[Deathwatch] Briefing, Mission 01

WIth consent from most of the squad already Priad turned to the watch captain. I do not mean to question the orders of the command, or cast doubt on their Judgement, but given that the planet is infested with Tyranids and in dire need of reinforcements, would it not be more Prudent to Liberate the Orbital deffenses so that the Sortie can properly defend and we can then Dedicate our full attention to Purging the filth from the tunnels?

By my current count we have a total of 24 Requisition points left over from every one.

Ill be taking a Hellfire Flamer for 25

Prey sence on heavy bolter for 10

Plus the Underpowered Sea Lance for free

Witch leaves me with 5 free points, giving the squad a total of 29 points extra.

Id suggest outfitting our Techmarine with a Breaching auger, witch can be fitted on a servo arm, or a harness witch ever he chooses. It can be used to rip open a bulk head if we need to our drill into something. As a weapon it has the following profile and doesn't need any Renown:

Damage: 4d10+3 +stb Pen 7 Special: Tearing, Unwieldy, Power field: Wt 28 Req 18

witch leaves us with 11 points: If no one minds Id like to go with a backpack of Kraken rounds for the heavy bolter for 10 points, witch will increase my penetration by 2 to 8 and give me a range of 225. Given that we are supposed to be fighting tyranids witch might have a thick carapacce i figured it would come in handy..

Let me know if yall got a problem with this.
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Captain Kasblane looked at Brother Priad. "Liberatung the orbital defenses is indeed your secondary objective for this mission."
(ooc: Soory meant to say making Liberating the Orbital defenses our primary objective. )
"That would be sound tactics if we were launching a planetary assault, but such things are the purview of the Guard and full space marine chapters. For us the entire purpose on Vanir is the identification and eradication of the xenos. Securing to orbital defenses is peripheral to that."

OOC: we will leave it as secondary, only because the function of the deathwatch is to destroy xenos, and Iif it werent for the 'Nids they wouldnt even be on vanir anyway. The defenses objective is just something on the way that is very useful. If the defenses arent liberated the mission doesnt fail, it just gets harder.

Edit: added a roleplay element
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Priad Kept quite after that, normally he felt it his duty to aid the guardsmen in any way he could, the Iron snake as a chapter made efforts to provide aid in such a manor when ever possible, most of his missions as a kill marine were spent running such missions, but here, on the watch fortress of Erioch, as a member of the Deathwatch, his job was to hunt Xenos, to follow the commands of the Watch, and like he said earlier he was a member of the Deathwatch, not an Iron Snake. Very well Captain Kasblane. If every thing Is wrapped up I believe we should finalize any equipment Acquisitions and make our way to the Drop pod and take our Vows. Priad Declared replacing his helmet and turning to head towards the door.
"Excellent choice", Kasblane reaponded.


I will begin the actual mission in a few hours. I will leave this thread active so that equipment can be finalized here. Please do not poat to the actual mission until your requisition choices are final. Once you post there you will be unable to requisition further supplies.
"If our pod is going to drop near the defenses, no sense in wasting the opportunity to purge heretic filth. Our extraction might also be compromised if the heretics retain control of anti-air batteries and whatever else defending the city. In the worst-case scenario, the heretics might also be infiltrated by genestealer filth. Though certainly the Captain would have mentioned if there were positive evidence of this, there is no reason to assume that they are not related, given genestealer behavior to destabilize planets in advance of a Hive Fleet's arrival..." the Blood Drinker is off in his own musings for a moment before continuing. "So, yes, the defenses are not as critical to our true mission as purging whatever foul xenos are lurking in the deeps, but not securing those defenses could prove deleterious to our long-term mission parameters as well." Kyrios shrugs. "Brother Priad, if you are leading us in swearing the oath for this mission, then our strategic plan is yours to finalize."
Watch Captain Kasblane Has declared that our primary mission is the Xenos, I will neither argue nor speculate to the Strategic flaws or Merritt's of doing anything else.We will purge the Foul Xenos, then Move on to Regaining Control of the Orbital Defenses, and killing any Heretic that stands in our path. Now Enough talk, to the Launch pad. he said operating the door and walking out.

If every one Could post a finalization of their equipment and Requisition spent that would be Cool:

Ill be taking a Hellfire Flamer for 25

Prey sence on heavy bolter for 10

Plus the Underpowered Sea Lance for free
As the Blood Angel hefts himself to his feet, and nods. "Aye. Though- mayhaps the Orbital Defenses may be of use in the slaughter of the Xeno's, if captured first, eh?" As he cracks his shoulders- rotating them in place, as he looks to the other Librarian. "What gifts do you bring to bear, in this battle? I wield the Biomantic Smite power, some nominal short range telepathic ability, and the ability to Banish Fear."
"That was my thought," Kyrios agrees with his fellow Librarian, donning his helmet. "Or that the Guard could be vigilant in purging whatever xenos might be in the upper levels of the city. Well, we shall see if this deployment plan is tactically sound." The Blood Drinker mulls over the Blood Angel's psychic gifts. "An impressive array of powers, Brother. For my part, I call the fury of a heavy flamer from the Empyrean, deflect attacks in melee by channelling energy around my arm, and can read the auras of sapient beings. Quite the complementary skill set to yours, I should say. I should expect to see you in the press with your force blade as well?"

Don't forget this:

AlphaJester said:
"Your drop pods machine spirit is being instructed now to take you to the central landing platform, situated on a high spire overlooking the rest of the hive. The platform is the hub of all interplanetary commerce on Vanir, and is quite large. Along with landing controls and ques, it also houses, in a centrally located control facility, the operations center for the orbital defense batteries. From here, you will be able to seize complete control of the defense network. You must then hold the landing platform until the loyal troops arrive, which should be within 30 minutes of your landing.

"There is near the landing pad a cargo lift which is capable of taking you into the catacombs. The lift is primarily used by maintenance sevitors and tech-adepts to access one of the power generator facilities that is in the catacombs near the target area. The power generator gives off substantial radiation. Not enough to damage power armor or hurt an unarmored battle brother, but it may interfere with augers. I am sure a little on the spot modification will be easy enough to rectify the problem. Any other questions?"
In other words, the orbital defenses are on the way to the xenos catacombs.

Sorry if it wasn't clear before- Objective priority is different from objective order. Objective priority means that if you don't complete the primary objective the mission fails. Secondary and tertiary objectives aren't essential to mission success. You are free to take the objectives in whatever order you wish, and here it clearly makes sense to hit the orbital defenses and heretic slaughter first, then off to the catacombs to find the xenos.

Again, apologies if that wasn't clear in the first place. I decide which objective(s) are needed to win the mission, you decide which order you take them in. Since you're landing beside the secondary and tertiary objectives, might as well take them on the way past.
My requisition choice in my earlier post will stand with one small change on the extra if anyone has some to spare, if not I'll stick to the Chain Sword 10, Hell fire Rounds 25, and Detox 10, if there is any left over from others I'll actually take an extra does of Detox

Jump pack (25)

Hellfire magazine for bolter (15)

Cartograph (5)

So I wound up taking 5 from the remainder for that cartograph, we'll see if it comes in handy.
Priad was standing on the Platform with his helmet off and a metal flask meant water, witch he dipped on his figer and pressed against his head making some invisible symbol then closed the container and clipped it to his side. Given our recent issues I believe that it would be prudent to remind ourselves of our duty to the Empire, And believe that the Oath of the Astartes should be Appropriate, to reminds us all of our duty. he took a moment to compose himself. I, brother Priad, Do solemnly swear upon my honor, upon my pried, upon my Dignity, and my Life to uphold the standards of the Astartes, To conduct myself as a Marine of the Watch Along side my knew brothers in arms above and beyond my Chapter, I swear to fight the empires enemies, I swear to purge myself of Corruption, And I swear to Defend the Empire from all those would seek to bring it harm, Until the End of my days. he looked to the other Marines standing with him. Do you so swear Brothers?

Taking the Oath of the Astartes: Figured it would be a good one to make for a bunch of high strung marines not use to working with each other.

Prerequisite: Tactical Marine, Assault Marine or Devastator


Effect: Those who take this oath have added faith in their

Battle-Brothers and a keener understanding of the strength

of their squad. A Kill-team which takes this oath before a

Mission may add +2 to their Cohesion for the duration of

that Mission.

Squad Mode Abilities: Squad Advance, Bolter Assault and

Tactical Spacing.
Requisition confirmed

C0balt0 said:
  • Pict Recorder (Req 5)
  • Hellfire Rounds (Req 25, 28 rounds)
  • A chainsword (Req 5)
  • A scroll from his Librarium (Chapter Trapping) covering the most well-know Tyranids habits (+3 Forbidden Lore Xenos)
Sevolt took off his battered beakie helmet, only to reveal his scarred face filled with disdain. He had donned the colour of the Templars as a sign that he would actually rather take on the heretics all by himself. Yet there he was, expected to swear on oath, committing himself to a bunch of whimps and mutants. Aaah, the price for retribution was steep. But it seemed to be the Emperor's will, so who was he to object. He was just a mere humble servant on the lord's killing fields.

"By ze Emperor! I do ssolemnly ssvear; make sure you deserve his faiss in you."

[i vill svitch to German akzent in direct speech from now on. Just pretend as if it has alvays been so, please. Ssanks. :D ]

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