Parnomal Detectives [Inactive]

"I've gotta go talk to a few folks about a murder, you take care".

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Delia quickly ran through the crowds of people, probably looking very flustered, even crazy, to those who saw her. She disregarded the looks she got, never the less, and let out a short relieved sigh as a certain building came into view. She was starting her new job today and she was already going to be late. Dodging the tall people who passed her, she crashed into the door and opened it, breathing heavily, her hair covering some of her face. "S-sorry for being late!" She choked out, trying to catch her breath. She could already see a few others have made it there before her. She then walked through the door, messily trying to make her self look more presentable, before straightening her posture and giving a timid wave and sheepish smile. "Heh, um, h-hi." she greeted.
"A-ah, thank you." Delia nodded, walking towards the desk he gestured to. She grabbed a file with her name on it and stood, silently reading it. After re-reading the papers a few times, she looked up. "A murder case? Already? Okay then." she whispered, a bit excited but also a nervous. "Um, do I have any partners for this case?" she asked hopefully.
"So they already started? Oh man... I must be really late." she breathed, running a hand through her hair. "Okay, thanks!" she said, nodding towards the male. She started to turn, but stopped herself, turning back to him extending a hand. "I'm Delia Jones, even though I'm sure you already know, nice to meet you! And you are...?" she introduced herself, tilting her head slightly.
"N-nice to meet you Mr. Heatray! My name is Delia Jones!" Delia stuttered, turning to the male, walking with him towards evidence.
"Hiya Delia. I guess it's you and me on this case. Lets see what we got"he said as he pretended not to notice her nervousness.

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"Okay!" Delia smiled brightly, happy that he was kind to her. "So, we have some idea of where the murder took place as well as how the victim ended up a good 10 yards away from the body, but we don't have very much evidence..." Delia said, trailing off as she began to think over the case, trying to get an idea of what could have happened.
"Well that's good progress" not knowing what else to say he started doing his thing and studied the evidence.

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Detective Connor interviewed the family for leads, investigated the crime scene, all he found was a glove. It looked like a mans glove in terms of size and style. Delilah Miller, found dead" that's what the papers were saying. "Wait till they get a load of the foul play" Connor said to himself. He say down with the girls boyfriend. "So, according to Delilah's family, you two haven't been getting along lately, is that true?" he asked the boy, he was a senior football star, 6'7 320 lb giant. He responded "Yeah we argued but I didn't kill anyone." Detective Connor was growing irritated "I didn't ask that, now you'd better answer my question". The boy stood up and swung on the detective. He ducked, struck him with an uppercut, rolling on the floor for a moment as he was struck in the face with the leg of the chair he was just sitting on. Connor stood up as the giant did as well. Connor threw a right hook, a left hook, then a head butt taking him down, and cuffing him. Dispatch took him to the station as Detective Connor walked into the office, blood running down his face. "Richard! Richard! I need the interrogation room within three hours."

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"Thanks." He said before leaving briefly. Sitting in his office, door open as he waited for the perp.

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Maris decided to investgate the room of the victim first. She knew that the room could tell alot about the case. At least thats how it was with her kidnapcases. Except now the victim was dead for sure...

Maris looked through a few papers laying on the messy desk. "investagation on reactions xtc," she read out loud. The file was printed on paper with a harvard logo. "smart girl," Maris put the papers back since she doubted it had anything to do with her murder. She scanned the room once more, looked in the closet and under the bed. There she found something a bit out of place in a girls room...

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