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  1. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    "Hahaha...HAHAHA wow that kinda clearly can't counteract my Heal Pulse" as she said that her flesh was being replaced "I'll take that!" She said as she carefully took @xScreaminGhostx out of her cage using Psychic and teleported her back to Ami's safe zone dimension "AAWW did I still...
  2. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    Ami teleported both @Chale and @Dkingowback. It's up to me. "Please...Dir...stop." @xScreaminGhostx
  3. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    Ami teleported both @Chale and @Dkingow back. It's up to me. "Please...Dir...stop." @Dkingow
  4. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    "She's not on my map anymore...O god she's in hell! How in the world did they get her! Ugh what a pain in the ass" she then grabbed @Chale @Dkingow "Well now if someone tells you to 'go to hell' tell em you did" The trio arrived in hell and saw Spir in a cage "S-spir!" Ami cried @xScreaminGhostx
  5. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    "@Chale ? We don't need more casualties, just please don't die..." Ami said with frustration "Grah!" She ten used moon blast against Dir @xScreaminGhostx @Dkingow
  6. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    "Spirit I'm taking you somewhere safe, ok? You're too weak to fight right now.. Close your eyes relax you'll be ok..." herself and Spirit transported to a safe zone in Ami's dimensions "You'll be safe here NO ONE knows about it...I'll be back for you" she gave a nice big grin and hugged her...
  7. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    "H-hey! I just helped her become conscious AND tended her wounds...something that YOU COULD NOT DO! The nerve of some people. I'm just taking her to a safe zone right now" @Dkingow @xScreaminGhostx
  8. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    "Haha! Your awake Spir" she licked her face in enjoyment quickly we need to keep you safe, let's get outta here!" They started to walk near the door. @xScreaminGhostx @Dkingow
  9. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    "Don't worry May, I'm healing her, just jeeo the cute but deadly demon guy of me!" @Dkingow "please be ok..." she whispered to Spirit @xScreaminGhostx
  10. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    'I'm sorry looked really cute and kind in regular for but I just can't let you do this. No one dies today!" She set up a barrier to block his attacks while she went over to Spirit to tend her wounds with Heal Pulse. @xScreaminGhostx @Dkingow
  11. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    "Dir please stop this! W-why are you doing this!" @xScreaminGhostx
  12. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    "Gah! I-I really didn't want to do this...Dear King forgive me. I call upon you Arceus, please give me power to protect my friends from what they fear. Give me strength+" as soon as she said that a thunder bolt struck her and she turned into the Pokémon known as Sylveon. "Dir...please listen...
  13. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    "H-hey!" She jumped in the middle abd used protect in front of them so the could not fight "friends...repeat with me fffrrrriiiiieeeennndddsss" @Dkingow @xScreaminGhostx
  14. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    ((LMAO xD pretend I said roof... AND battle XDD)) @xScreaminGhostx
  15. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    Ami heard yelling in the hallway and tan towards it she soon found @xScreaminGhostx @Dkingow arguing "H-hey guys let's n-not fight here, w-we can all be friends" she said with a little fear in her voice
  16. Emizuni

    dead inside

    dead inside
  17. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    "O-oh come in, quickly!" When she let him in she looked in the hallway just in case anyone was following @Chale she then quietly closed the door and shut her curtains.
  18. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    "W-who is it!" She said hesitantly @Chale
  19. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    Early in the morning Ami decided to make a huge decision. She slipped a note under the dorm of @Chale that read "Please meet in my room (room 111) ASAP" it printed in a rather messy manner, so it must've been important.
  20. Emizuni

    Fantasy Winterfell Academy

    (I'm sorry, not trying to sound or be rude but wtf did you just say xD ) @Dragasis