a wave of divine energy to scatter and destroy the undead. The character rolls Willpower + Integrity and applies the result to all undead within 20 yards. If the successes on the roll are greater than both the undead's Essence and Coil Rank, the undead suffers an unnatural compulsion to flee the character's presence as quickly as possible, costing three Willpower to resist. If the character scores twice as many successes as the higher of the undead's Essence or Coil Rank and the creature's Essence is no greater than the character's own, the undead crumbles to ash instantly. Some undead lack a Coil Rank; Treat them as Coil Rank 0.


Cost: 1 wp; Mins: Martial Arts 1, Essence 1; Type: Extra Action

Keywords: Combo-Ok

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Feats: None

The character's skill at martial arts allows him to strike with incredible speed. This Feat is a flurry of (Essence+1) Martial Arts attacks. This feat allows the character to ignore his weapon's normal Rate when making these attacks and these attacks suffer no multiple action penalties. The character suffers a DV penalty equal to only the highest penalty for any one attack. Each attack in the flurry suffers a -2 internal penalty from the rapidness of the assault.


Cost: -; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Combo-Ok

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Feats: Flurry of Blows

The character's skill is such that his speed barely hampers the accuracy of his strikes. When using the Flurry of Blows Feat, the internal penalty from the speed of the attack decreases to only -1. At Essence 3, the character can purchase this Feat again, reducing the penalty to 0.


Cost: -; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Combo-Ok

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Feats: Flurry of Blows

The character's speed is beyond belief. The number of attacks that the character can make when using Flurry of Blows increases by 1.

I've only covered the Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Wizard and started on the Monk. I haven't any good idea on how to aproach the Druid's Wildshape.

Any major items that seem out of place?
The prerequisites for the Spellcasting Feats seem a bit low. And it is spelled "atheist" with the "e" coming before the "i".

Other than that it looks OK to me.
I suppose, but starting at 2 instead of 1 would mean that either the intelligence requirement stops going up at the 7th spell level or the 9th level of spellcasting requires an int of 6.

Fixed the spelling error.

How do we want to handle fairly standard PC races with Level Adjustments, like Half-Giants?
Kyeudo said:
I suppose, but starting at 2 instead of 1 would mean that either the intelligence requirement stops going up at the 7th spell level or the 9th level of spellcasting requires an int of 6.
Ah, I see. I guess I missed some rule while reading the Core Book.

How do we want to handle fairly standard PC races with Level Adjustments, like Half-Giants?
I suppose some could be handled using Wyld Mutations and a slightly smaller amount of starting points to balance it out.

We could also check out books with non-human races in Exalted and use them for inspiration.
Ah, I see. I guess I missed some rule while reading the Core Book.
You probably missed the Attribute and Ability cap. It tops out at 5 or your character's Essence, whichever is more.

I suppose some could be handled using Wyld Mutations and a slightly smaller amount of starting points to balance it out.

We could also check out books with non-human races in Exalted and use them for inspiration.
The non-human races in Exalted, like beastmen and what not, are built using Wyld Mutations.

Which brings up another point. The races, to differentiate them from one another, are going to have their various special abilities, like a Changeling's shapeshifting or a Halfling's small size. Do we count these against a character's bonus points? Or do we only count the ones with excessive abilities against their bonus points?
Well, D&D tries to balance the races. We should try to do that here too. The question is how?

Some random ideas that have popped into my head:

* Humans get bonus points (Feats, Charms or whatever), non-humans get "X Race Trait-package"

* "X Race Trait-package" is roughly equal to the Human bonus. Might include disadvantages if needed.

* Only excessive abilities should drain bonus points.

As a comparison, we want to avoid things like the penalty for playing a House Ferem DB.

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