Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

Seth stared at him frightened now,His grip tightened around the bars as he stayed as far away from Alex as he could. He didn't like this man,he didn't like him at all,he wanted him to go away. Why was he so pushy with him? Wasn't he fine in the cage,his tail wrapped around him scared as he showed no will of moving.
"Y-yes!" Reverse responded hesitantly, placing a candle on each of the several tables. He was careful but wanted to upset them, yet at the same time he didn't. Sighing mentally, he stood straighter,finished. Reverse still had a few candles leftover, huddling them in his arms and a few in his tail. He stepped closer to the raccoon twins, and smiled. He couldn't help but ask

"When's my lunch time, if I might ask?" Reverse spoke with a quiver in his tone. He didn't want to reveal his objection, but he was awfully impatient sonetimes.
Alex looked at Seth. "Now listen. You are here because this is in fact a safe haven. Humans want us rare beings skinned and stuffed. So you can either be stuffed with me or with fluff. I have no problem giving them a kitty." He glared at Seth. Nick grabbed the extras. He smiled. "Well I dunno. I've lost all track of time."
Seth never heard anything like that,and he's been around humans for a while now. It didn't sound fun but,He glared at Alex."They want us skinned and stuffed,yet you want us as your pathetic toys. Which one actually sounds worse hmm?"He snapped at him.dying is it,there's nothing after but freedom from this terrible world. Staying here and being this man's toy will be hell,at least until Seth goes out and that's a hell in itself for him. ether one Seth did not like,but he didn't want to give in yet.
"Oh, okay," Reverse said with a shake in his tone. Now he'd have to wait. Oh well, great reward comes with great sacrifice. He looked over over Seth," Hey, who's the feline?" Reverse asked. In his head, he licked his lips hungrily. He was surrounded by many yummy-looking mammals. Two raccoons and a cat. Just thinking about their soft meat being ripped and swallowed by him. Reverse caught himself daydreaming about his delicious friends. A shudder ran down his spine. The thought of flesh gnawed at his head. Reverse had to clutch homself, to keep clam.
Alex glared at him and grabbed Seth by the neck. He squeezed as his long nails dug in. "Listen. When the buyers come in, they expect good pets. You are being difficult. I really don't like it." Alex glared at Seth and his nails grew longer and cut into his neck deeper. His arm started turning black. Alex's eyes turned bright white and his teeth grew longer. He was starting to become his demon self. Tyler lit the candles when he sensed it. He ran over and hugged Alex from behind. "Seth! Do you want us all dead?" Nick looked at the scene. "Thats Seth. New. Stubborn though from the looks of things. Word to you...don't deny Alex of ANYTHING. Do I make myself clear?"
Reverse took a step back at the look at the denomic-fused Seth. It tumbled chills through his body. His tail retreated quaking in between his legs. He didn't know what to think of this situation, and he started to doubt his plans on escape. Reverse wanted to say sonething, but everuthing he wanted to say caught up and died in his throat. Biting his lip, Reverse blinked and kept his mouth shut. There was a feeling. A feeling as if he said anything, anything at all, his fate would be just a stuffed head on the side of wall.
Seth flinched at the pain as he grabbed Alex's arm with his hands,but now his mood changed as he glared straight at Alex."Does it look like I care?....Besides,i'd be 'stuffed' anyway.Isn't that right?"He said now in mocking tone,every path this man was giving him lead to death or the worst life he could think of.He got away from it once but he will not be able to do it again,he was not going to listen to some guy who thinks he owns him.
Tyler clutched Alex as his bones broke to form his demonic self. Tyler grabbed Alex's arms and pulled at Alex. Alex growled. Tyler kissed Alex's neck and pulled. Alex fell to the ground and tyler pinned him down. "Alex! Snap out of it!" Nick ran over and closed the cage. He lifted it to the celing. Nick went back to reverse. "Alex is hot headed. Trust me. The people who have escaped tell tales of him and get thrown in psych wards...then he kills them. He's a nightmare demon. Rarest demon. He brings nightmares too life." Nick's tail poofed as a chill trailed his body.
Now Reverse was really thrown off. If he even managed to escape, he would die. If he stayed, at least he'll live. Reverse was now torn between dying painfully or living with an abusive owner. Gritting his teeth, he decided living was better than dying with your nightmares ripping you to shreds. Reverse's breath huffed and puffes infront of him. Now he could see how Seth had become so successful with his 'oets'. They either became good or died a painful excruciating death. Yet it was against in Reverse's very nature to be THAT submissive. Now had a new plan. A better, funner, and smarter plan.

He wanted to rebel.
Nick sighed and watched Ty and Alex. Slowly Alex looked like himself again. Ty rocked Alex back and forth. "But Alex is a good guy snake. He just was forced to do things no child should do. He can't help his anger. It's not his fault really." Nick sighed. Ty rubbed Alex's head. Alex smiled. "Did I kill him Ty?" "No." "Okay." Alex and Ty left to the back to do some things. Nick sighed. "It's been bad lately."
"Muu... Poor guy," Reverse said, crossing his arms. He didn't know if he meant what he said or not, but it just kind of slipped out. Reverse then walked over to Seth, and crouched down on all fours. He was still talking to Nick," Does he have to get calmed down like that alot?"

Reverse looked at the cat man with glowing eyes," Hey, guy, I see how you're freaking out a truckload," he flicked his tongue on the adhesive. Reverse's black tail slid over and wrapoed around his feet, almist as if it were to be a type of protection of some sort.
Seth just watched without saying a word,he had nothing to say. All he knew was that he still didn't like this guy,but now he really didn't want to stay here.Then he got an idea,the man said something about buyers.Did he mean as in buying them and taking them away or just buying for the night? Ether way it was a chance,though he'd have to deal with this one first which could end up as a problem for him.
Nick nodded. "Yea. And no they aren't makin' it nasty. Ty is just feeding him and comforting him. My brother and I have learned to love Alex. We were the same as Seth to start. We didn't get it. We were scared. Then we heard that our village got burned to ashes. Alex comforted us. Almost every one here who is not new, knows Alex means no harm. We know how he is and why he does what he does. My brother and I are owned by him. We like it. And our relationship is not just lust." Nick leaned on the cage. "Great first day! You did well Seth..." He shook his head. "Jeez."
Seth glared out,grabbing Nick by his collar pushing him away then snapping him back into the cage bars."Shut up,I have a reason for everything I do. And this one's important to me so I'm not just going to let him take it away that easily..."He said laying down on his side closing his eyes looking away from the two,he had started not to might them all but that one thing made him hate them. He was scared it wouldn't last,it never does but he had six months on this one. He was doing so well, but of course something happens.
Nick hissed. "Don't touch me!" Nick stepped back. "No wonder Master got mad. You're a pain." Just then Ty came out with Alex. Alex hugged Ty for a bit. Ty smiled as they talked. Alex went to the bar while Ty headed over to his brother. Ty smiled. "Good. I felt a chill and wondered if you were okay." Ty smiled and looked at Seth. "Nice kitty. Made master cry." He said with a huff.
Seth growled at them still laying on his side facing away from them,they were more annoying then he thought. The man started it and he wasn't going to do what he want just because he was told to,he didn't care if he got angry and had a fit or started crying like a baby. It wouldn't change the fact that he didn't like what was going on,they might be fine with it but he wasn't. If the man would be a bit nicer and not as controlling maybe he'd agree.
Reverse sat and watched the scene infront of him. That Seth person freaked out quite a bit. He blinked and said nothing. Then something caught his eye. A shiny object lay in the corner. A knife.

Quietly and silently, Reverse slithered his tail over to the knife. "Be... right back," Reverse said quietly, running back into the back room. While he was running, Reverse fwipped his tail along with the knife over to him. He slid the knife into his pocket and shut the door.

Holding his breath, Reverse shut the door and locked it. He leaned against the cold door and held the knife out. Reverse's breath quivered as his hand started to cut into the adhesive.
Ty and Nick just shrugged. Seth didn't want to be here but he had no choice. Ty watched Reverse leave and wondered what he was doing. Ty shrugged and leaned on the cage. "One day, hopefully soon, you'll get it. Until then..." Ty smirked and walked away. Nick stayed. "Why Seth? What's your story Seth?" Nick sat on the floor, facing Seth.
Seth sighed as he sat back up,almost losing his hat but grabbed it and held it onto his head."More like rats...."He huffed to himself as he turned around to face Nick,he rested his head on his hand."You want to know my story?It's simple really,I've been alone my whole life. My parents just vanished,and I got stuck in something similar to this at the age of 12. Course they didn't know,I never spoke and I looked like I am now. I got stuck in a chain of them for three years,moving along the role as they passed me on to another. Turns out I was good at my job....It became an addiction for me and I just stopped... I ran off and for five months I lived as a street rat,"He smiled"but I was good. The thoughts slowly stopped coming as I looked at other guys and it all just melted away slowly."Then he glared at Nick."But of course it could never last,you people just had to bring me back in to all the things I stopped."He growled."So now,he goes the stupid cycle again,people do say history repeats itself but I never knew so quickly..."He said as he curled up in a ball and laid down with a sigh,his hat had fallen off and he just let it now not caring anymore. Just as his tail his ears were pitch black unlike his hair color,though one had tags in it.not large ones,about the size of an earring six of them ringed up his ear,his ears folded back as he say his story wasn't only a few sentences as he thought.
Nick nodded. "Oh. That's hard." Nick saw his ears and tail. Nick held his own stripped tail in his lap. "Well my kind is very rare so I was used to running. Our tribe settled in the mountains since no one could reach us. For about a year it was good. We could eat, play, practice our magic and so on in peace. Then hunters started hunting. Ever see a human face stuffed? Horrific. My tribe split and my brother and I ran together. We made it to the plains before being caught. We were shipped to India and sold on the black market. Turns out masters dont want loyal and protective slaves. Ty...he was raped by our last master before Alex. You can tell he fears alot of things. But only through his eyes you can see. I blame myself personally..." He began to tear up but shook his head.
Seth stared at him as he spoke,his tail wrapped around him as he laid there to where the tip was laid under his head."I'm just a black cat...nothing special in that,just bad luck..."He's always thought that but he knew he wasn't the only one with a hard life. He's heard and seen many others in worse,though he kept some of his life a secret especially the parts he hated and had never told anyone.
Nick ran his fingers along the lock. "I don't think you're bad. You need a good atmosphere. I know this isn't the best. But I know where Alex's home is. Promise me you won't run and I'll take you there. Its very...amazing. All the sensative creatures stay there with his pets." Nick smiled and hoped Seth would agree.Alex sipped a drink and watched his snake boy. He walked over to where Reverse was. "Don't bite people now." He whispered to Reverse.
Seth huffed,he'd have to get out of this cage sooner or later anyway,and it was better get out by will then force."Sure...Promise."He said raising up with his arms holding him,his tail stayed around him and his ears still stayed folded down. He just noticed something,where were they really? There were just five of them and a others in cages but where were they? A club? Warehouse? He never looked to find out actually,though actually going to the man's house made him feel a bit nervous.
Reverse hissed in surprise and his tail wrapped around him defensively by habit. "A-Alex!" he flicked his tongue out and forward. He stepped back a few feet, eyes glowing darkly. Reverse backed up against the wall. Baring his teeth, he spoke hoarsely," Wha-What makes you think I'm going to bite anyone?" he stuttered out," It-it was just stuffy an-and it hurt my mouth, th-that's all!" Reverse spat out, his eyes wild and freaked out by how silent that Alex was.

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