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  • Users: Jazz
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  1. Jazz

    What's wrong with you...?

    Sorry guys, my computer completely died. If anyone's interested in keeping this going, I'm pretty sure both computer and internet issues are fixed
  2. Jazz

    What's wrong with you...?

    (Sorry, internet crapped out on me.) Carted dove into the breakfast spread hungerly. he piled his plate up, but it was completely clean before too long. He had a super fast metabolism. "This is good" he commented between bites. "So, anyone else looking forward to the testing in some weird...
  3. Jazz

    Highschool... Never ends

    Sorry guys, my internet crapped out on me
  4. Jazz

    The Secrets of a Deadly Virus (RolePlay)

    Karli shrugged at Alex's comment. "None taken. I appreciate your acknowledging it" She fell into step behind her. She was sort of glad that the others were alright with using firearms
  5. Jazz


    Ade smiled. He was overjoyed now. "I found a cave, not far from the city. There are objects there, I don't know what they are. I enjoy studying them. Would you care to see?" he didn't show many people "his" cave, but felt the princess might be interested
  6. Jazz

    What's wrong with you...?

    June sighed. "As explained when you were recruited, it is to gather information on the minds and lives of North American Teenagers" she explained. She set the pancakes down. "Now, everyone, eat up. We begin at nine" she st in the only empty seat nd helped herself to some food
  7. Jazz

    What's wrong with you...?

    Carter plated the fruit and set it down on the table before sitting in one of the open chairs. "Soo...This testing...What is it?" he asked June, grabbing a chunk of pineapple and popping it in his mouth June was piling pancakes on a large plate. "Well, Carter, you'll each be getting different...
  8. Jazz

    What's wrong with you...?

    June smiled. "Thank you, Monique. Erabella, setting the table would be a big help. Then perhaps you could put some bread in the toaster?" she asked. "And someone can get out peanut butter, jam, margarine, whatever else they'd like on toast"
  9. Jazz

    Highschool... Never ends

    Conner sighed. "Well, now that was good, Conner" he mentally kicked himself. He hadn't realized what Garret had reeeeally meant at the time. Not til they both left. oops. He headed out of the store, back to his truck. He'd deal with everything later. Right now, he had pop getting warm in the...
  10. Jazz

    What's wrong with you...?

    Carter looked up when Erabella came into the kitchen. "Morning" he greeted her before turning back to the fse?"ruit he'd'been cutting. "June, is this enough, or do you want more?" he asked June smiled brightly. "Erabella! Good morning, hope you're hungry!" she started the pancakes in a frying...
  11. Jazz

    Highschool... Never ends

    Conner watched Emma leave, mentally kicking himself. he hadn't relly meant for her to leave...oops. He sighed. "Actually, I've got a party to organize, so maybe I should be going too..." Sierra laughed. "Serious? Me? Yeah right." when iit was her turn, she chewed her lip while she played, only...
  12. Jazz

    The Secrets of a Deadly Virus (RolePlay)

    Karli looked around the group, listening to introductions, trying to pin each name to the corrosponding face. "I'm Karli" she said, still scanning the group. She wasn't sure about these people, but then, what choice did she really have? It wasn't their use of weapons that bothered her, it was...
  13. Jazz


    He shook her hand. "Please, call me Ade" he told her with a smile. "Would you care to go for a swim with me? I've got no plans for a while. Unless you're busy, of course" he added
  14. Jazz

    What's wrong with you...?

    June looked around the room. "Hm...Let's see...will we need sausage too? We've got eggs, Pancakes, bacon, nd fruit...." she was more thinking out loud than anything.
  15. Jazz

    Highschool... Never ends

    Conner laughed, shaking his head. "I dunno, man, I think if I showed up with a dude, all the girls would be heart broken. And Jealous. You want the chicks to like you, not go all Cat Fight Ninja Chick on you"
  16. Jazz


    He smiled. "My name is Adrian, but my friends all call me Ade." he introduced himself, extending his hand to her. "I'm sorry for forgetting my manners"
  17. Jazz

    What's wrong with you...?

    June nodded. "Well, if you don;t mind, you could get the eggs going for me. I was just going to do a whole mess of scrambled to go with the pancakes, bacon, and fresh fruit" she explained, gettng the eggs out of the fridge for her. Carter walked over. "I'll cut up the fruit" he offered...
  18. Jazz

    Highschool... Never ends

    Sierra smiled and shrugged. "You pick m'dear. I'm good either way" she noticed the lone girl walk in, but figured she was probably meeting someone or something. Conner chuckled. "Hey, I just thought I'd e nice. But if you don't mind being bothered, well, ask Emma. I tend to just keep talking"
  19. Jazz

    What's wrong with you...?

    June was in the kitchen, making breakfast. She spotted Alice nd smiled. "good morning, dear. I'm just getting strted on breakfast, would you like to sit and keep me company?" she asked. "You're up early. Morning person?" She went back to whisking the pncake batter. Carter was glad for the...
  20. Jazz


    He smiled and shrugged, as if to say oops, my bad. "You look very lovey today, Princess" he commented. "Oh, did I forget to introduce myself?" He asked, blushing a bit