Abscondi Grove


Boop the snoot, you get the shoot
Skellies as such:



Age: (15-17 please)

Appearance: (insert picture here. can be anime, whatever. make sure the picture is just right :3)



Dislikes: ("their life" is assumed.)

Problem: (Each of the characters is particularly unfortunate, and faces lots of different troubles, but what is the one main issue in their life?)

Sexuality: (You might wanna check with other participants so that if you want to be bi or gay or straight or whatever, you aren't the only one. Everyone will have the opportunity for the romances <3)

Extra: (Do they have any particular quirk, or habit, or interesting feature?)

Read more about this role play...
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Name: Alice Hale

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/ME.jpg.e90cc19168755bed87425fecf58b9ac1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11070" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/ME.jpg.e90cc19168755bed87425fecf58b9ac1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Quiet, shy, and brave and willing to work with others

Likes: Singing and Drawing

Dislikes: People who are mean to others.

Problem: Extreme Depression

Sexuality: Bi

Extra: Has Unnaturally white hair and red eyes



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Name: Damien Smith

Gender: Male

Age: 16


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.b52090a656b6c67b7550b7e9794e8f18.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11069" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.b52090a656b6c67b7550b7e9794e8f18.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He's surprisingly laid back and fun despite his relatively terrible life. I mean, it would be pretty hard to enjoy yourself if your father died in the army, your mother commited suicide, and your brother threw you out of the house and blamed you for both of their deaths. You'd also have a hard time enjoying life if you had to go live with your drunkard uncle and crack-head prositute cousin. Maybe he's just insane, or maybe it's the fact that he finally got away from them.

Likes: The sky, which he could never see from his old town, full of smog and clouds and rain.


Grape Soda


Dislikes: The number 9

Anything gray




Problem: I believe it was stated in his personality.

Sexuality: Bi-sexual.

Extra: His hair is an unexplained natural white. Like, perfect white. Not white blond, flat white.



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Hey Villian, Can I reserve a spot? If its allowed.

Name: Frank Grim

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: Frank can be a little bit annoying. He tries to not think of his past through insanity. It is like having a mask over your face hiding your true self. But even with a personality like this, he still cares about the things who or what he finds interesting to him. He can sometimes be dark, or he can sometimes be very philosophical. He also sometimes find things funny, he will randomly laugh at them and give off a very creepy smile that can make the hair on your back stand. He would get angry if his parents is insulted. Frank will sometimes insult people through humor that he alone finds funny.

Likes: Anything Funny, and his parents.

Dislikes: Things that aren't funny. Everyone saying that what his mother said was true.

Problem: Back in his past, Frank was a unwanted child. His mother does not care about him and she would give him a lunchbox full of cockroaches. And his father would beat him up for every single little mistakes he had done. But that didn't bother him, he was always thankful to them that he was born. He would only just make a joke out of the lunchbox full of roaches, saying something like. " Oh my, i guess my lunch died " and just laugh randomly as everyone around him would scream and run away as they would call frank a 'Freak'.

But he didn't mind. His parents never told him how much they never wanted him and Frank didn't know. He just thought of them as parents that is having trouble raising a child and the stress is taking over them. But then one day, one Frank did something wrong in front of his parents. His mother spouted " We never want you " . And that's where everything broke, Frank's mentality broke down. But he still couldn't believe what she had said and ran away.

Sexuality: Straight.

Extra: Smiling most of the time.
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Name: Richard Mason

Gender: Male

Age: 16




Richard is a very prepared and orderly person. He leaves nothing to chance and hates it when things don't really go as planned, to counteract that his preparedness forces him to make back up plans for his back up plan. He's too engrossed in the big picture that he sometimes overlooks the here and now in favor of the long run. He has a systematic way of doing things and is always trying to find the most efficient method. No matter the challenge he would always put his 100% which, more often than not, tires him out quickly. He even looks forward to challenges presented to him. Despite being the best that he could be, he is still a victim of insecurity. The fact that he lives in his siblings' shadows was a daunting prospect that eroded his self esteem over time, which makes him a shy, soft-spoken individual. He never puts stock in himself and only ever tricks himself that what he's doing isn't running away from the problem.


being rewarded for his efforts

ice cream

being acknowledged even just a little

people who changed the world around them

people who persevere

when things go according to plan



being ignored

people who are helpless


attention whores

people who refuse to adapt to the world around them


being pressured

Problem: Neglected by his parents in favor of his more "capable" siblings. He's living in the shadow of him siblings which makes him invisible to the world around him. On his own, he is not minded. With his family, his siblings are the center of attention and he's simply invisible. He wants people to acknowledge him as well but doesn't have shamelessness to become an attention whore, he would always overexert himself when doing things for a microscopic increase in attention.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Extra: He always spinning something around (like a pen) whenever he's thinking of something.
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Name: Dahlia Wittenkeller

Gender: Female

Age: 16


Personality: Dahlia is very needy and has difficulty wanting to do things by herself. She wants everyone to treat her like she is queen and put her before them. She doesn't do things for other people and she is very uncharitable. She loves luxury and lying around. She is lazy and sleeps in very late. She is very flirty.

Likes: Comfy beds, cute clothes, having others do things for her, insects, lounging by the pool, luxury items, extravagant things, soap operas.

Dislikes: Chores, doing things for herself, taking care of others, stains, fatty foods, balloons, children.

Problem: Dahlia had a boyfriend. One night they got a little bit intimate. A while later, Dahlia discovered that she was going to have a child. Even though Dahlia didn't like children she did not want to deny someone of life. She had the baby, but her boyfriend didn't want anything to do with it. She hated having to take care of it, making her parents have to deal with her.

Sexuality: Straight

Extra: Dahlia collects insects strangely enough.
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Name: Vex Archonis

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-30_14-28-21.jpeg.1594cac461084892b4c90bf0f9c4687f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11118" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-30_14-28-21.jpeg.1594cac461084892b4c90bf0f9c4687f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Vex is independent and solitary most of the time. He often prefers to do things alone, because that way if things go wrong, then it's only his fault. Vex is very introverted, and can easily entertain himself without the company of other people. He is able to find joy and meaning in even the smallest things. Although it isn't necessarily true, Vex believes that everything happens for a reason, and there is a reasonable explanation for everything in the universe.

Likes: Music

making music


video games




Dislikes: Most people

humans in general

things that happen without good reason

wasting things

Problem: He's been antagonized and pushed away by others from childhood, and as a result is extremely lonely. He seems to only see the bad in people, but at the same time longs for the companionship that he has been denied his whole life.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Extra: Vex is, if he does say so himself, an utterly phenomenal dancer. His moves are something uncannybrutal, and you'd better believe it.



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Samantha Gale







Ignore the guns. The outfit shown is what she wears.


Samantha has a very strong belief that everyone is against everyone and that only a few people can be trusted. Although hidden behinds many of her acts, she deep down will believe even the slightest thing is a notion against her. By no means is she felt absorbed or believe she is the center of the world but she does believe that people will and are out to get her and that others will constantly plot against people. While able to ignore the part of her that believes this, Samantha will take rash and drastic measures to cease the feeling that others conspire against her.. However, Samantha is quite the tricky character as she occasionally will enjoy a prank or two. That she won't deny. She is a horrible person to around when overtaken by boredom. Samantha is rarely angry and rarely made to cry as she isn't entirely bothered about most things, only having a few things that rile her up. There are instances when the girl is cold and instances when she will be over joyed but in general she is quite happy as she will find something to amuse herself with. A wide majority of the time she will seem as happy as can be as a mask conceals whatever she needs to hide.



-The colour Purple.


-Soothing voices.


-Anything Funny.



-Extremely loud and idiotic people.

-Over confidence.


-The colour Orange.

-Anything unpredictable.

-More Fish.



At a young age she lost her mother but at the time she was rarely able to understand the loss of her maternal figure. She grieved, she cried, she went through the stages one went through naturally at such a tragic time. Her father was a strict man, obsessed with his work with a home life that never struck his interest. So, his daughter was left with babysitters and some of the occasional women he dated. Of course, by a certain age she began to notice one thing that remained similar between each women. They used her father. Even her, barely a preteen could see their fake looks and she hated it, a lot. More and more women entered her life as her fathers dates and eventually she could only perceive them all as out to get him. To get what was his. So, soon enough it came to the point where she was dragged into it. There were people targeting her and yet she still failed to understand. School colleagues, general people and even strangers made her unnaturally anxious and it began to take a toll. Eventually she confronted her father only to see the lack of care he held for her and the lack of belief he had in his own daughter, while that wasn't a major thing, she lost her trust in him and he was labelled with everyone else she did not trust. Then, she only held five people who did not rile up her paranoia.




-The reason for her escaping is the lack of trust she has in her father.

-She has a habit of humming to herself.

-When anxious she has either bites her nails or play/pull at her hair.

-For some reasons she likes to wear gloves.

-She has a fear of pins.

-She adorns a silver cross under her clothes but is an atheist.

Name: Nadia Elisabeth Anne-Marie Haynn- Nadia Haynn

Gender: Female

Age: 17



When one first meets Nora, she is but a sweet, shy girl with no troubles in the world. Hiding behind her shell of forced smiles, lies, polite words and a social-facade is a fragile, near suicidal girl that believes herself to be the ugliest being in existence. Even after reaching her goal of becoming a model, the young girl suffers from severe anorexia and has a twisted sense of humor. She is beyond lonely and once you have cracked her shell you'll find her different. Replaced by sweet words is a feisty, insecure girl that rarely shows affection.

Nora is the type of person that treasures the small moments in life, those small life-altering moments that sets or breaks a relationship. She prefers a movie night on the couch rather than going out to some fancy restaurant. She tends to show how she feels through actions rather than words.


- Small romantic/intimate moments

- Classical Music - Favorite band; Paramore

- Patient people

- Reading

- Singing

- Her Grandma; whom passed away


- Her body, herself and anything which revolves around the subject of ME

- Her parents

- Being noticed - as in physically noticed [people who notice how her body is etc.]

- Naiv people

- Judgmental people

- People who 'talk to much'/gossip

Loneliness; As much as Nora is suicidal, anorexic and slightly paranoid, she is lonely. Never being noticed by her big-time parents, the best-selling author for a father and the rumored fashion designer mother. Even when she had her rebellious stage, even when she smoked and was drunk every other day, they would simply brush it off. The one person that cared about her, died for merely a month ago. People never want to get to known 'Nadia' but they want to know 'The Model Nadia' , 'The Famous Nadia' and 'Nadia the daughter of'. This has even lead her to taking depression pills, researching about how to commit suicide, believing that no one in the world loves her for being herself.

Sexuality: Straight/Heterosexual


-Nora is the daughter of Jareld and Aqua Marthon. Jareld is not only a world-known author but his wife, Aqua, is one of the most trendy designers of this decade.

-Nora has established a contract with 'Desi', a world-wide famous Model Agency and has been on various covers of 'Mode'.

- She suffers from Anorexia and severe depression

-Her Grandmother passed away merely a month ago.

- She bites the inside of her lip before she lies

@The Villain King
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Name: Corey Mckay

Gender: Female

Age: 17


Personality: Corey is very quit girl. She’ll often respond, if possible, without words. She does actually have a very loud voice, wich of course is surprising when she speaks up in certain situations. She is very proud and prefers to do things on her own. When things don’t work her way she has tantrums.

Likes: Reading, Lame jokes, Unexplainable things.

Dislikes: People who talk nonsense. people who whine a lot.

Problem: She recently discovered that she was adopted. She can’t say this was a huge shocker for her, she always new deep down she didn’t belong. It just seems that now she feels like living in a world without love.

Sexuality: Straight, Bi-curious


Name Avery "Avi" Jememings

Gender Female

Age 16


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/EP4jLrJlqW.jpg.52565ae610bf365eb82f66d1f05b3b9e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11139" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/EP4jLrJlqW.jpg.52565ae610bf365eb82f66d1f05b3b9e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(She has a very light complection, with a brown mess atop her head to top it of a pair of percing green eyes)

Personality Avery can be a distant person, from talk to you all day to not talking to you at all. Avi gets easily distracted, as in having an extream case of A.D.D. She is a kinda hearted girl, but she's afraid to fall in love because, she knows she's going to fall hard and she knows she's going to get to get hurt. she is a sweet but fiesty girl. Also she is a big smart alec.

Likes candy,being alone storms reading, beaches, mermaids, animals ,magic, boy bands ,food, art.

Dislikes Romance ( but it could always happen) pestering people, being stressed alot.

Problems Sucidal thoughts or actions. Her abusive foster father.

Sexauality Heterosexual

Extra Always wears the necklace her mom gave her before she left


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/UGY3HLBmbh.jpg.a14da5d8c66674fcc1a82338e4749628.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11143" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/UGY3HLBmbh.jpg.a14da5d8c66674fcc1a82338e4749628.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Gabriel Albert Augustus Richard Valerian el Morgan





Gabriel's hair is a light blond color, which contrasts sharply with his striking heterochromatic eyes; one is a dazzling emeral-green, while the other is deep, almost-fluorescent crimson. His skin tone is rather pale, but healthy looking, because although he doesn't get outside much, his work motivates him to stay lean and in shape.

Personality: Gabriel has a very positive outlook on life, despite his terminal illness. He enjoys the real, spontaneous interactions of everyday life, as opposed boring, planned, and rehearsed events, such as soirees and gallas. This nature is in direct opposition to his learnings as a nobleman, although he doesn't really care for that title. He sees the worth in almost every individual he meets, excluding himself, and he is very perceptive. However, as much as he praises those who aren't afraid to be themselves, he himself is somewhat of a fake. That's not to say that his personality is a false facade, but it does mask his inner turmoil. In his mind, the only one without any true value to this world is himself, although, as outlined in the problems section, this has nothing to do with self-esteem issues or his tumor. Intellectually, he is very gifted, having excelled in every private school he was enrolled in by the el Morgan's. Although he could get into any university he wanted, he would rather explore, experience, and hopefully impact the world before his end.


- Real People

- Real Moments

- Music, Art, & Literature

- Good Conversation

- Small Groups of True Friends

- Getting to Know People

- Getting People to Come Out of Their Shells


- Fakes

- Large, Obscene Social/Business Events

- Shallow Relationships

- Anything Induced by Greed or Money


In direct contrast to Gabriel's upbeat personality, his life has been full of sadness and loneliness from the moment it began. To begin, his birthmother died during his birth, which caused his resentful birthfather to put him in a box, with airholes, of course, and leave the baby Gabriel in an alley. Luckily, his cries were heard by a passing social worker, who admitted him to an orphanage. Unfortunately, it became apparent that the other children wouldn't associate with him, even mocking and beating up on him due to his heterochromia. Miraculously, this didn't jade the young Gabriel at all. The orphanage workers used to say that he had such a pure heart that he was untaintable.

However, it seemed that the universe was determined to break this young boy, and so his troubled life got even worse. Eventually, he was adopted by a kind, caring old couple. This was the first true, family-style home he'd been welcomed into, so he took an instant liking to them. Alas, it was not meant to last, and the elderly folk died due to heart complications. Thus, he was forced to resume his residency at the orphanage. Plagued by the memories of what had happened during his previous time at the orphanage, he decide not to return, and so he ran away from his social worker when he found an opening. Living on the streets was rough, but he soon met a band of homeless children, who lived in an old, abandoned house. There, he met a girl, a wonderful girl named Roslyn, who changed his life. Initially, when they became close, she was like a sister, but it eventually became something more, although neither of them admitted to it.

Years past, and as Gabriel got older, he did odd jobs here and there to earn money. One such job was helping a merchant organize his wares. Unbeknownst to him, his work was seen by a certain lady, who offered him a position at her household, the el Morgan family. When he refused to go without Roslyn, the family became enamored with the duo and suprisingly adopted the two. It turned out that their daughter had died recently of a birth defect, so Gabriel and Roslyn were the new heirs. Tragically, the day before they were to be taken to the el Morgan estate, a fire broke out in the children's shack. Gabriel and Roslyn attempted to rescue the youngest children, and they were successful, but at a terrible price; Roslyn was unable to escape the house and was lost to the inferno. It was then that Gabriel's outlook on life changed. Most would assume that he must have become cynical. The truth was the exact opposite; Gabriel now valued all the small moments that made up life and thought that everyone's life had value and meaning. Everyone's other than his own, of course. After all, all the tragedy and death in his life couldn't be a coincidence. No, something about him was to blame for these deaths. Luckily, Gabriel doesn't have much time left on this earth, not if his supposedly untreateable cancer has anything to say about it.



- He is the heir to the el Morgan Family, an aristocractic family of nobles who are closely related to the Royal Family of England. As such, when his uncle dies, he will be expected to drop everything and take over as head of the family.

- He never knew his birth parents.

- Recently, using his connections, he got a job working as the CSO (Chief Security Officer) of a modeling agency called "Desi".

@The Villain King
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Name: Kaylee Jundaray

Gender: Female

Age: 16


<The one with the black shirt.

Personality: She is really just a person that likes to be left alone most of the time. She has had a rough childhood but if you get to know her she is really sweet. Kaylee is a small bit timid because she doesn't know what people will think of her. She has a bad temper because people have pushed her too far.

Likes: Romance. Supportive people. Guys who understand. alone time.

Dislikes: Bullies. Makeup. Large crowds.

Problems: She has been bullied way too much and she doesn't understand why.

Sexuality: (Is it okay if I skip this one?)

Extras: She is single. (I would love for her to have a relationship so..)

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