Abscondi Grove [Inactive]

Humming to herself she found that this place was better than her home. She wondered what she could do? What was her job going to be she was so excited! She might have a chance to make friends once the cuts and brusies healed up. She couldn't wait to get to know everyone!
Was everyone losing their minds? They were in a strange village in the middle of nowhere. Wasn’t there anyone worried about getting back to….well the real world? The old man, Mayor, spoke as If this was going to their home from now on. She didn’t want to life her, she didn’t want to be with these people. She just wanted to be alone. However as the group walked further, she followed them quietly.

The cabin was cute, she had to admit. It was definitely something Corey could find herself living in.

But she wondered what they were going to do. They couldn’t just pretend like nothing ever happened and just stay in this place. FOREVER?
After the pounding, slamming and kicking had stopped, Avery felt a rush of relief flooded through her whole body. Avery laughed, she was happy that she was out of that place, she was never ever going back to that place ever again. Heavy breathed Avery slumps up againest the wall, it was cold. "That's weird.." She mutters and opens up her eyes. She saw the azure blue walls. She looked around "Strange.." She thinks in her mind. She put her pale/pinkish palm againest the cool, almost glowing wall. She looked around, there was body's on the floor. "Are the dead?" She screams, and cringes at the thought. There were a few people up and moving, " Hello?" She asks around, just as some guy says his name was Vex. "Cool name" she mutters, only loud enough to for her to hear. Avery looked around again there was a lot of girls and, not a lot of boys. The second thing she saw was the guy named "Vex" put his palm again the wall. NULL came up, Avery blinked. Then they started going up to some place called, AG. Avery though about it a moment, then shrugged it away. Once they stopped, the door opened and light came flooding in, blinding Avery. Avery took a step forward, then another, and then another, until she found her self, on a beautiful paradise. " Whoa!" Avery mumbles. Then they started walking down a dirt path, in the distance she could see then outline of a village. The excitement bubbled up inside of her, but she kept it in well, so no one could see it. As they walked she could hear the faint sound of water, a river, Maybe? Or a waterfall? Avery kept walking, she kicked a rock as the walked. She huffed, she was bored, until she saw the village, and all the people perfectly. They stopped at the edge of the towns entrance, an old man started talking to Vex. after they had stopped talking, he invited the group to stay in a medium sized cabin. Avery was just happy that she was out of the place. She sighed a sigh of relief. Then she heard the word "Job" " Hmmm.." She thought but smiled, she was used to working, and it really didn't bother her at all.
She was excited, who wouldn't be if they were in her position? Away from abuse and torture. She wanted to start anew, a fresh start. She didn't mind if she didn't get noticed by others. She loved it here, hopefully she'd get a job that had to do with the woods or singing.
Once they reached the cabin, Yoona showed them around the inside. There were two large rooms with bunk beds filling the interiors, one for the boys and one for the girls.

"There are rooms for the boys and the girls to shower down at the end of the hall, and there are towels in the corner on a stool for you to dry off with. Come and find me if you need anything," Yoona said. Vex thanked her, she nodded her head in a small bow, and left the cabin with a ghost of a smile on her face.

"Well, too bad we've gotta share rooms, but at least we get to sleep in a building with running water," remarked Vex, looking out of a nearby window. The two suns were beginning to set, casting an amber veil about the landscape and painting the sky a brilliant violet.

"You know, I bet it's not too late to march back to that cave and get back to our old lives. Then again, this place is really nice. We wouldn't have to worry about politics, or L.A. essays, or getting a job. I don't know about all of you, but I think I'd rather say here, where things make sense and life is simple."
Damien looked at Vex. "I have to agree with you, I'd much rather be here. This place doesn't smell like weed and booze, unlike my home. Everything here is much more simple, and I've always wanted to work in a blacksmith's shop." Damien grinned at the others and then raced off to the guys' room, claiming a top bunk.

"This one is mine, I will mark it if necessary!" He laguhed and laid back, staring at the ceiling and eventually dozing off.
"I agree." She spoke up at the back of the group. "If you don't mind me asking where all of you are from?" She smiled shyly, "I would like to figure out what we have in common and why were all here."

She was a silent girl ,she didn't ask questions, she didn't do much of anything. But she started to open up more. Maybe someone will be my friend. She thought to herself.
"In a nutshell, I usually don't get along with people. Kids in my school were the most shallow idiots in the world. Spent my life alone, 24/7."

Vex watched Damien run to the boy's room and claim a bunk.

"Maybe these people won't be completely unbearable after all..." he said quietly to himself, chuckling and claiming a top bunk as well, climbing up and sinking into the heavenly bedsheets.
Avery entered the house, Yoona told them about the bathrooms and bedrooms situations. She slightly smiled and looks around. " This is much better.. " She walks a little closer to the group. She looked at vex, then to a girl who started talking. " I'm from Florida. " She states. the she looks to her feet, she still had on her black studded combat boots.

Sorry it's sooo short... :/ ))
"Oh." She walked to the shower room. Might as well. She turned on the shower and stepped in. "Its very nice here." she observed. She felt the need to sing, so she did.

"Get out your guns, battles begun,

are you a saint, or a sinner?

If loves a fight, than I shall die,

with my heart on a trigger.

They say before you start a war,

you better know what you're fighting for.

Well baby, you are all that I adore,

if love is what you need, a soldier I will be.

I'm an angel with a shotgun,

fighting til' the wars won,

I don't care if heaven won't take me back.

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.

Don't you know you're everything I have?

..and I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight.

Sometimes to win, you've got to sin,

don't mean I'm not a believer.

..and major Tom, will sing along.

Yeah, they still say I'm a dreamer.

They say before you start a war,

you better know what you're fighting for.

Well baby, you are all that I adore,

if love is what you need, a soldier I will be.

I'm an angel with a shotgun,

fighting til' the wars won,

I don't care if heaven won't take me back.

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.

Don't you know you're everything I have?

..and I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight.

ooooohhhhhhhh, ooooooohhhhh whoa whoa oooh whoa

I'm an angel with a shotgun..

fighting til' the wars won..

I don't care if heaven won't take me back..

I'm an angel with a shotgun,

fighting til' the wars won,

I don't care if heaven won't take me back.

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.

Don't you know you're everything I have?

(I'm an angel with a shotgun)

..and I, want to live, not just survive, tonight.

(Live, not just survive)

..and I'm gonna hide, hide, hide my wings tonight.

They say before you start a war,

you better know what you're fighting for.

Well baby, you are all that I adore,

if love is what you need, a soldier I will be."

She stepped out of the shower and got changed, hoping that no one heard her.

(Sorry if its long,

<-- thats's the song)
Ric just kept his piece while Yoona showed them around the cabin. It looked cosy like his old house and prayed that if felt cosy as well. He didn't want to be neglected again and the fact that at least one guy even responded to him was a good sign that there'd at least be some life in all of this. He just needed to find some other way to solicit a reaction from the other people gathered here.

One boy lay claim to the top bunk of a bunk bed in the boys' room while another girl asked them about their whereabouts. Vex gave his usual 'piss-off' answer while another girl responded properly. Ric, himself was basically a ghost at this point in time as the first girl just said "oh" and went to take a shower. She was either loud or the walls weren't exactly thick as Ric was able to pick up bits and pieces of the song she sang. It was Angel with a shotgun by The Cab. A strange name but then the band itself was sort of strange for Ric's taste as well. Though he made no mention of it. The cabin was a good place to bunk in but Ric wanted to see what Abscondi Grove had to offer.

"I'll just claim some lower bunk. For now, however, I want to explore Abscondi. So I'll be back soonish I suppose."

Ric said what he needed to say and walked toward the front door.
Alice wanted to explore. She walked out the door of the house and up to the way they came from. She had loved the woods, ever since she was told by a group of girls that only boys played outside. She determined to prove them wrong, and in the time when she was younger, she'd always play with the boys. She never wanted to play dolls, or house.

"Wow it's lovely out here!" She smiled looking at Abscondi Grove. "Might be, scratch that, it is better than home."
"Whoa, slow down there. We've got Abscondi Grove for a long time after all."

Ric had said to the Alice who simply bolted past him as if he was invisible to begin with. Then again, it wasn't as though anyone paid attention to him except for Vex. Alice had a point though, the place did look very relaxing and welcoming. It felt like more of a home than his ever was. No one really noticed him even when he got into trouble. It made him think that no one really cared for him, here, well that part remains to be seen. If he was ignored by even his peers here then it's not going to be any different than home. He didn't exactly leave the premises yet when Alice burst out of the cabin like a little kid.
"Sorry Ric I like the out doors and being cooped up in a attic room for the better part of my life has taken an effect to me" she smiled at the boy with her smile. Running off she thought about what he said. They were going to have a lot of time here. "Maybe you could come explore too?"
"Well it wouldn't exactly do you any good if you were alone right. I mean we still gotta look out for each other and all, even here. I'll tag along with you, Alicce, so I'll go where you go. Better than stumbling lost and alone at least."

Ric shrugged at that last bit. This was another person who took notice of him and he had every desire to make the most out of this. He wants to be recognized then his first step would be to become friends with this girl. It was a good a start as any and she didn't seem half as snarky as Vex. He didn't have much of a problem with Vex but they guy could benefit from being with people more. Then again, don't they all?
She blushed, "Are you sure I, mean thanks for coming but." She wanted to be friends with the boy, but she was too shy. "I mean where do you wanna go first?" She asked the boy. "I'm not picky."
Corey just listened as the Group made small talk. When Ric and Alice started to leave the room she made the quick decision to follow them. It didn’t seem like anyone was going to help her get back to her home town. She didn’t exactly want to face her parents after what had happened. But because she was here with stranger she actually started to regret walking away. She stuffed her hands in her pocket and kept quit while leaving just enough place as she followed Ric. Where were they going?
"Hmm. Well since we're new here...why not something like a plaza? I mean sounds like a good enough place to explore for the meantime. What do you think Alice?"

Like asking a girl out and expecting to get rejected, Ric didn't exactly think this far down the road. He had expected to explore, but that would be on his own. Now, however, he was tagging along with Alice. Either way, it'd do him a lot of good to stretch his legs and go see what the town has to offer. He was most curious about the cuisine of the locals in Abscondi. He wanted talk to them about the respective cultures. He basically wanted to learn something new, it wasn't necessary but his curiosity demanded that it be satisfied. It would be a bonus if he could find his own, special, quiet place where he could retreat into himself if it came down to it. So many places that he wanted to go to, but settled on a plaza instead. It was a good place to start and he wasn't sure Alice would be adventurous.
"Sure, but after that I would like to go explore some wooded areas!" She smiled brightly. She Wanted to find a place she could meditate, maybe by a stream or something of that sort. "And where do you wanna go Ric?"
"Except for the plaza, anywhere and everywhere really. But first why don't we take this a step at a time? So let's get going?"

Ric thought it best to be courteous and polite with people he just met. The ones with him in the elevator were no exception. People wanted respect and a little trickle can go a very long way, regardless of the person. Taking Alice into consideration was one way of making them feel acknowledged. Like the old saying goes "Do unto others what you want others to do unto you." And Ric had simply wanted recognition.

He waited for her reply before he would even take a step toward wherever their little adventure would take them to.

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They strolled the streets looking for the plaza.

"So," She looked at Ric. "Why'd you come here?" She hoped she wasn't rude. "That is if you don't mind my asking?"
The town of Abscondi Grove was twice as beautiful at sunset, the twin glow of the setting suns casting amber and scarlet over all of the buildings and streets. But even more amazing were the other villagers that the two passed by as they strolled along. They saw humans, the fox-people, the Kentakin, and a few of the tall and mysterious people that wore hoods. All of them muttered an "Evening," or tipped their hats (if they happened to be wearing one) as Richard and Allison passed by, and they were all friendly and neighborly. The hooded, tall folks never said anything to them, but they either gave a small curtsy or bow, or gave a small wave.
"Well same to you too!" She smiled greatly. She smiled at any and everyone who passed by. "What a beautiful town!" She smiled as she paused for a breath. "I wished I had found this years ago."
"That makes two of us Alice. As for coming here, well I just wanted to escape my siblings' shadows. Nothing like living in the perpetual darkness of being ignored and neglected really."

Richard didn't exactly return the peoples' greetings but rather nodded back in response. He wasn't used to having every person he sees greet him in such a polite manner. If he had a hat, he'd do like the townsfolk and tip it off to them as well. He always wanted to do that, just one of the many little things of life really. He kept his pace which had him walk beside Alice.

"So what about you? How was life back there, in, you know, home? I mean at the end of the day its still pretty much home right?"
"Eh it's wasn't really home and everything was pretty bad, trying to get away from an abusive father." She touched a few places that were bruised on her temple. "But I guess your right, it was home." She relised that she was holding her ribcage, she was kicked down and kicked time and time again. "Yeah but I have a feeling that none of that's gunna happen anymore." She rolled up her sleeves and looked at the marks on her for arms. Cutting from her depression. She was starting over, she smiled.

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