Abscondi Grove


Boop the snoot, you get the shoot
Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs!

Read more about this role play... 
When the roleplay starts, I will make the introductory post, and then everyone else can start posting. The starting point, chronologically, is the night when your character finally runs away from home and discovers the doorway. Be creative with how the doorway presents itself, because it appears in different ways for different people. For example, the doorway might appear in a rain puddle for one person, but appear in the back of an alleyway for another person. 
Throughout the roleplay, I will type the words "Chapter 1 start" or "Chapter 2 end", for example, with a description of when the current chapter ends and when the next one begins. The beginning and end of chapters will be transitioned with my storytelling posts. This is how we will do this roleplay, so that I can describe what the character's surroundings are like, and you can describe how your characters respond to their surroundings. It will prevent people from making up material to give themselves more content about which to write, and it will keep everyone on the same page. 
Sometimes there might be Intermissions, such as when a character is dreaming or unconscious. Every night, when everyone is asleep and dreaming, at least one character every night will have a nightmare or vision of some sort. If they are knocked unconscious, they will definitely have a vision. I will tell you what your character sees in their vision or dream, and you will make your character respond. For instance, I might tell you that your character, while dreaming, finds themself in a padded cell with a giant house cat in the corner. I will write and control what the giant house cat will say or do, but you have the power to choose how your character will react, and your choices will influence how, as well as how long, the dream will progress, and depending on the dream, might also affect how much useful information your character receives from their subconscious. 
I'd like everyone to post here to confirm that they will be ready to begin tomorrow and have read the above information.
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The roleplay has begun, you may all begin posting whenever you are ready.
Chapter 1.5 will begin once everyone has entered the doorway. Joker and the person with the rich guy character have yet to post. 
Chapter 1.5 will be a rather short chapter, obviously.
Okay, so from now on, the character formerly known as Rachel is now male. Everyone is going to act from this point on as if Rachel has always been male.
Vex could have had a harem, but no. There has to be another guy! xD
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Allison, I think maybe we should hold on a bit and wait for Purple and the others to catch up and post. 
It's been a little more of just you and me recently ^^;;
Alerts are being weird for me, I apologize for spans of inactivity.

Sol and Allison, let me know where your characters are planning to explore. If I know what parts of town they'll be stopping by, I can introduce them to some of the other villagers.

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