Highschool... Never ends

((Ah, okay))

Lea walked into the Arcade. She didn't normally like them but her half brother did so she went with him a lot and one day she tried one of the games. It was very addictive. VERY addictive.
Emma raised her eyebrows a bit at what Garrett had said. She was only joking and she knew he was two. Two scarcastic people is better than one. "Wow, someone brought their flirtatous jokes with them today." He had even said something to Connor, which surprised her a bit. This guy was nothing near shy.

Justin nodded before leading her to one of the Pac-man machine. Taking a sit across from her he grinned a bit.
"So you wanna be miss. or mr.?" Leaning back into the cushion seat. He noticed another girl, one who was alone walked in. Most girls didn't come to the arcade, especially alone.
Sierra smiled and shrugged. "You pick m'dear. I'm good either way" she noticed the lone girl walk in, but figured she was probably meeting someone or something.

Conner chuckled. "Hey, I just thought I'd e nice. But if you don't mind being bothered, well, ask Emma. I tend to just keep talking"
She walked over to the game and inserted a quarter and started playing. She kinda wished that her half-brother could be there with her so she wouldn't be so alone but he was busy today, with his job and newborn son he was busy almost everyday.
Garrett looked at Conner and then said."Hm I don't mind being bothered by you so go ahead just keep talking I enjoy listening to you."He grinned at the male before he looked over at Emma and then said."Hm so what about it me and you going to a party as friends unless Conner wants to go with me."He grinned laughing lightly looking towards conner he knew he was being openly flirtatious but he didn't mind flirting with Conner.

Conner laughed, shaking his head. "I dunno, man, I think if I showed up with a dude, all the girls would be heart broken. And Jealous. You want the chicks to like you, not go all Cat Fight Ninja Chick on you"
Emma scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. She knew where this was going, she had witnessed it first hand. Emma looked from Garrett and then to Conner before speaking up. "Well, I have a tv to find for the hot cable guy that's coming tomorrow, see you guys tomorrow." She over friendly to them before walking out the front door, the bell chimed as she did. Emma glanced u and down the street looking for a place to look.

Justin laughed a bit as he inserted the quarters.
"So serious..." he said playfully as he began. Justin was pretty good at these games, he managed to get through three stages before losing a life. He leaned foward and looked up at Sierra, "Your turn Miss. Gamer." He laughed a bit.
Conner watched Emma leave, mentally kicking himself. he hadn't relly meant for her to leave...oops. He sighed. "Actually, I've got a party to organize, so maybe I should be going too..."

Sierra laughed. "Serious? Me? Yeah right." when iit was her turn, she chewed her lip while she played, only getting through two stages before dying. "Ugh" she laughed. "Did you jinx me or somethin?"
Garrett looked at Conner and then said."Hm you think they would huh?I wouldn't want to upset anyone but hm just something they would have to deal with if you show up with a guy but if you would rather keep it that way then so be it."He looked at Emma and raised a brow before he said."Really a hot cable guy I....never mind."He grinned and then seen as Conner leave before he looked over at him and said."You want to talk to her right then go ahead man I am sorry for making her leave see you at the party."He walked away and out of the store the bell rang lightly as he walked forward passing Emma looking at the ground and putting his headphones in not really caring he just kind of wanted to go home.

Would it be to late to join?

Name: Huey

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Arrogant, and a bit perverted, but has a good heart overall. Doesn't have many social skills, but is continually cracking jokes and sarcastic remarks.

favourite subject: Chorus

least favourite subject: History

timetable: History







New student or not: Not

Jock, emo, geek, Ext: Sort of popular and "funny guy."

Looks:View attachment 3373 Sort of like that, but green eyes and black hair. And a bit uglier.
Conner sighed. "Well, now that was good, Conner" he mentally kicked himself. He hadn't realized what Garret had reeeeally meant at the time. Not til they both left. oops. He headed out of the store, back to his truck. He'd deal with everything later. Right now, he had pop getting warm in the back of his truck
Garrett sighed as he let his music blast in his ears putting one foot in front of the other and keeping a steady pace making sure he would be able to get home fast he would have to do a few things for art class before he could do anything else.He didn't really mind Conner dismissing his offer to go to the party with him with a joke not all guys were like him and he could understand but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when you just look over the question like they didn't mean it.

Garrett walk forward and didn't really pay attention to what was around him and he ended up knocking into the guy and realized it was his fault before he said."Oh I am sorry I wasn't paying attention sorry."He said gently to the other before pulling off his head phones and looking at the other and then flipping his silvery white hair out of his icy blue eyes.
Garrett looked at the kid and then said."Hm I am new around here so don't be surprised if you haven't seen me before and I am sorry about knocking into I should have been paying more attention."He smiled charmingly rubbing the back of his head and then said."And the names Garrett by the way."

Garrett looked at the boy before he said."Yeah I am new here it is a pleasure to meet you though Huey so I am just guessing that you are not so new here right if I may ask what year are you because I am a senior this is my last year here."He smirked.

"Junior," Huey said happily. "It is a pleasure to meet you, sire." Huey went into as weeping bow.
"Hm it does seem like I am a little bit older that everyone around here doesn't it but a lot of people think I should be in college from my stature."He smirked laughing lightly before adding."So what are you doing out here all by your lonesome it looks like you should definitely have a girl around your arm or are you not into that."He grinned.
Huey laughed, "The only way not to be into that is to be gay. I'm just kinda chilling here."
Garrett laughed and then raised a brow before saying back."Yep you are right but hm that doesn't seem like such a bad idea you know."He grinned rubbing the back of his neck before adding."I see I was going to head home because I didn't have anyone to talk to but you seem interesting enough unless you wanted to be alone."He smiled.

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