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  1. Jazzylegs

    Parnomal Detectives [Inactive]

    Maris decided to investgate the room of the victim first. She knew that the room could tell alot about the case. At least thats how it was with her kidnapcases. Except now the victim was dead for sure... Maris looked through a few papers laying on the messy desk. "investagation on reactions...
  2. Jazzylegs

    Parnomal Detectives [Inactive]

    Before even reaching for the number she confingly gazed up on him. Maris hadn't expect this kindness, espicially after the way she acted. She couldn't help but think that Detective Connor reminded her so much of her uncle. She hardly knew him but just the way he talked and moved.... "thanks,"...
  3. Jazzylegs

    Parnomal Detectives [Inactive]

    "Oh," she said. Now she felt like the bad guy. Though she hated the thought of being seen younger as her actual age, 25. Detective Connor didnt mean to offend her, obviously. "This will be my first murder case, I suppose it makes me a little....uh, nervous," she admitted as she went through...
  4. Jazzylegs

    Parnomal Detectives [Inactive]

    What? Maris head turned red. " what makes you say that?" she asked slightly angry. She didnt want to come off as someone who had zero experience when it came to murder cases. "you...mind your own bussines." she said in a weak attempt to sound though. Verstuurd van mijn GT-S5660 met Tapatalk
  5. Jazzylegs

    Parnomal Detectives [Inactive]

    "Maris,"she replied. "also detective." she hesitated at first but shook his hand. " I was just here to get the case." She looked at the desk. A few files were still laying there. She grabbed one and opened it. Upon vieuwing what was inside she had to close it again. Not only was this going to...
  6. Jazzylegs

    Parnomal Detectives [Inactive]

    Maris squuezed her eyes at the man walking in. "No....not at all," she shook her head. She was slightly confused. "Did I miss anything?" She asked. "Who are you?." Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-P5110 met Tapatalk
  7. Jazzylegs

    Parnomal Detectives [Inactive]

    Maris dashed into the room. “I’’m sorry, I’m l-“ she stopped mid-sentence to see the room was looking quit empty. There was only just a guy sitting at his desk. “Uh…I must be early, huh?” she nervously smiled. Ah, she hated her car! The old thing was nothing compared to the flinstone mobile.
  8. Jazzylegs

    Parnomal Detectives

    Maris Hunnycutt age 25 Gender : female Maris was born in a psychiatric hospital. Her mother was taken in for schizophrenia. She obviously couldn’t take care of her so Maris was placed in care of her uncle and aunt. Her uncle, a proud police officer, inspired her to become a detective. It...
  9. Jazzylegs

    The Truth About This World

    Is this roleplay still starting?
  10. Jazzylegs

    Abscondi Grove [Inactive]

    Corey just listened as the Group made small talk. When Ric and Alice started to leave the room she made the quick decision to follow them. It didn’t seem like anyone was going to help her get back to her home town. She didn’t exactly want to face her parents after what had happened. But because...
  11. Jazzylegs

    Abscondi Grove [Inactive]

    Was everyone losing their minds? They were in a strange village in the middle of nowhere. Wasn’t there anyone worried about getting back to….well the real world? The old man, Mayor, spoke as If this was going to their home from now on. She didn’t want to life her, she didn’t want to be with...
  12. Jazzylegs

    Abscondi Grove [Inactive]

    “No,” The moment Vex had pushed the button Corey wished he hadn’t. She did have the feeling the box was safety, meaning that whatever would be behind the doors was only going to put them in danger. Her mind however changed when a bright light came from the door opening. Her attention now...
  13. Jazzylegs

    Abscondi Grove [Inactive]

    Corey snapped her head at "Vex". She slowly stood up, fear noticeable in her eyes. "Yes...the door at the bottom of the swimming pool.." She said. She clamped bother her hands into her black hair. This was all to convenient. "Oh my...this is all real, isn't it?" she asked, more to herself. What...
  14. Jazzylegs

    Abscondi Grove [Inactive]

    She remembered what had happened. She drowned, or didn’t she? For a moment she stared at the ceiling. A very light blue color. Was she at the hospital? Had someone actually saved her? Slowly she sat up and groaned. Man, it was freezing. Wrapping her arms around her frame she realized that she...
  15. Jazzylegs

    Abscondi Grove [Inactive]

    Corey threw her bag over the fence of the swimmingpool and started to climb up. Once at the top she jumped down. The moonligt shimmered peacfully over the outside swimmingpool. It was pretty chilly tonight, so the water must be warm. She stood there for a moment, just staring at the water. A...
  16. Jazzylegs

    DayBreakers [Inactive]

    Elisa held up her hand. It still wasn’t healing, she was beginning to get worried. “I’m fine…I already told you so,” she said maybe a bit to snobby. She glanced over at the other guy, who had been awfully quiet except for that one arrogant line. However he hadn’t made any attempt to attack her...
  17. Jazzylegs

    Abscondi Grove [Inactive]

    I’m Sorry Corey would have written more that those two words. She wanted to pour her heart out. About how she felt like a disappointment. How she felt like she didn’t deserve any love, even from her parents. But it hurt too much. It felt like complaining, and she had no right to complain. Even...
  18. Jazzylegs

    Abscondi Grove

  19. Jazzylegs

    Abscondi Grove

    Name: Corey Mckay Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance: Personality: Corey is very quit girl. She’ll often respond, if possible, without words. She does actually have a very loud voice, wich of course is surprising when she speaks up in certain situations. She is very proud and prefers to...
  20. Jazzylegs

    DayBreakers [Inactive]

    Elisa groaned, it most likely didn’t look pretty. “No….yes, I’m fine,” she replied before looking at the person who had spoken to her. Her eyes widened. It was someone else…but the other guy… She suddenly looked behind her. The guy she had walked in on a moment ago stood still behind her. .“Are...