
(( [MENTION=1907]Jazz[/MENTION] [MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] both approved :) you can both start posing now))

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(( @Lost in Paradise I feel like a total idiot lol. I checked through all the skellies and realized you made a 'princess of Maris'.... There isn't a princess of Maris, only 4 princes.))
Thanks, Kait! ^.^

Echo flicked her tail as she was yold by one of the mads that it was time to wake. She groaned and sat up, her long black hair a mop atop her head. She grabbed the silvery brush that lay on the coral nightstand beside her. She pulled it through her hair eventually making it flow like it normally does. She yawned and swam towards the doorway that was covered with kelp. She made her way to the dining room (I'm guessing mermaids eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner....right?).
River was, as usual, up early, long before the rest of the city got busy. He enjoyed the early morning, when he could move freely without running into anyone else. He did the best exploring then. As the city woke, he made his way back at a leisurely pace, nodding to those who acknowledged him, stopping to talk with those who spoke to him. He enjoyed talking to people, as well. He had mny friends, being a personable young merman.

Adrian was out and about, having finished his breakfast and already gotten on his father's nerves with his chattering. His father, exasperated, had sent Ade to go search Elantia for his friends. Ade knew it was an excuse to get rid of him, but he was okay with that. He was glad for the excuse to go out for a while, not be stuck helping his father inside. As he swam, he smiled. "Good morning, Princess" he greeted Iliana politely
Iliana smiled at Adrian. "Good morning." she said in a polite yet informal tone. He was the first person she'd seen yet this morning, it seemed really quiet and empty here today. "I hope everything is going well for you? It's a beautiful day." She wanted to speak formally, after all she was Princess, but she felt weird talking like that all the time and would rather come off as a friendly person rather than just as royalty.
Adrian nodded. "yes, Princess, it is a lovely day. the water seems to be especially warm today. I'm planning on attending a get together this afternoon, perhaps her Highness would be interested?" he offered. Ade often thought the position of Royalty must be awful lonely sometimes. It would suck having to be always above everyone else. But who knew, maybe he was wrong nd she;d think him a fool for the offer. Oh well, it was out there now.
Beck awoke early somewhat saddened that he was still in his "princely" bed. He longed for the open sea and he the adventures that came with it but right now he was needed in Aestus. He had arrived home a week ago with Sapphire, a lone mermaid who had barely opened up to anyone. She was small malnourished and obviously distraught but he couldn't figure out why. Now she was almost like a pet for his doting mother who had never had a daughter. She stayed by the girl's side trying to coax information out of her and discover her past but it was of no use. Sapphire was polite enough but very timid, loud noises made her jump and if you moved just the wrong way she would flinch as if you were going to hit her. Sighing Beck shook his head he couldn't think of that now he had business to attend too. He made his way through the castle heading for the dining room.
Iliana continued to smile politely, but inside she was thrilled. She'd never been invited anywhere other than a few royal balls that it was mandatory to attend. "That would be wonderful." she said in her calm melodic voice.
He smiled. "I'm sure everyone will love seeing you, Your Highness. It's expected to be quite fun" he felt like doing flips. The Princess had just accepted his invitation! She hadn't laughed or thought him silly at all!
(( [MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] There might be later, I have to ask @♥Lost_In_Paradise♥ to change her city to Pandora as well. They made a Princess of Maris, when Maris doesn't have a princess. So when they reply I'll ask that they be a Princess of Pandora with you :) ))

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Iliana smiled. The merman seemed really happy that she was going to attend his get-together. She tried to hide how overjoyed she was that she might get to act like a normal 16-year old for once, but she figured it was still showing on her face. "Might I ask where I should go?" she asked, wondering where the get-together was. She wondered if there would be a lot of people, but didn't ask.
Ade smiled, brought out of his silent celebration by her question. "Oh, of course, Princess, excuse my forgetfulness. May I ask her highness to accompany me so I can ensure she not get lost?" he offered. "Not that I think you would get lost" he added quickly. "I just thought you might rather not show up alone" He was mentally kicking himself, sure he sounded like an over excited little boy. "I'd be most honored" he added, trying to salvage the conversation some
Iliana giggled a little. His insecurity was kind of... cute. She smiled and nodded. "That would be wonderful." she said. She followed close, trying to think of something to say. She was the Princess, why was she so nervous about going somewhere with someone from the City?
He smiled and shrugged, as if to say oops, my bad. "You look very lovey today, Princess" he commented. "Oh, did I forget to introduce myself?" He asked, blushing a bit
Iliana blushed a little and looked away to hide it. "Thank you." she said quietly. He asked her if he'd introduced himself. "I don't believe you have." she said, suddenly surprised at herself for warming up so quickly to a stranger whose name she didn't even know.
He smiled. "My name is Adrian, but my friends all call me Ade." he introduced himself, extending his hand to her. "I'm sorry for forgetting my manners"
Iliana smiled, shaking Adrian's hand. "It's not a problem." she said. "It's nice to meet you, Adrian." she wondered if she should introduce herself. It felt weird not telling him her name as well, but then again, most people in town already knew her...
He shook her hand. "Please, call me Ade" he told her with a smile. "Would you care to go for a swim with me? I've got no plans for a while. Unless you're busy, of course" he added
Iliana smiled. "Ok, Ade." she said. "And I'd love to." she added. She definitely wasn't in the mood to return to the palace. Her father would wonder where she had wandered off to but woud assume she was out exploring as usual, which she kind of was.

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* would

((sorry it bugs me lol but it takes forever to load the edit page on mobile))
((Oh my gosh. I didn't know we were role playing. I've been waiting for a notification saying so and so has replied. Ahhh not use to this site. Anyway I can jump in??))
The princess of Aestus; Lucindia ventured away from the palace as usual. She said "Herb let's go exploring and maybe make some new friends!" to her pet turtle. Herb agreed and they went off looking for adventure and maybe even some new friends.
Ade smiled. He was overjoyed now. "I found a cave, not far from the city. There are objects there, I don't know what they are. I enjoy studying them. Would you care to see?" he didn't show many people "his" cave, but felt the princess might be interested

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