Chains and Whips excite me! (IC)(semi-open)


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Alexander walked into the shop. All the lights were off and the cages were filled with sleping creatures. He smiled and turned the lights on to a dim. Alex walked around and looked at all the males he had in cages. So pretty. He turned on the bar lights and made himself a drink. He clapped and one of the pets came to his aid. The pet was ready to hand out breakfast. Alex sipped his drink and the pet turned on the lights. Alex smiled and sat on the bar counter. "Rie and shine pretties!" He shouted. Groans and moans echoed through the room. The pet started handing out the many different food choices to all of the species. Alex decided to walk over to one that was one of the newer ones. His name was Seth. Alex clanged on his cage. "Good Morning seth. How do you like the cage?" Alex spoke seductivly.

Tyler and Nick wok2 up in a cramped spot. hey both looked at eachotehr with their racoon stained eyes. They were both part racoon. They shifted and sighed. Tyler spoke first. "My god. I thought we would never get out of the plane!" Nick nodded. "I know! So I'm guessing we were chosen for a special reason." He looked around. Some of the cages had special species that were rare. Tyler and Nick were rare. Tyler watched as a plate of food was given to them to share. They sighed and looked at the garbage. "Yum?" "Yes brother...yum.." They dug into their meal.
Seth quickly went to the opposite side of the cage,away from Alex and hissed at him.He was part cat but kept his ears hidden under his hat and his tail wrapped around his waist under his shirt. He hated this man and wanted to make sure he knew it,taking his freedom away was the worst you could possibly do to him since he had nothing else to be taken away.
Alex hit the cage. "Don't hiss at me. I could easily make you go to hell okay. This is NOT hell." He shook his head. Alex handded him his plate of food. "Eat up. They don't like starving entertainment." Alex grinned and shook his head. "Show your ears and tail. Makes you more attractive."
Seth glared at Alex,Like he'd listen to him so easily.He scoot the food away with his foot and sat sideways against the wall of the cage with his arms crossed,keeping his legs close to his chest as he stared at Alex.There was no way he'd be bossed around by some weird guy who put him in a cage,he was a lot harder to crack.He didn't really know what was going on but he was scared to find out,and he didn't see anyway he could get out of here so he just huffed irritated about the situation he was in.
Reverse sat not too far from Seth. He huddled in the back of his cage, head buried deep inside his knees. Reverse's specialty was dark snakes. He had millions of them in his body. Reverse had a snakelike tongue and held fangs with powerful venom, but most of the time was mouth was taped shut-- literally. He glared over at Alex, who was trying to get Seth to eat. Reverse even had a snake tail, a long black whiplike tail that emitted from the bottom of his waist. Reverse gritted his teeth from under the adhesive tape. He wanted out.
Alex sighed. "Fine. So much for floor duty." He sipped his drink. "Who here is grateful to be here instead of burned and fed to our dogs hm?" He yelled through te whole place. Alex sighed and drank the rest of his drink. "UNGRATEFUL BEASTS."

The twins looked around. Alex was getting mad. The twins had been there for a long time. They unlocked their cage using their tails and jumped down. Alex was okay with this. Nick walked to Seth. Tyler walked to Reverse. Nick sighed and looked at Seth. "Be a good kitty Seth. Trust me. Floor duty is fun." Tyler looked at Reverse. "What are you?" He poked Reverse. "Your scent is different. Rare."
Looking at Tyler, Reverse blinked. Even though his mouth was masked, Reverse's voice still carried. Though it was muffled, his voice was still audible," Snake... I'm snake," he said, strangely without the normal snake lisp that causes you to stress out the 's' words. Shifting closer, Reverse was now at the edge of his cage," I wanna get out." He spoke bluntly, pawing his hand at the bars. Reverse's tail slithered to coil around his feet, staring intently into Tyler's eyes.
"Floor duty?"Seth looked confused as he crept over to the side Nick was on,he was fine with this one. But why were they able to get out of there cages? Seth thought that as unfair,but he didn't ask since he was sure he knew why he was suck in here. And he says be a good kitty?...Really? Like hell he will,and if anyone calls him a 'kitty' again he'll rip there throat out.
Tyler nodded. "Oh snake!" Tyler smiled and looked at Reverse. "If I let you out, you are on floor duty. That means..." Alex interrupted. "That means you either wait, serve drinks or provide entertainment. The minute you step out that door, you will be punished." He smiled and walked away to drink. Tyler nodded. "Exactly. See." He moved his collar a bit and tere were scars. Tyler looked at Reverse. "Promise?" Nick nodded. "Floor duty. You can walk around. But don't try to escape. e and my brother tried and well..." He shrugged. "So...want to be on floor duty or not?"
"Pro-Promise..." Reverse said, almost quietly. He had a plan. Once they let him out, he would convince them to remove the adhesive from his mouth, then make a run for it. Anyone who got in his way Reverse would bite them, injecting a black-purple poison that would paralyze you. In large quantities, it would be death, but it was usually just a stun. Reverse would escape, thrash out until he was free. But he had his doubts, Reverse never had much physical strength, he relied mostly on his snakes. Yet he nodded a fake promise," Now could you let me out?"
Seth sat there with his mouth wide open,what was he in?He flopped back on his back and sighed."I'm gonna die..."He was sure he'd try to get out,it was in his nature to run to freedom when there was a chance. But like he cared if he got hurt if it meant a shot it was good for him,he sat back up and looked around then at the door. He sighed,"Fine..."He whispered to himself as his tail flipped out out of habit,unlike his hair color it was pitch black and fluffy like a dog's with the long length of a cat's and it was hard to hide thanks to that.
Reverse's breath was clouded by adhesive. Luckily, most snakes breathe through their nose. His long sleek black tail slithered out, but Reverse didn't look away from Tyler. He kept his gaze fixed, in hopes of keeping the raccoon busy. The black tail, about 4 and half feet long, crept through the bars. Suddenly, his whiplike tail wrapped around Tyler's neck loosely. It was loose, but strong either way. The tail tugged the raccoon closer to Reverse's bars. Reverse leaned forward, his face only inches away from Tyler's, with only the bars that seperated them. "So, can you unlock it please...?" Reverse's quiet hiss spoke, muffled slightly.
Tyler felt the tail. Alex was watching the scene unfold. Tyler shook his head. "Mr. Snake. Listen. Hurt me, Master Alex has you for dinner. And not in the clean way. Unless you want to be nutered, I advise you to watch it." Tyler smirked. Alex walked over. "Getting cozy with my new pet Ty? Pet, be nice to Ty. He's my plaything." Alex walked over to Nick and his new kitty. Nick smiled as Alex hugged him from behind. A slight bulge poked him. Nick looked at Seth. "Maybe if you help Master Alex, he'll let you out." Alex kissed Nick's neck and stared up at Seth with lustful eyes.
Seth could feel his face turn a slight pink at the scene in front of him,with a surprised look on his face he plopped back from his knees to his butt staring at the two."I'm fine here....Carry on..."He said waving them off,his tail wrapped around him and he now saw this cage as a safety shield. Now he really didn't want to take that chance of escaping even if it was full proof,that would be waaaaay to close for comfort. He had a...problem when it came to that stuff,a problem he did not like and he has been good for a while now and want to keep that record going.
Alex frowned. "Aww. I wanted a pussycat to mix it up. No offense nick but you two get boring." Nick smiled and put his hands on Alex's. Alex kissed his neck before letting go. "Call me over if you change your mind." Alex walked away. Nick let out a sigh and whimper. "Man. Alex can love. Trust me. If I were you I'd get broken in asap!" Nick touched his neck, feeling the lips again.
Seth just stared at him as if he was crazy."Your crazy.... I have a bad feeling of me getting 'broken in'...."His body began to lightly shiver,he was a bit cold and had been that way but now it was starting to effect him. He had been in a situation like this...well not with the cages and by force but of the same topic. And he left that for a reason,and that reason wasn't to just get caught up in it elsewhere that's even worse then before. He had also started to feel itchy but he knew if he itched he'd cut himself like always,nothing was going good for him at the moment.
"Hey, hey! I said I promised, didn't I?" Reverse whimpered releasing the cold grip of his tail. He unwrapped his tail from Tyler's neck, retreating it back into his cage. "I had no means if hurting you, just making it so you cold hear me better~" Reverse chimed darkly. Blinking, Reverse sat up, his hands rested on his knees," Well, at least please get this adhesive from my's become quite...uncomfortable..." He gestured toward the red tape that pkastered his mouth, staring intently at either the raccoons or Alex. It was true it made him stuffy, but Reverse planned to use his fangs. In chances of escape, of course.
Tyler smiled. He started reaching up when Alex came over. Alex kissed Ty's hand before embracing him. With Ty's back to Reverse, Alex gave Reverse a look. Then he whispered to Ty before leaving. Ty nodded. "Well snake...Master Alex said you can come down. But the tape stays on." Ty lowered the cage and opened the door.
Reverse's face darkened a light pinkish red when they hugged, but quickly reverted back to himself. When he saw his cage open, he wanted to leap out and ran as far as he could. Though escape would be impossible without the help of his fangs. Reverse decided he would gain their trust and have the adhesive removed. Or, even better, he would dash when his food came. Reverse knew full and well no one can eat without a mouth. And unless they want him to starve to death, Alex would have to get his tape off. At that moment, Reverse would take the chance.

But he was already happy with his current situation. He had just taken another step forward to freedom, which was good progress. Gleefully, with a smirk, Reverse lunged down from his cage to the ground, on all fours. Reverse then stood up, reptile eyes glowing. He lashed his black tail.

"What's my first job...?"
Ty smiled. This kid was so exotic to Ty. It was attractive to him. Ty nodded. "Okay. Go to the room back there and grab the candles. We need 'em for the table." Ty smiled and sat on a table, waiting for his repitlian friend. He watched as Nick spoke to Seth.
Seth still sat in his cage with his arms crossed as he stared at Nick unchanged,he was worried to get out now and wondered if he should even try. The cage now looked like home but he still wanted to get out of here,it's just some freaky people stand in his way. And he's too nervous to try and pass them,he had an issue before and he didn't want it to come back and he was going to make sure of that if possible.
Reverse grinned toothily, though it was not visible through his mask. He saw they had motioned him toward a room in the far back, and Reverse did an army salute. He ran exceptionally fast, his tail trailing right behind. When Reverse ran, his body moved left and right, similar to the movement of a snake's. When he got there, Reverse saw a package of little purple candles, all perfectly unused. He picked them up with his long tail. As Reverse walked back to Tyler," Got them~" he said cheerfully. Inside, Reverse was in a very cranky mood. He hated pretending to be sweet and obediant. He could wait until his food was here. Reverse sat the candles infront of him," There, done."
Alex watched his new snake boy help. He was happy. As for Seth, he frowned. Alex walked over and shooed nick away. He reached in and hooked a leash to Seth's coller. "Come with me." He opened the cage with a grip on the leash.Nick nodded and walked to his brother. "We have a snake! Yay!" Ty smiled. "Okay. Set one on every table." Ty went to find matches.
Seth grabbed the bars of the cage he could reach and hissed at Alex,there was no why he was going to get out of here especially by being yanked out by this creep. It's strange how at first he wanted to get out yet not allowed,and now the the only way to get him out was by forcing him. And it took less then an hour to change, but Seth didn't know what was going on then.His body had started slivering very lightly as he held the bars,he was not a pet and wasn't going to be treated by one.
"Kitty. Now now. Don't make me angry. Ask any slave here. They will gladly tell you. You see Miss. Half Raven? Only reason she's a she is because of me. He made me mad. Now he's a she. I'm sadistic and man the feeling i'd get from abusing you. Now we can do this the easy or hard way." Alex looked at Seth with lustful red eyes.

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