New Role Playing System**

Piano Keys <3

New Member
I was thinking earlier on today of RPing in a whole and how many different styles of RPing there are.

The paragraphs.

The 4/5 lines.

And of course... the one liners. (Yes I know, but just control your hatred for a moment)

Then there are the rules: no this, no that, no god-modding, no bunnying, ect.

Then I thought of an idea that can challenge the users a little more and make the stories quite a bit more interesting in a whole.

(Drum roll...)

5 paragraph minimum. Yes I know it's been done. But think about it for a minute.

What if you can only do, FIVE, paragraphs at the very least.

Some of you, let's be honest now, would struggle. It's okay you don't have to come forward and admit it.

But what if this extra ingredient to the system helped...

You control the other characters. Yes you know what I mean, not just the NPC's.

That one who just posted above you. The character they were writing about?

Take control of it. Take it for a walk. Take it fishing. Take it to the edge of the cliff with no way back and end your post for them to take over.

Think of the idea that not only are you writing out a little novel with another person but the fact they also challenge you to find your way around the situation they put you in. Then you fix it and turn the tables on them.

Russian roulette with every chamber loaded. They may be blanks but they'll hurt like a mother fcuker.

I loved this idea when I thought of it and then began to think that if this became a thing... it would need rules.

Nope. Just as simply as I put it. 5 paragraph minimum where you can do whatever the hell you want.

Obviously when it comes to the site you need to be careful, you may be able to control the character and stick him in an drug fueled s3x party but if you do that here you'll still need to...

-fade to black-

If you like this idea let me know below. I'd love to try it out with someone willing to jump in and give it a go.

(Normal rules still apply: literate, english, don't hump your cat halfway through, yada yada yada.)
I do this with my twin all the time. When we are stuck writing a story the other person will right a few paragraphs and then it helps to continue writing again. Some of the best ideas have come from writing this way.
Only issue there. The act of rp is having a character you put out there. It's your character and you want to do your character the way you want right? But no, you set up a post and were going to go find some food with the next post. But then your going on a walk, it would be a failed idea, and would anger some if they wanted to do something and you make the character do something else.

Thats just the way rp works or I have always seen it work. You'd basically be throwing multiple characters into an rp and start confusing each character. It would be bad. Cause then one single character will be turning left only to walk right and so forth :/ no control over anything. And nobody would know what else to do. You could make a character a slut, but then the character wasn't made to be one. And the owner didn't want that.

Tis my idea on it but yea O.o
True but it makes it more interesting to challenge that person to cope with whatever has been put in front of them.

To a point of going in one direction or another, it's 5 paragraph 'minimum'. You can still go further and drive them down a path you wanted them to go.

This way no-one technically 'has' a character in an RP. For example of joining and RP with this system:

You would create a character skelly, submit him for everyone to see. The current people in the RP will decide if they all agree to said character. If that character is liked by all and is greenlit it would join the RP like normal, If not and someone doesn't like it (with a valid reason) then they would work to change it, adding or taking away pieces until everyone is happy.

Plus making the character have it's own personality and traits would make sure if they were to be a nun then they would be one whatever happened.
I guess but that would mean they specifically aren't ready to use a system quite like this one.

I've handled something similar and I know if I could find the right person/people for it, that it would go well.

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