Parnomal Detectives [Inactive]

Jack got up and grabbed the case file copy and started to walk outside the office, " Look you guys even the most simplest of looking cases can prove to be the hardest and I'm Jack and could you all meet me by my desk please." jack then walked outside and sat at his desk
Jackson O'Rielly, yours? wait, 11 years of training? you dont look a day over 25... Confused, he took the seat that Jack got out of.
"Well anyways you all should get going before anything else happens." Richard said.

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I don't want to tell you what your job is but, seriously? Only 3 homicides... Connor showed him his copy of the case and pointed specifically to one spot.

Jack sat at his desk, and looked over the case file carefully, until the others came out. But while doing so he started to grow a bit more nervous than he was use to it described how the victims were killed. Before any one noticed he put his calm demeanor on and waited for the others.
O'Rielly was obviously not getting anywhere. He headed out the door looking at the different ways the victims were killed. They were very gruesome, didnt seem very human at all. He decided to look it over at his apartment. exiting the 24-story building, the sun glistened over the city of chicago.
Jack looked at Conner, " yes I do and bringing your daughter to work is very unprofessional." jack's wolfish grin surfaced again, "hey where's Conner and Anna?" jack scanned the room but didn't see them
"I'm going to take this file, I'm going to read up on it at home, and I'm hoping that's a joke" Detective Connor told Jack in his own stern way.
As he looked at the pictures taken at the hotel, he saw a peculiar, yet familiar face next to each bloody victim. One so familiar, he looks at it everyday in the mirror.
Detective Connor walked with his daughter out to the car and went home to review the case. He looked through the photos, writing locations, possible suspects, while sipping a beer, and smoking a cigarette. It was a murder of a 15 year old girl, straight A student, generally nice kid according to everyone she knew. He wrote down whoever he thought would have a possible motive, from family, to friends. He was going to hit the investigative trail early that morning.
Maris dashed into the room. “I’’m sorry, I’m l-“ she stopped mid-sentence to see the room was looking quit empty. There was only just a guy sitting at his desk. “Uh…I must be early, huh?” she nervously smiled. Ah, she hated her car! The old thing was nothing compared to the flinstone mobile.
Detective Connor came in to the office before setting off to do his investigations. He walked into the office where Maris was, "Not interrupting anything am I?"

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Maris squuezed her eyes at the man walking in. "No....not at all," she shook her head. She was slightly confused. "Did I miss anything?" She asked. "Who are you?."

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(Okay as it seems most of you are online. Just focus on finding clues on the case. Do not solve anything.)
"Maris,"she replied. "also detective." she hesitated at first but shook his hand. " I was just here to get the case."

She looked at the desk. A few files were still laying there. She grabbed one and opened it. Upon vieuwing what was inside she had to close it again. Not only was this going to be her first murder case, she regonized the photo.

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What? Maris head turned red. " what makes you say that?" she asked slightly angry. She didnt want to come off as someone who had zero experience when it came to murder cases. "you...mind your own bussines." she said in a weak attempt to sound though.

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"You just look younger, that's all" The detective said with a slight chuckle. "I guess it could be a compliment in a way, no disrespect"

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"Oh," she said. Now she felt like the bad guy. Though she hated the thought of being seen younger as her actual age, 25. Detective Connor didnt mean to offend her, obviously. "This will be my first murder case, I suppose it makes me a little....uh, nervous," she admitted as she went through her curly hair. "But that doesn't mean I don't want the same respect as any other Detective."

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"I respect that. If you need anything whatsoever, feel free to ask. There's no shame in getting some help." He said with a respectful nod "Here's my cell number you can reach me there pretty much anytime."

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Before even reaching for the number she confingly gazed up on him. Maris hadn't expect this kindness, espicially after the way she acted. She couldn't help but think that Detective Connor reminded her so much of her uncle. She hardly knew him but just the way he talked and moved.... "thanks," she smiled truefully. "I appreciate it, I really do." She put the number in her purse where the casefile was now dying to be viewed. She laughed. "I should probably start what I'm being payed for." She joked.

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