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  1. Stealthfox16

    Hello. Again. *cough*

    So. I've been a member of this forum for... way longer than I have any right to be. I'm friends with the Dark wizard and a few others who may or may not still be here. At least, I still consider them friends. :D Anyway, I've been feeling pretty lonely lately and I've just been trying to go...
  2. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    There we go. THis new site is... wierd. I'll post as soon as I find out what's going on. And figure out this system again.
  3. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Thorvald lines up his shots at the heretics in the tower. 6079 6081
  4. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Thorvald, seeing the others advance left, decided to take the right. Things were getting hectic quick, and he felt lost without his pack. He always knew what his pack would do at any given time. They acted as a single unit, knowing what the others thought without a sound. There was nothing like...
  5. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    I would reply, but... I'm lost as to what is happening. It's not computing in my head here. :/ Is there anyone I can actually fire at, or am I taking cover for the hell of it?
  6. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    Just realized I could have re-rolled that perception. Ah well
  7. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    OOC: THis is not the ooc channel -_- I have tactical expert 6000
  8. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Mission 01

    Thorvald emerged, bolter in hand, and immediately took cover. As he examined the area, he made note of any wind and possible scents that may be carried on it.
  9. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Briefing, Mission 01

    I swear, brother.
  10. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Briefing, Mission 01

    OOC: Oops, SOrry. Hellfire rounds, De-tox, and a hellfire Flamer. Anyone can pick up my Spares.
  11. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    Space wolves from what I've seen don't have leaders in squads, so Thorvald won't step up to say "I wanna lead."
  12. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    I leave for a day and missed so much T_T Not even sure if the leadership has been resolved or not. As for requisition: Hellfire Rounds 25 De-Tox 10 Can't think of anything else
  13. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Briefing, Mission 01

    Gah! You all quibble like a pack of neophytes before their first kill. Let us decide for now to have no central leader until such a time we find one who is worthy of such a title. We will decide our course of action as a whole, as brothers should! Thorvald stamped the ground with his last word...
  14. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Briefing, Mission 01

    Tyranids! Hah! I have heard tales about Tyranids. I always wanted to know if they were as much of a challenge as the tales suggest! Grey Hunter Thorvald stood at the front of the group, the chilling smile of a predator splitting his grizzled face. His hair, long and braided, was mostly grey with...
  15. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    Wait, so I'm guessing no duel? :( Edit: I guess I can wait until after we finish the mission.
  16. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    OH OH! I see a dark angel! That means duel first! :D
  17. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    I think if they do retcon this, it'll be something along the lines of giving the sisters of battle a huge upgrade. Which I fully approve of. :D
  18. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    Kinda wish I didn't change my mind on devastator. Rereading the books right now. D: Edit: Did I see someone say they're playing a Dark Angel? > :D Duel!
  19. Stealthfox16

    [Deathwatch] Watch Fortress Erioch

    Alright, let me know if I either A: Did things sub-optimally, and B: Screwed up. It's been a while since I played a W40K Rpg