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  1. ZekeRider

    Darkness Rising (Actual RP)

    "Ok you tiny mofo's lets go i've got me a buz on and im ready to play."He held the bottle by the neck and tossed it down,glass shot out and people stared at the trio in confusion."Yo Jake play my music for me bro."Jessie said and stood,turning and walked toward the entrance.Jake smirked and...
  2. ZekeRider

    Darkness Rising (Actual RP)

    "Dude what are we doing waiting in this club bro,its all stuffy and weird in here and i'm getting some pretty bad vibes."Jake muttered,shoving his long gray hair from his eyes to stare at the older boy who sat,growling at the idiots in the club.Jake and Joss were spot on twins,down from the hair...
  3. ZekeRider

    Darkness Rising (Sign-ups)

    Name:Jessie Wright Age:17 Gender:Male Dark heart/pure heart:Dark Appearance:normal appearance transformation appearance. Attacks.Sound Wave:This is a basic move,he uses the sound waves from his headphones and turns it into a vocal sound,making it amplify into a ear splitting shout...
  4. ZekeRider

    The Demonic Disease

    Am I accepted or.......yeah.....
  5. ZekeRider

    Hey posted back on your page,see ya!

    Hey posted back on your page,see ya!
  6. ZekeRider

    If I cared about your opinion,then I'd be worried about aloooot of crap.-Personal Quote

    If I cared about your opinion,then I'd be worried about aloooot of crap.-Personal Quote
  7. ZekeRider

    WAKE UP!!

    WAKE UP!!
  8. ZekeRider

    |Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

    Kiba walked slowly and quietly.He stared up at the manor,which he had been told would house even the worse people imaginable."Then again I stopped being a person a looong time ago..."He frowned and walked up to the door.He knocked a few times then stepped down,peering around at his...
  9. ZekeRider

    Oh wow hehe.

    Oh wow hehe.
  10. ZekeRider

    Grim's Manor for the Unholy

    Name:Kiba Age of Death (if Human skip this):1000.a.d. Real age:Round 3000 years Gender:Male Race:Vampire Personality:He's a careful and considerate,always training and learning from his elsers. Short Bio (5-10 sentences max):Kiba had once just been a young warrior,trained to be a...
  11. ZekeRider

    The Demonic Disease

    Name:Jessie Kane Race:Vampire Age:150 Appearance:Jessie appears to be no older than 18,but of course thats only to trick humans.His hair is snow white and falls down in tufts around his right eye.His eyes are unsettlingly dark red,which of course is not uncommon in vampires but very...
  12. ZekeRider

    Teen Titans RP!

    X nodded.This guy had major balls and he admired that. "Look bro your right I am all those things.I'm a loner.....major loner really.And your right I am misunderstood and you seem like a really good guy to ally with."X stood and walking over offered out his hand."The names X.......partner."
  13. ZekeRider

    Teen Titans RP!

    X heard the sound of someone approaching him and turned,his sword held out with the blue sparks flying off.He looked at the one who had spoken to him and he growled. He sheathed his sword,sensing the man was of good intentions and sat back down,making the electricity flicker on and off.He...
  14. ZekeRider

    Teen Titans RP!

    X looked out at the city as he flew over and sighed."Man im bored...."He said and landed on the roof of a small building.He held out his hand and let a streak of blue lightning appear and he released it into the air.Several buildings shut down and he chuckled,"Awesome..."He muttered and...
  15. ZekeRider

    Teen Titans RP!

    X grumbled,the sudden increase in activity around Jump City was bothering him greatly and he wasn't in the mood.He stood and growled."Dammit first the bank then explosions then all this energy what the crap?!"He complained and hovered then finding the point where there was a host of great energy...
  16. ZekeRider

    Teen Titans RP!

    X checked his watch and grumbled as he walked through the streets of jump city,making odd shapes with the electricity around."So far ive gotten this,I was taken away from my home to receive money..I don't get it and my mom is left to be kicked out of out all that's left is to figure...
  17. ZekeRider

    Teen Titans RP!

    (Im sorry but for some reason I imagined that coming from a turtle ^^)
  18. ZekeRider

    Teen Titans RP!

    TICK......TICK.......TICK.....TICK..........BOOM!!!The explosion was strong in magnitude and shook and ground around the east side bank of Jump City as a white van with blacked out windows pulled up. Two men jumped out,one watching the vault door with his rifle while his partner loaded several...
  19. ZekeRider

    Teen Titans RP character sign-up!

    Name:What name? Code-name:X Age:17 Gender:Male Height:6'2 Weight:157lb Affiliation (evil, neutral, good):Neutral Power/s:X is able to manipulate anything with electricity in it (people included but only in emergencies) Basic History:X had once been a a happy and exciting...
  20. ZekeRider

    Camp Half-Blood; A New Generation!

    Drake was about to reply to the two Apollo boys when he heard the screams from the woods.He shut his mouth and picking up his spear he ran away without explaining.He shot a thin lightning bolt into the air and a small caw was heard.From high above a thin sleek beautiful bird fluttered down and...