Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)

Nick smiled. He looked at the lock and moved his hand. A shadow key formed. He pushed it in the lock and turned. It opened. Nick smiled at Seth. "I promise you will like it."Alex smiled. "Good. I reserched your kind. Very intriguing. By the way you look quit handsome without the cover." Alex smiled and got closer to Reverse. "I don't want fatallities got it?" ooc: Anyone wanna make masters? We need more ppl T^T
"G-got it..." Reverse said stuttering. It was so weird for him to be so close to Alex. He slid out and around the master. Reverse stepped and he stood behind him. Now he was a bit jumpy," I-I guess I'll be going now to-to do some...uh..reptilian stuff.." he narrowed his eyes a deep gold," And when did you care about how I look anyways..?" Reverse hissed and lashed his tongue.
Alex smirked. "I care about how everyone looks. You don't see masters with ugly slaves right?" He smiled and looked at Reverse. "Do you not want to be handsome?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
Reverse spat," Doesn't matter to me how I look," he said with a huff. He froze. He looked at Alex and tilted his head," You think I'm handsome...?" Reverse spoke in a mixture of confusion and irratation. He stood straighter and his tail quivered. This man really did want to sell him, didn't he? Reverse sighed mentally. If someone took a liking to him, he would be sold. Probably to an even worse person. He didn't know what to think. He didn't know anymore.
Alex nodded. "I don't lie. And you should care." Alex stepped and was behind reverse. He had a hand on his shoulder and his face on Reverse's neck. "I would buy you but I have to wait. You fascinate me." Alex smiled and pecked his neck with his lips. Alex let his teeth touch Reverse but didn't bite him.
Reverse jolted and jumped away. He whipped around with a shudder," But you know I'm just a pet to your kinds of people," he said biting his lip. Reverse then breathed more slowly and asked curiously," By the way, what do you do with us anyway? Where am I? What is this place anyway?!" Reverse said angrily. He didn't know anything about this place. It gnawed at him constantly. Reverse knew he was an animal. An animal just to be sold over and over again. What happened to his past life? Oh right. Nothing. He felt so frustrated. He just wanted his questions answered!
"Yea....Whatever..."Seth sighed as he crawled out of the cage on his hands and feet,sitting down on the floor when he was out. He had watched how they opened the cage and it was weird but everything was weird in this place,he stretched his shoulders back as is spine cracked a couple times before relaxing again. His ears twitched slightly as he listened around,his tags making small bell sounds as they hit each other on his ear which seemed to irritate him. He wished they were plastic and not metal because then they wouldn't make as much noise,but he knew they did these because he couldn't get these off as easily as plastic.

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