Abscondi Grove

I added a map to the Map(s) tab. The cabin is located on the outer edge of the east side of town. If you walked out east, you would cross a lot of farmland and piss off a bunch of farmers, then eventually it would just be wilderness. If you walked south, there would be woods, then some more farmland, then eventually you would come across hills and rocky areas, in which the entrance cave is located. If you walked north, you would come across the *random noise obscures voice*, and if you walked east, you would obviously be walking through town, and then you would reach the west end of town, then you would walk through woods and eventually reach the lake's shore.

I might have to draw a crappy drawing later that more in-depth shows the layout of the town...on the east end of town, by the cabin, there are mostly just other residential buildings and houses. The south end of the town contains the marketplace, most of the town's workshops, and the food storages. The west end basically just contains a boathouse for the lake and a couple of workshops. The north end contains the town hall, as well as the *random noise returns to blot out my voice*. In terms of markets and workshops, the town has a blacksmith, tailors, textile-makers, carvers, potters, etc.

The middle of town just has the fountain that we've already seen.
I'm sad to say that I'd have to withdraw from this rp. I can't seem to keep up and the interest, for me, is nearly gone. Thank you for the awesome opportunity though, it was fun roleplaying with you gus, however short it was.
As soon as you're ready, Red. 
And now, things start to get interesting...> :P  
I'm not going to reveal much about the creatures' origins quite yet, but I will tell you a few more things about their characteristics.

The gas that floats around the creatures is produced and expelled by their bodies. If inhaled, it causes mild paralysis or convulsions, and gives the victim unspeakably horrifying hallucinations.

The creatures themselves are perceived in slightly different ways by different people. The creatures embody their victim's worst fears, but they keep their root characteristics.

So, no matter who looks at them, they will appear to be some sort of dark figure with claws that is obscured slightly by smoke clouds, but if perhaps someone who was scared of bees saw one, they would perceive the beast to have insect wings and a hornet face and antennae in addition to its default features, but if someone else looked at it, they wouldn't see bee wings and antennae, they would see...I dunno...the beast wearing clown makeup, if they were afraid of clowns. ((Damn, now I'm trying to imagine one of the creatures wearing clown makeup, and it isn't even creepy in the slightest in my imagination, it just looks downright silly xD ))

The creatures use a very distinct hunting tactic. They will travel in pairs or as three, and attempt to trap their prey. Once their prey is trapped, they let loose their trademark earsplitting screech, which serves to darken the area by scattering the fairy-things, as well as stun the prey. Once their prey is stunned by the screech, the creatures will approach, shifting to take the form of the prey's worst fear in order to further drive it into submission. Once the creatures get close enough, they will grab hold of their target with their long claws, holding it in place with their godlike gripping strength. With the prey subdued, the creature will proceed to spray their bio-fear-gas into their prey's face, inducing the aforementioned symptoms. As their target hallucinates and generally loses their f%&@ing mind, the creature crouches over their body and feeds off of the prey's sense of fear. Once the creature's hunger is sated, they will stand and retreat back to wherever it is that they sleep.

The unlucky fellow to experience this series of events usually does not emerge at the end with their sanity intact. If one struggles and resists breathing in the fear gas, the creature will sometimes snap and use their claws to fillet their prey with their raking claws, killing them out of frustration. Those who are lucky die from the pure shock from the fear gas hallucinations, but the unlucky ones emerge from the process with their sanity shattered, most likely permanent brain damage from the chemical effects of the gas, and perhaps even a loss of a certain sense.
Just checking in here. I'm just here to ask if any of you guys are legitimately still interested in seeing this roleplay carry forward. It's okay, you can be honest. My feelings won't be hurt...too bad. I just was wondering because no one is really replying, and I'm planning to start a few new RPs soon, so I want to get my old RPs out of the way before I start anew.
Ah, I've been busy, exams all week! I was just thinking of how I could post... I'll think of something!

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