Little problem with Stunts


New Member
I have recently started to a new exalted game after a long time. All my players are new to exalted and i had a litte hard time explaining them how stunting works.

When i explained them how it works they grasped the concept but they asked for some examples. I had no problem giving examples to the martial arts guy ( we actually discovered that seven section staff is in fact called chain whip in RL and found nice videos how these guys fight. Same with melee guy , its easy to stunt with these abilities. So these 2 have no problem with using the mechanic at the moment.

But with archery , i cant find any decent stunt examples to give her. Especially in open space (for example they are on the top of a zigurat-like manse and dozens of hungry ghosts are charging to them, she basicly said she cant think of any stunts in this kind of sitiuation without it being sound absurd.)

I am especially looking for some examples to help her shoot better kinna stunts , rather then "i 'd like to bend the rules abit" kinna stunts.

Another issue is about rewarding stunts actions with flurry. If a player makes a flurry and stunt every action differently do i reward for each of those actions with 2motes( like 5 actions = 10motes) or do i just gave him 2motes for the entire description?
Remember...YOU are Sailor Moon. In the Name of the Moon, I will punish you.

Okay, you don't have to be quite that corny, however...a bold declaration or the like can be...useful when you're having some difficulty coming up with other stunts. Also, if you're flurrying archery attacks, doing things like lining up all your arrows on a single string to fire, or other over the top (and at least in that case totally doable in real life by some highly skilled archers) archery tricks are the way to go. Also things like jumping about, tumbling back from those who actually do get in close combat range or the like can be...useful. Another place to look is Robin Hood books, movies or the like. Fancy shooting is Robin's stock in trade.
Look up videos of Legolas in Lord of the Rings. Especially the battle on the walls of Helm's Deep.

Surfing down the stairs on a shield, while shooting your enemies in the face for the win.

Also, shooting your opponent such that it knocks him into other opponents (Assuming you are atop the ziggurat).

Jumping atop your opponent's shoulders and shooting point blank into his skull is a nice one, as well as "Making feathers blossom from his eyes".

There are many ways to artfully describe archery attacks. I hope these help get them into the mood.
I don't know if anyone here is a comic book fan, but there's two characters from comics that might be useful for this question. Hawkeye and Green Arrow. Also, if you happen to be looking into thrown, I recommend Bullseye.
It's all down to the circumstances.

Example - I'm on a flat roof, the troops are closing in on me. There's a little room to retreat but ultimately I'm trapped.

Action 1 (2 Shot Flurry, stunted for Essence and to claw back dice, accompanied by a reflexive Move action):

"Seeing them closing, I attempt to wipe the expectant smiles from their faces by dropping to one knee on the stone tiles beneath me, foot braced against the gap, bow turned horizontal. I draw the first arrow, inhale, and with a single movement loose and fling myself backwards, landing with my legs in the same position but switched around. Then again, then again. I see them pause in their advance, raising their shields against the barrage of arrows, and I smile inwardly."

2 troopers Dash into close combat. Dodge DV just about keeps them at bay, but all it takes is a lucky shot, and their friends will arrive before the next Action. Time to act.

Action 2. (3 Action Flurry - 2 shots with First Archery Excellency, both Called Shots to the throat and a Social Combat attack -Man/Pre Intimidation)

"I have no option; I must dispose of these mortals quickly and efficiently or they will overwhelm me. Nocking two arrows, I fling myself backwards at the very last moment, loosing both at the very peak of my somersault and landing carefully on the edge of the roof, bow and my next arrow held outstretched to either side in cruciform posture for a full second, before stepping forward back into drawn and ready position. I eye the remaining troopers, and cry 'Who wishes to try their luck next?'"

The social attack gets a bonus from the sudden precision death of 2 of their fellows to a seemingly untouchable warrior. Several (those without applicable Intimacies) break and run, while the remaining 4 raise their shields and advance rapidly in formation. They close the distance with a Dash and launch co-ordinated attacks, the last 2 of which bypass my Dodge and wound me. I am hurt (-2) but not too badly. I have one last chance - fail this and I'm screwed.

Action 3. (2 Action Flurry - Athletics move and a Called Shot with Forceful Arrow. Channeling Conviction due to my Motivation of "Show everyone just how bad-assed I am".)

"One last roll of the dice. They will know me for what I am after this, but I have no other tricks left. Deftly I feint rightwards with my bow, leading the youngest of the four to raise his shield just a little more towards me and his counterpart on my left to lower his in preparation for a strike at my "unprotected" side. That is all the opportunity I need, and I slam my heel against the lowered steel to my left, leap to the right, plant my foot against the braced and lifted upper rim of the youngster's shield, and soar over the dazed and bewildered heads of my assailants.

Then, landing with a screech of sandal on tile, I raise my arrow, charge it deeply with my Essence, and send it smashing into the bodies of my foes, pushing the first into the next and then all 4 over the edge like so many dominoes. As the Essence settles around me, I release the breath I drew all those long seconds ago."

See? Planting the feet is always a good one, you can use edges and walls to squeeze 2 dice even from flat planes, and all archers have various pieces of equipment and buzzwords you can throw into the mix. "Nock", "Draw", "Release", all that stuff makes for stunt-fodder if you just fancy it up a bit.
One Archery stunt I pulled.

Scene setting: My Dawn Caste and his Circle were exploring a ruined, but capped, Manse in the East. Upside is that it's possibly stacked with artifacts, downside there are Yozi cultists busily trying to summon up a horde of demons to take the place themselves. We find their summoning circle, just as the cult leaders are working the final part of their horde summons. The area is a corridor eight feet wide and forty feet long, with cultists arranged in a loose ring around the summoning circle.

My stunt: "With a snarl, I snatch half a dozen arrows from my quiver and hurl them toward the assembled cultists. Then I channel Essence through my legs, activating Monkey Leap Technique and then pounce into a spiraling leap through the air, catching up with my hurled arrows. As I pass each arrow, I swiftly nock it in my bow and launch it in a split second, barely glancing at my victims as I loose a torrent of steel-tipped death amongst them. As I land at the far end of the corridor, my victims stagger and fall, each with their left eyes fatally perforated with my red-flighted arrows."

Captain Hesperus
Thanks alot for the replies, i was able to give her some nice examples. Although she is still not yet got used to exalted, they are as a group becoming more daring and exalted-ish with each new session :)

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