[Deathwatch] Briefing, Mission 01

I would like to remind you that the penalty for killing a battle brother in cold blood, Is a death sentence. A battle brother who cant even control their own temper enough not to out right attack another brother in arms isn't capable of being trusted in the heat of combat. Priad reminded them both Now we currently have a mission and I suggest we make our way to the launch bay.
Keraunos didn't move as of yet, his apparent impassivity giving no indication of the tide of fury surging within him. When he spoke, his voice yet remained calm. "Art thou willing to answer my original question? State thy qualifications to lead, and prove that thou shouldst lead us. Prove it, and I will defend thy right with mine own blade and blood if need be." This had grown far out of proportion, and were he to deserve the rank he so clearly coveted then the Templar would need be weaned from the temper which so easily overruled his reason. "Give unto me reason to follow thee, Sevolt, and I shall. Skill with a blade and the purity of fury are not enough alone. A leader must demonstrate superior judgment." After a momentary pause, he let out a long exhalation of breath. "If I assent to follow thee, wouldst thou assent to prove thou deservest to lead us?"
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Priad sighed. With the Current state of affairs I believe neither Sevolt or Keraunos are of fit mind to lead this mission with the current spat, both of you will be paranoid the other is trying to sabotage them. Is there any one else who wishes to step forward or make a recommendation for leading this mission?
Sevolt silently listened to his brothers raise their voices. There was a hint of surprise on his otherwise disdainful face. He released the Carcharadon from his grip without adding further insult to injury. As he moved away and picked up his helmet, hand still near his power sword's hilt, he stepped right into the center of the ring of Astartes around him. Only then he put his hand down.

"You are right about our enemy," he said with a hard voice in Kyrios' direction. "But just for the record, just to know who I am dealing with... those of you who wouldn't mind if I'd call them a coward or who wouldn't mind if I took a punch at that symbol on their right pauldron - step forward. I wanna know your names and I wanna see your faces."

[Ah, that bit of deescalation wasn't that hard after all. And now we're right in the process of getting to know each other.]
Keraunos remained in place, saying nothing further to Sevolt. His name and face had no bearing upon the situation at present, and neither was a thing lightly given by his chapter. "What is our temporal limitation for exterminating the xenos? Is it feasible to create the necessary beachhead, then hunt them or no?"

Turning to Sevolt, he inclined his head. "You do not need my name, nor to see my face. Once you have proven your leadership, that will change."
The heavily scarred Blood Angel sighs as he watches and listens. "Valid Questions. It is good to see the conflict resolved.... Regardless- back to the Mission. Yes, is there a Time Limit on exterminating our foes..?"

As he looked on, almost visibly pained as he had listened to the argument between the two- he had been about to stand up and speak out, when the conflict finally seemed to resolve.
Gah! You all quibble like a pack of neophytes before their first kill. Let us decide for now to have no central leader until such a time we find one who is worthy of such a title. We will decide our course of action as a whole, as brothers should! Thorvald stamped the ground with his last word, emphasizing his point.
The Blood Angel turns to Thorvald and smiles faintly. "Perhaps there is Wisdom in his words- let this first mission serve as a test to see who will claim leadership of our squad, if that is acceptable to the Watch Captain, then? The Crucible of Fire is the most trustworthy of tests, after all."
Keraunos nodded his assent to the Blood Angel and Space Wolf. "I, like the apothecary, would recuse mine self from leadership. Not unlike the Templar, my temper betimes o'ermasters me. To whomever should lead: I would best be placed in the vangaurd bringing death to the Emperor's foes. And in interest of bringing an honest accounting of mine own flaws, it may be difficult to call me back from the kill once loosed, so thou shouldst be certain not to call for my engagement until the proper time to commit hath come."

Translation: HI. I'm Bob the Berserker. Don't put me in charge of the squad because....well, Berserker.
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The Blood Angel laughs cheerfully and nods. "Methinks we shalt oft fight side by side then, Brother- I share an appetite for carnage in close quarters, and a skill with the blade. That is, of course, when I am not putting my other Abilities at the Squads use."
"Prosecuting a war by committee, versus a delineated chain of command...I have found that to rarely be a sound plan. However there is merit in determining who best to lead us against the xenos filth. I propose we take the landing platform, secure it for the Guard, and straightaway swear our Oaths against the Enemy Without thence, pursuing the foul xenos beneath the city. By the time the Guard arrives, we should have each others' measure for this task well-assessed. And to my qualities - similar to those of my Blood Angel brother, naturally, through the legacy of our shared Primarch." Kyrios taps the sword at his hip, followed by the horned book on his chest. At the mention of carnage he licks his thin lips with a very red tongue.
"I have found that he who wants leadership the most will often lead his men to a glorious death, but then that would leave our objective uncompleted. We are not a full Chapter with other squads and companies to fill the gap behind us Brothers we must not fail or be slaughtered in some foolish assault. As members of Deathwatch we must think differently, we must be swift and cripple our enemies with as little harm to ourselves as we can. While sacrifice can be noble and warranted, it must be carefully calculated so as not to leave the Deathwatch and thus the Imperium unduly exposed. I bow to the wisdom of Brother Keraunos for stepping aside." Fidelis says with a nod to the other Marine as he removes his helmet.

"I admire Thorvald's suggestion but not every Chapter is so suited to such---improvisation as are the Space Wolves, but I must admit the choice of a leader is not readily apparent. I would suggest we find some way for those interested to take command of differing phases of this operation or perhaps subsequent operations and that a permanent leader then be based on that performance. Obviously we don't want to switch leaders in the middle of something crucial so care must be taken brothers?"

Slowly he turns to face Sevolt. "I am sorry brother I mean no offense but your temper seems too hot to lead us, what course will you take when some Xeno or Demon spits it foul blasphemies at you. Will you let that bait us into a trap--your actions here seem to speak to that outcome For in you cannot direct your anger here how then will you direct on the field? And for the record you may call me a coward to my face brother, I let my deeds speak to my character and I know the truth, words which I know to be lies matter not."

The brother's face is impassive with the emotionless stoicism for which the Dark Angels are known, he does not raise his voice but speaks calmly holding his helm in his hands before him. Despite his calm demeanor and seated position, a careful observer can see that the helm is readied to repel an incoming attack--should it come to that.
"Brother Dark Angel, Sevolt temper indeed is hot" Hyrion already spoke too much for his standards "but in choosing the hardest path and stepping back from the fight, he has proven himself capable of controlling it. I approve his rational thinking. About the leader choice, my opinion is that the most rational course of action would be finding who will guide us before leaving the Watch Fortress. Were we to fail this, I partially approve your suggestion".

Then he turned to Keraunos "What you call prudence, battle-brother, I call it Logic risk assessment. The more information we have, the better. Knowledge is power, after all." He stepped into the ring, looking at all his newfound brothers

"By the way, most of you all are unnamed variables to me. Shall we introduce ourself, so i can put a name next to your images in my datasets? I'm Brother Hyrion, and as our pale brother here stated, I'm a servant of the Emperor and of the Omnissiah"
Keraunos shrugged. "I have said that I am willing to let the Templar prove himself a leader. I suggest we let him." He turned to fix Hyrion with that impassive stare. "As for a name or face...you ask more than you know in those, to ask for them on a first meeting."
"I am Brother Fidelis, Apothecary at your service, more than that I will reserve until later. And while I would prefer a leader with a more even temper, but I am not above letting our Templar Brother prove himself on the field, if that is the will of the squad."
The Watch Captain remained silent, impassive and distant during the heated exchange between the Templar and the unknown brother. Every kill team endured these pangs when first setting out. It was difficult for many brothers, being veterans that they were, to set aside chapter wide grudges or realize that other chapters didnt do things the same way. This would blow over. Some kill teams came to blows over it, but nobody had died. Kasblane made a mental note to ban weapons in the briefing room.

"There is no time-frame regarding this mission, but it requires a certain...alacrity. some speed. The deathwatch cannot afford a kill team be sitting in a long engagement. I expect to hear results in a matter of hours after your arrival."
Priad Squinched his face, removed his helmet, and stepped forward. His right shoulder piece simply supporting only a black background with a Silver imperial "I" with a skull in the center, On his chest was a raised iron snake with a pair of feathered wings outstretched. I am Brother Devastator Priad, Formally of the Iron Snakes, I have operated for many years as a Kill marine and am Fully capable of using Techniques normally requiring a full squad on my own. That being said working with a united Kill Team is far more effective then a Single marine ever could be. We are currently Marines of the Deathwatchfor however long you are here, not what ever parent chapter you are from, and to act otherwise is to insults your selves, this position, this Joint forces command, and even your own chapters. We are here to serve the empire, not your petty egos. Now if no one Objects I will Step forward to act as squad Leader until this mission ends, at witch point we can vote on who will lead us from that point on out. Now if no one minds Id suggest we make our way to the Launch pad Take our Vows and crush these Xenos Filth and the Vile traitors with them, Or does any one object?
Sevolt had the words 'Yeah, but what are your qualifications?' on his lips but managed to swallow them just in time. Instead, he nodded with a slight smile around his lips in affirmation and put on his beakie helmet. As the rest of his Mk VI, it was covered with countless scars and dents, gathered in the Imperium's most dangerous places, not the least of them the meatgrinder called Khazant. From the marks on the armour, a veteran Astartes could see that its owners death-defyingly had gone through barrages of the heaviest fully automatic fire more than once.

When his helmet was on, Sevolt released control of his facial features. Once inside, he mentally cursed the Watch Captain for pairing him with such a bunch of honourless scum that hardly deserved to be called Astartes. It seemed he had taken some of the most worthless of Battle-Brothers, including not one but two witches, and thrown him into the ring. Whatever his despise, this was not the place voice it.

From underneath his helmet, he wrapped things up: "Rest assured I have taken note who did not step forward. Having your own sense of honour, I will expect each and everyone of you to carefully consider my and my chapter's honour when you speak. I am casting my vote for Brother Priad. Let's get this drag over with." He was ready and willing to face and overcome the heretics and the xeno menace on Vanir on his own if necessary.

"Brother-Captain, I take your silence on the issue to mean that there has been no intelligence regarding Vanir on that bunch of xeno mercenaries for which I joined this... 'organization' here? Can you confirm?"

[Requisition List:

  • A clip of Hellfire rounds for the Bolter (Freebie for Tacticals)
  • A clip of Metalstorm rounds for the Bolter (15)
  • A clip of Kraken rounds for the Bolter (15)
  • Hand Flamer (10)
  • And, let's be realistic, a Black Templars Tabbard displaying the heraldry of Sevolt's home chapter]
"Brother Templar, Brother Hyrion, the sum total of the reports is as follows:

++ Report Generating ++

[Engage servitor connection]

+Life sign detected in proximity to Generator Bravo Epsilon 13. Life sign anomalous. Instructions?

[indicate anomaly]

+No residential or commercial district nearby. Radiation levels become lethal after 14 days exposure. No other maintenance units in proximity. Maintenance lift priority locked.+

[bio-scan Life sign]

+Bio-scan corrupted by radiation.+


+Life sign highly mobile. Servitor unit is unable to track.+

[Proceed to Generator Bravo Epsilon 13]

+Life sign multiplying. 2 signs. 4 signs. Instructions?+

++ Contact with servitor lost ++

Watch Captain Kasblane continued, "No servitors were recovered, and no images of any assailants were ever recorded and transmitted back. There have been four such reports. Contact was made with Ordo Xenos, and they have deemed it necessary given the radiation present and the unknown factor involved, to dispatch Deathwatch. It also so happens that a rapid strike force was needed to establish a beach head for the imperial landing," there is scorn in Kasblane's voice at the last, as if to comment on the ineptitude of the guard. "Ordo Xenos believes it to by tyranids for two reasons: first, they have a presence on Vanir already. Second, there is a lack of technology or behavior that would indicate any other xenos species. I could expand on the Inquisitor's reasoning, but in the interest of time it suffices me to say that they are sound reasonings.

"I do believe if you have decided on Brother Priad to lead you into your first engagement, that it is time for you to depart. The drop platform, and your pod, await."


Priad, which oath would you like to lead your squad in? Oath of the Astartes or Oath of the Weapon? Also, I need confirmation of your wargear choices for this mission. I need Brother Thorvald's requisition too. Once i have those three things then we are off and podding to the surface!
[sevolt would like to review the situation and make a Tactics (Orbital Drop Procedures) roll before the actual drop. Dang.]

"No objection, Brother Priad"

Hyrion wants to know if there are some loyalist forces that we can contact on Vanir. I expect to find nothing (even because i'm rolling Common Lore), it's just for the pleasure of rolling dices and to act like a obsessive-compulsive planner :D


Remember that we have still 15 + Thorvald's (I'm guessing 5 ) spare points.

It would be wise to buy something for the team, like extra drugs/consumables, another auspex if we need to split up, demolition charges or the-emperor-knows-what. I'd go for the second Auspex.
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I put in for an extra 10 points for extra pain suppressant but since we all should have 6 doses of that I am open to any other drugs the squad might want.

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