The Wolf -Recruitment-

Piano Keys <3

New Member
Hi there :3

Hopefully you have come from the -Idea- part of this and got the gist of what's going on if not here's the link to skim over ^^;


Here are the main things I'm looking for:

  • I'm looking for 3 people and 3 people only. (Though I will make an exceptions on variable matters)
  • It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl.
  • You must be able to type clear and fluent english. e.g. readable, understandable without shortened words like ('u' and 'r').
  • You must be able to deal out at least a paragraph worth of text.
  • You must like cats or you're clearly wrong and cannot be accepted.
  • You must be able to tolerate gory and violent moments throughout the RP.

Here's the little set-up take however long you need to, I won't be judging on the first 3 to reply but the best 3 so far, even though I'd probably be lucky to get 3 responses alone :')

  • Name: Yuriko (Surnames aren't too important)
  • Age: 24
  • Personality: Very smart, sophisticated, funny. After her father died she became very solitary and didn't speak to many people, but is slowly returning to her former self.
  • History: Yuriko's father taught her how he was a samurai and began to teach her certain thing he knew from his time. But after he died Yuriko didn't have anyone to turn to, so after losing everything she loved at once, she visited the last sohei (monk warrior) in her village who began to teach her everything she knows now. After three months with the sohei, Yuriko was well trained in how to use her father tachi, and maybe one day his katana.
  • Powers: While also being highly trained with her father's sword, Yuriko was also born with a secret ability like many others across the land, her ability was to heal any type or number of wounds, whether her own or somebody elses.
  • samurai++girl.jpg

That's mine, now show me what you're idea's and maybe we can start building a bigger story!

Get creating!

Misa~ xo
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I would love to be apart of this and help build a story with you.

Here's my bio:

Name: Virtus

Age: 109

Personality: Wise, kind, charitable, friendly, consoling

History: Virtus is a nekomata that used to enjoy living in a small village with his family who adopted him when he was still a kitten. Unfourtantetly, his happy time spent with them had to end, he grew with the small farming family in isolation in the mountains and enjoyed it, however, he outlived them. Their was an illness that the family had spread around themselves and Virtus watched as his family's health slowly declined into death. Virtus knows much as the family was kind and thoughtful and often read in their free time. Virtus remembers the man who took him in and holds close every word his adoptive father spoke. When Virtus is confused he often finds himself imagining what he would've said. He now finds himself wandering around distant lands. He would like to settle down somewhere, somewhere like his old home, but he hasn't found it yet.


Powers: Virtus can transform into an eldery human man when he wants to, he finds it easier to talk to people this way

when he first meets them. He also can read people's minds, but he prefers not to, it's a bit of their personal space they

should keep. Virtus is also naturally in tuned with nature and can make plants grow or decay.
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Haha, wow I completely forgot about this RP I thought no-one was going to join up :P

Just need two more people so I'll ask some of my friends if they want to.

Your character is cool though, accepted! :3
xD Ahh yay more peoples!

Thanks kwitten, stupidly I didn't specify when writing it out; you can make whatever type of character as long as he/she is one of the 4 and helps out and stuffs

You can add whatever from Species to Magical Spells.

Same for you @Omega, you can play with Virtus if you want, to make him transform, like a feline version of Okami or have some sweet a$$ telekinesis :')

I'm gonna add a few slight tweaks to mine real quick!
Okay! Great! I'm excited to Rp with you ^^
There now mine is slightly adjusted :P

I wanna RP with you too, I don't think we've been in one together yet so it should be fun!

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