What's wrong with you...?

(Sorry, internet crapped out on me.)

Carted dove into the breakfast spread hungerly. he piled his plate up, but it was completely clean before too long. He had a super fast metabolism. "This is good" he commented between bites. "So, anyone else looking forward to the testing in some weird, twisted way?" he asked. "Like, sort of something to do? Something new?"
Alice nodded and shrugged a bit at Carter's question. "Actually, yes." she spoke up. "Hopefully that doesn't sound too odd. Anything is better than being with her..." she mumbled the last part, not mentioning who "her" was. But it was the truth. No matter how boring the testing was going to be, at least she wasn't at "home".
Monique sat down silently at the table, delicately picking food up from her own plate. She took a secretive glance around at the others, picking up on the shy brunette's comment about 'her' (Yup, decided Monique sees her as a brunette xD ) This intrigued her a bit, did this people not have perfect lifes? Monique thought she was the only one with a messed up background, was there something beneath the surface with this girl? She dropped her gaze back to her plate, eating some more food as thoughts raced through her head. She was pretty sure none of them were murderers like her. It was odd to do that, she thought, refer to herself as a murderer, but even though the murder had been accidental, she did still kill her mother, right? It was probably even worse that she felt no remorse afterwards, she just thought about blaming the new boyfriend. But now that she thought about it, what did she have to feel remorse about? Her mother was never truly there for her, Monique had to raise herself and she never felt close to her mum in any possible way. She realized she had finished eating and glanced up to June, could she leave? She wasn't one to make conversation easily.
Alice finished eating and began to wash dishes. She didn't want to look lazy. She'd eaten, so she'd help clean up. She was ready to move on to the testing, anyway. She figured they would start once the others were full from eating, and she was eager and excited to see what it was going to be about.
[MENTION=1907]Jazz[/MENTION] are we letting this RP die or did you want to try to make it active again?
Sorry guys, my computer completely died. If anyone's interested in keeping this going, I'm pretty sure both computer and internet issues are fixed

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