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  1. Piano Keys <3

    The Devil's Many Forms *Recruitment*

    Death / Angelos As she freely travels the earth in hope of excitement, Death believes in her own virtues instead of those already set in her path. She always liked to play with her victims before reaping them and has fun doing so but now it's getting tiresome and boring she needs something...
  2. Piano Keys <3

    A Fever You Can't Sweat Out

    A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
  3. Piano Keys <3

    Misa Misa ^_^

    Misa Misa ^_^
  4. Piano Keys <3

    New Role Playing System**

    I guess but that would mean they specifically aren't ready to use a system quite like this one. I've handled something similar and I know if I could find the right person/people for it, that it would go well.
  5. Piano Keys <3

    New Role Playing System**

    True but it makes it more interesting to challenge that person to cope with whatever has been put in front of them. To a point of going in one direction or another, it's 5 paragraph 'minimum'. You can still go further and drive them down a path you wanted them to go. This way no-one...
  6. Piano Keys <3

    New Role Playing System**

    I was thinking earlier on today of RPing in a whole and how many different styles of RPing there are. The paragraphs. The 4/5 lines. And of course... the one liners. (Yes I know, but just control your hatred for a moment) Then there are the rules: no this, no that, no god-modding, no...
  7. Piano Keys <3

  8. Piano Keys <3

    Keep me close, I'll keep your closer.

    Keep me close, I'll keep your closer.
  9. Piano Keys <3

    [Creepypasta]- Welcome to the Show (Offical RP)

    He walked back to the manor. He needed something to do to calm himself down from the earlier incident. He could have buried the bodies a little more efficiently but he didn't care. An hour had passed. Walking up to the manor door, he opened it up letting the hint of light from the moon, seep...
  10. Piano Keys <3

    Of course xD PM some idea's of a story you wanna start

    Of course xD PM some idea's of a story you wanna start
  11. Piano Keys <3

    That's good to hear ^-^

    That's good to hear ^-^
  12. Piano Keys <3

    [Creepypasta]- Welcome to the Show (Offical RP)

    He knew he could feel something but wasn't sure what. Then he knew, he stopped following Jeff and turned around. His shadow rose up, once again behind Melody. This time his presence was not an intended greeting "Lower the chair." Came a voice. BEN's head was now turned, his eyes wide...
  13. Piano Keys <3

    Fine sis, how's it goin with you?

    Fine sis, how's it goin with you?
  14. Piano Keys <3

    Well hello there ^-^

    Well hello there ^-^
  15. Piano Keys <3

    [Next Gen. Creepypasta]- Lost in Time (Signups)

    I probably shouldn't start mine until a little later on then seeing as Kristof is over 100 and Slender is well... Slender :') I'll read it as it goes along though (how else am I supposed to know when to jump in haha)
  16. Piano Keys <3

    It's hard to say from my perspective too, whether it's Light for how dominant he can be, or L...

    It's hard to say from my perspective too, whether it's Light for how dominant he can be, or L because he's too cute to deny :P
  17. Piano Keys <3

    I love her too much to not have her there xP

    I love her too much to not have her there xP
  18. Piano Keys <3

    [Creepypasta]- Welcome to the Show (Offical RP)

    He's not as scary as he looks... This will be interesting to prove. Looming over the girl, he tilted his head to one side, Could this be HER? he thought. Reaching down he patted Smiles blankly between the ears, he stood up straight regaining his height. Making his way past BEN and the...
  19. Piano Keys <3

    The Wolf -Recruitment-

    There now mine is slightly adjusted :P I wanna RP with you too, I don't think we've been in one together yet so it should be fun! xD
  20. Piano Keys <3

    The Wolf -Recruitment-

    xD Ahh yay more peoples! Thanks kwitten, stupidly I didn't specify when writing it out; you can make whatever type of character as long as he/she is one of the 4 and helps out and stuffs :P You can add whatever from Species to Magical Spells. Same for you @Omega, you can play with...