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  1. B

    Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

    Alex nodded. "I don't lie. And you should care." Alex stepped and was behind reverse. He had a hand on his shoulder and his face on Reverse's neck. "I would buy you but I have to wait. You fascinate me." Alex smiled and pecked his neck with his lips. Alex let his teeth touch Reverse but didn't...
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    Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

    Alex smirked. "I care about how everyone looks. You don't see masters with ugly slaves right?" He smiled and looked at Reverse. "Do you not want to be handsome?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
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    Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

    Nick smiled. He looked at the lock and moved his hand. A shadow key formed. He pushed it in the lock and turned. It opened. Nick smiled at Seth. "I promise you will like it."Alex smiled. "Good. I reserched your kind. Very intriguing. By the way you look quit handsome without the cover." Alex...
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    Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

    Nick ran his fingers along the lock. "I don't think you're bad. You need a good atmosphere. I know this isn't the best. But I know where Alex's home is. Promise me you won't run and I'll take you there. Its very...amazing. All the sensative creatures stay there with his pets." Nick smiled and...
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    Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

    Nick nodded. "Oh. That's hard." Nick saw his ears and tail. Nick held his own stripped tail in his lap. "Well my kind is very rare so I was used to running. Our tribe settled in the mountains since no one could reach us. For about a year it was good. We could eat, play, practice our magic and so...
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    Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

    Ty and Nick just shrugged. Seth didn't want to be here but he had no choice. Ty watched Reverse leave and wondered what he was doing. Ty shrugged and leaned on the cage. "One day, hopefully soon, you'll get it. Until then..." Ty smirked and walked away. Nick stayed. "Why Seth? What's your story...
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    Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

    Nick hissed. "Don't touch me!" Nick stepped back. "No wonder Master got mad. You're a pain." Just then Ty came out with Alex. Alex hugged Ty for a bit. Ty smiled as they talked. Alex went to the bar while Ty headed over to his brother. Ty smiled. "Good. I felt a chill and wondered if you were...
  8. B

    The Loop

    Its up...we just need more players >o
  9. B

    The Loop (Semi-open)

    Please get accepted first!
  10. B

    Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

    Nick nodded. "Yea. And no they aren't makin' it nasty. Ty is just feeding him and comforting him. My brother and I have learned to love Alex. We were the same as Seth to start. We didn't get it. We were scared. Then we heard that our village got burned to ashes. Alex comforted us. Almost every...
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    Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

    Nick sighed and watched Ty and Alex. Slowly Alex looked like himself again. Ty rocked Alex back and forth. "But Alex is a good guy snake. He just was forced to do things no child should do. He can't help his anger. It's not his fault really." Nick sighed. Ty rubbed Alex's head. Alex smiled. "Did...
  12. B

    Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

    Tyler clutched Alex as his bones broke to form his demonic self. Tyler grabbed Alex's arms and pulled at Alex. Alex growled. Tyler kissed Alex's neck and pulled. Alex fell to the ground and tyler pinned him down. "Alex! Snap out of it!" Nick ran over and closed the cage. He lifted it to the...
  13. B

    Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

    Alex glared at him and grabbed Seth by the neck. He squeezed as his long nails dug in. "Listen. When the buyers come in, they expect good pets. You are being difficult. I really don't like it." Alex glared at Seth and his nails grew longer and cut into his neck deeper. His arm started turning...
  14. B

    Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

    Alex looked at Seth. "Now listen. You are here because this is in fact a safe haven. Humans want us rare beings skinned and stuffed. So you can either be stuffed with me or with fluff. I have no problem giving them a kitty." He glared at Seth. Nick grabbed the extras. He smiled. "Well I dunno...
  15. B

    Seven Deadly Sins

    He smirked. "I'm fine with it. I don't think princess is though." He chuckled and slipped his hands in his pockets. "So ms thang. Ever wonder how you got to be who you are now?"
  16. B

    The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

    Reala smiles as she makes the sword disappear. She walks over to her bag. Usagi is almost off the table. She smiles and puts him on her head. She was happy that she was being taught. Reala liked knowledge. She looked at Roth who seemed lost in thought. She smiled and made her words again. 'Thank...
  17. B

    Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

    "Kitty. Now now. Don't make me angry. Ask any slave here. They will gladly tell you. You see Miss. Half Raven? Only reason she's a she is because of me. He made me mad. Now he's a she. I'm sadistic and man the feeling i'd get from abusing you. Now we can do this the easy or hard way." Alex...
  18. B

    The Loop

    sounds good ^-^ reason why its messed up is cuz I copied and pasted from an old gaia account xD I make pretty things xD
  19. B

    Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

    Alex watched his new snake boy help. He was happy. As for Seth, he frowned. Alex walked over and shooed nick away. He reached in and hooked a leash to Seth's coller. "Come with me." He opened the cage with a grip on the leash.Nick nodded and walked to his brother. "We have a snake! Yay!" Ty...
  20. B

    The Loop

    accepted hang out here until I make the IC thread ^-^