[Deathwatch] Briefing, Mission 01


Senior Member
Edit: Evidently I accidentally found the keystroke that posts.

OOC: This is the briefing thread (as the name states). In this thread you will find mission objectives and requisition allotment for the mission. Please reply to this thread with your requisition expenditures and any non standard gear (ie- chapter trappings etc; basically anything that can change mission to mission). This mission is for getting feet wet. Its not going to be terribly challenging (but it may still kill you) but is intended to be a time for us to get to know each others style. If you have questions, please ask, or if you feel like I have left something out, please mention it.

Also, I am currently working 12-14 hour days. Sometimes little rules give me the slip. If I miss something, please point it out. We have only 1 character waiting for approval, and I just need one small thing from him first, so we will commence playing.

In this thread also include who will be the kill team leader, and what oath is being sworn.


Watch Captain Josiah Kasblane stood in the briefing room on the Deathwatch strike cruiser Purgation, an erect figure of majesty in his black armor and silver-chased arm. An Imperial Fist originally, Kasblane had long since lost count of the years he had stood vigil and the long years since he had last seen battle brothers of his parent chapter. But that didn`t matter. Deathwatch was his chapter now, and it was his home, perhaps more than the company of his former battle brothers.

Now a newly assembled Deathwatch squad would be reporting for duty. They were an eclectic mix, each from different chapters and each espousing the Emperor`s War in his own way. Their skills would be a compliment to each other on the field of battle.

Reports had come in from Vanir. Not disturbing reports; such things were rare to Kasblane, who had fought nearly every kind of xenos the galaxy could muster. But these reports offered a good oppportunity for this new squad to test themselves and to mesh as a unit. He waited with stoic patience for the marines to arrive in the tapestry hung room.

Once the eight battle brothers had arrived, Kasblane wasted no time.

"Brothers," he began, "Vanir calls for the Emperor's aid. The Tyranid blight has been sighted on Vanir for some time, but has been kept at bay by surgical strikes and the forces of the Imperial Guard. Thus far the xenos menace has been kept to wasteland areas and in small populations. Recently, however, there have been reports of disappearances in the capitols deepest tunnels, and maintenance servitors have transmitted dire warnings. Your mission is to investigate and, if tyranids are found in the city, to purge.

"There is a complication, however. Vanir has recently declared that the entire system is the sovereign domain of the monarchs of Vanir. The heathens have thrown off the Emperor and turned against him. To make matters worse they have refused to shelter Battlegroup Icarus, and the loyal forces are engaged in pitched battles across the system to regain control before the tyranids truly arrive en masse. Battle sisters are en route to reinforce and recapture the world, but they will not arrive for days. Battlegroup Icarus has launched a landing sortie into the capitol, but they lack the firepower to overcome the orbital defenses. They have requested urgent help from any Space Marine chapter to execute a precision landing and take control of the defense relays to enable their landing.

"You mission is first and foremost to identify and destroy the xenos threat. Also a priority is to gain control of the orbital defenses. You will, of course, destroy any heretics who present themselves.

"There is a drop pod standing by. Arm yourselves and prepare for planet fall."


Objective summary:

Primary: Find and Destroy the xenos

Secondary: Gain control of the orbital defense batteries

Tertiary: Kill heretics

Requisition: 40 per marine. Unused requisition points may be given to another marine.
Hyrion stood still in the briefing room, carefully listening to every word. Tyranids. That was the main reason he was chosen for his Vigil in the Deathwatch. His knowledge of this xeno threat could prove really useful for his Kill Team.

The Blood Raven looked at his new battle brothers. They were from every chapter, and were covering every speciality you could imagine. "Let's see how this works" he thought.

Didn't wanting to be the first speaking, he mentally revised the gear he intended to requisite:

  • First of all, a Pict Recorder (Req 5) for gathering as much data as possible during the mission; "Knowledge is power" is his Chapter's battlecry after all.
  • Hellfire Rounds (Req 25, 28 rounds) to shred the foul xenos apart
  • A chainsword (Req 5) should they come too close
  • A scroll from his Librarium (Chapter Trapping) covering the most well-know Tyranids habits (+3 Forbidden Lore Xenos)

[OOC: i got 5 spare points. I can buy a Combi Tool (+10 techuse) with 10 more points or you can use my 5 points if you need them.]

Then he remained silent, waiting for someone to speak and debugging his Auspex.
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Captain Kasblane of the Imperial Fists did not give the slightest hint towards him but Sevolt nonetheless felt the burden of unspoken expectations on his shoulders. Sevolt took a step forward and turned around 90 degrees so that he was visible to both his newfound brothers as well as the Watch Captain. Blonde hair that was way too long to still count as military cut but resembled more imperial propaganda of posterboy soldiers, unforgiving eyes beneath them and a cold smile to complement - that was Brother Sevolt, Tactical Marine in the Deathwatch, seconded from the Black Templars chapter. He sharply addressed his brothers with his helm under one arm and a Power Sword at his side: "Brothers! Having combat experience in the Cellebos Warzone, I am volunteering to lead this mission."

[Gonna mark OOC remarks like this. Highlighting spoken text in personalized colour has proven useful in PBP gaming too.]
Tyranids! Hah! I have heard tales about Tyranids. I always wanted to know if they were as much of a challenge as the tales suggest! Grey Hunter Thorvald stood at the front of the group, the chilling smile of a predator splitting his grizzled face. His hair, long and braided, was mostly grey with streaks of red remaining, likely not to last much longer. Thorvald was truly excited. This would be his greatest challenge since the Great Hunt during his Blood Claw days. He looked around at his new pack mates, a pang of sadness at realizing he was no longer with his own pack. They looked to be of several chapters, but the one that caught his eye was the Dark Angel, in the typical robes they tended to wear.

Hail, Dark Angel! I am Thorvald, and I am ready to duel.
"Certainly, I have no objection with your leadership, Brother Templar," another Astarte replies. "I am Codicier Kyrios Dragolesu, of the Blood Drinkers. I am eager to lay low the Tyranid filth infesting this sector. For heretics to impede the Crusade's noble plan to bring Jericho back into the fold, the only proper response is a remorseless and bloody one. We must purge these twin infections with blessed fire, in all haste!" Kyrios seems slimmer of build than some Astartes, especially without his helmet, and with the mismatch of his armor: his face is narrow, bearing the kind of bored look worn by sector nobility everywhere. His skin is pale to the point of marbled, with the hints of dark veins beneath white skin; a sharp contrast to his dark hair, which seems almost fashionable in style. A pair of red eyes survey the team above an aquiline nose and thin lips. His noble bearing clearly marks him as a descendent of the blood of Sanguinius, if the chapter heraldry he wears didn't give it away; his accent somewhat exotic, leading the mind to think of promises for vengeance in the dark.

His Chapter pauldrons are massive older model, bears a black chalice with a drop of black blood falling into it from on high. The rest of his armor seems slimmer, less constricting: a set of Mark 6, by the look of the helmet clipped to his belt, with ancient Mark 4 pauldrons and arm-sheaths. Below the blood-drop mantle on his chest rests a black horned skull superimposed on an open book with golden pages: the symbol of the Librarium, along with the ornately-ingraved sword at his hip.
"And, must we?" Brother Kyrios adds with a mutter as the Son of Russ calls on his new Dark Angel Battle-Brother for a test of mettle.



Astartes Jump Pack (15)

Hellfire Round magazine x1 (25)

Think that's it for me.]
Priad sat with his back to the wall. I look forward to the opportunity to Deprive this filth a valued resource.

As we are Fighting the Tyranid xeno filth Priad will Requisition the following:

  • Hand flamer: (10)
  • His Sea lance:
  • Wrist mount for hand flamer: (10)
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[ OOC No problem about the points, but maybe you want to reconsider your gear; you cannot requisite power weapons, as we don't have enough Renow, and AFAIK the arm weapon mounting works only with Pistol-class weapons... but obviously i'll let the GM speak :) ]
(ill change the wrist mount, but the Sea lance is actually a chapter weapon. and went with the hand flamer.)
Belial, please see the private message where we talked about the sea lance. I specified that it has the same requisition abd renown requirements that a power axe has.

I understand its a chapter weapon, but I choose to place req and renown limits on it fir several reasons. Mechanically, no other players have access to that sort of wargear at this level, even with deeds. From a fluff perspective power weapons of any description are rare, abd even the best equipped chapters dont have them.

I am willing to consider a non-powered version similar to the storm wardens claymore as a chapter trapping for you to use until you meet the requirements for the powered version.
The Large figure raises his head- and smiles faintly. His helmet is not donned- and his closely cropped hair is visible. He smiles, and nods. "I see. I look forward to combat against the Heretics and Xeno's at your sides, my brothers." He says warmly and proudly- a richly timbered voice rolling deeply from his large body. "I am Librarian Absortio of the Blood Angels, and I will be honored to fight at your sides, my comrades." He continues, as he bows his head and looks to the older marine giving the briefing. He smiles, and bows his head. "I hope we will not dissapoint." He simply says- before looking to the Angel claiming leadership. "I see no quarrel with this- I am glad we have sorted this matter out quickly and with little argument- it bodes well for our cohesion as a unit." He says with a faint smile- as he runs through his mind his requests.

  • Charm (6 Points- Icon of Sanguinis) for his own Comfort and Sanity
  • Psy Focus (15 Points- Off-Hand Held, Carven Metal Aquilla)
  • Demolition Charges (10 Points)
  • 9 Points Left over for whoever wants em.
Off to the side of the other marines stood a figure from the Imperium's antiquity. The heavy silver studs set into the black armor's helm, greaves, and pauldron reveal it to be Mark V armor, dating to a short period during the Heresy which cleaved the ancient Astartes in twain. Inscribed about the white shark on his dark grey shoulder pad were a set of white fang-marks. He bore the teeth of some oceanic predator looped on an adamant wire about his neck. The whole thing gave an impression of something primeval, almost inhuman--even by Space Marine standards--in the amount of motionless patience and calculation it exuded.

To this point, the figure had made no move. He had arrived early for the briefing, by some thirty minutes, and thus far the only sound to come from him was the hum of active power armor.

Having waited to give each of the gathered battle-brothers who were inclined to do so to speak, the figure processed their words, the conditions of the mission, and the words of the Watch-Captain.

Turning from the other marines to the Watch Captain, he inquired quietly, "Hath none but myself considered what exigencies might be encountered upon this task? Art thou aware of extant cartographic resources regarding the sub-Capital passageways? At what remove stand the orbital cannonade from the catacombs? From the selected point of insertion? From the seat of governance burdened by heretical incumbents?" He shook his helmed head, turning it to gaze at each of the six speakers in turn. "Your lack of mindfulness disappoints." He spoke in an archaic variant of High Gothic, and his words carried a quiet intensity.

Keraunos had learned the ways of command fighting in the wake of the Lord Reaper Tyberos amongst his Red Brethren. That these marines would simply assent to the first man to speak leading them beggared belief. One did not simply attain command by desire alone. Those qualified to lead are those who ought lead. "Leadership ought be accorded to the one most qualified for it. What merit reccomendeth thy case?"

  • Hellfire Flamer: 25 pts
  • Stummer: 5 pts
  • Dipole Mag-Lock 5pts
  • 4 Astartes Frag Grenades

That's 39 pts spent. If you want, you could add my 1 point to Seph's 9 points for that Combi-tool. I recommend someone have an auspex (*cough*techmarine*cough*) if we're on a bug hunt.
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OOC: Belial, the wrist mount requires 20 renown. I have a feeling that when we get there, Priad will be a much different character than he is now. For wargear, I reccomend the Deathwatch Suspensor (fire full auto as a half action? Awesome!) and the Preysense sight, both on your heavy bolter. That would leave 5 req left over. Just some thoughts. Your squad mates may have ideas too.

Thief, would you mind changing Keraunos' speaking color? I'm actually color blind and the color you picked blends almost perfectly with the grey. I found it by highlighting the post. But the dark red (brown?) just vanishes when I look at it. A bright red, or blue, green, etc. would be easier for me to see.

The techmarine has an auger array, so no auspex needed, unless your squad wants to double up.


Captain Kasblane regarded the warrior in the archaic armor. "Yes, we have a map of the catacombs, and it will be provided via Brother Hyrion's auger array. As for the orbital defense controls, the original engineers of the city did you a favor, Emperor be praised.

"Your drop pods machine spirit is being instructed now to take you to the central landing platform, situated on a high spire overlooking the rest of the hive. The platform is the hub of all interplanetary commerce on Vanir, and is quite large. Along with landing controls and ques, it also houses, in a centrally located control facility, the operations center for the orbital defense batteries. From here, you will be able to seize complete control of the defense network. You must then hold the landing platform until the loyal troops arrive, which should be within 30 minutes of your landing.

"There is near the landing pad a cargo lift which is capable of taking you into the catacombs. The lift is primarily used by maintenance sevitors and tech-adepts to access one of the power generator facilities that is in the catacombs near the target area. The power generator gives off substantial radiation. Not enough to damage power armor or hurt an unarmored battle brother, but it may interfere with augers. I am sure a little on the spot modification will be easy enough to rectify the problem. Any other questions?"
" Let's stand and face the Xenos my brothers an make them pay dearly," Brother Fidelis says simply as he rechecks his equipment, as always he is largely silent unless something needs to be said. "And I would be glad to match steel with you Brother Thorvald, as tradition dictates, when the time is right of course."

Hell fire Rounds 25, Chainsword 5, De-tox 10 and if there are 10 points to spare I will get and extra dose of pain suppressant. If not then just the first 3
Keraunos shook his head to the Watch Captain. "Of thee? Naught further. Of you," he turned to slowly point at the other marines, "some."

Changed it to white. For the moment. Will be a bright and bloody red should it be relevant in combat.
The Blood Angel spreads his arms wide. "Ask away, then." He says, scarred face looking towards the strange marine.
"I recuse myself from any position of leadership at this time, as an Apothecary I have other duties on which I must focus."
Sevolt's smile froze as that marine from some unknown chapter let loose. He clenched his fist twice but didn't do anything beyond that. When Keraunos had finished and the Watch Captain had answered all questions, Sevolt changed the grip on his beakie helmet so that it could readily be used as a striking weapon if necessary. He had been disciplining Hylmot, his young Neophyte student, more than once this way. Sevolt stepped forward, right into Keraunos comfort zone. Eye to eye, nose tip at nose tip. He made sure he did not fuel the fire unnecessarily with an aggressive undertone in his voice. But at the same time Sevolt made in no uncertain terms clear that a line had been crossed: "Are You. Implying. That. The Watch-Captain. Had not. Passed on this data. In due time. Had you. not asked?"

Even when ignoring the undue judgement of him and the other brothers, Sevolt knew his parent chapter. There was no way in hell the Kill-Team and/or the chosen leader had not been given all necessary information prior to mission start.

"You want my qualifications?" he added with a voice that made it clear he was used to a position of authority. The Black Templar was clearly not in the mood for a job interview. "I know when to act." His motionless face has not moved one millimeter away from Keraunos'. "I take it that your vote is one of abstention, unless you have changed your mind."
"Actually" - the Tech-marine spoke for the first time through his vox-synthesiser, his voice filled with a low-frequency buzzing echo - "I'm receiving the topographical projection right now. I have a question, though. May we know more about this warnings from the maintenance servitors, or even better may i read their reports? Maybe I can recover more information on what threat we're going to face."

I'll write in italic to better resemble the vox-synth, and in this color. Tell me if it's ok
If the Carcharodon noticed the overt aggression of Sevolt's stance, words, and actions, he did not respond to them. He stood, impassive and unmoving throughout the preening Templar's tirade, only speaking when the other finished. "Thy hubris overrules thy reason. Thou attempteth to discredit me for voicing the questions thou thyself failed to ask. Thou knowest timing for action, yet thine lack of the knowledge of how best to act becometh clear from thine actions. Thou strivest to indimidate when thou ought attempt reason. Thou art unqualified for leadership, and I shall not subject this mission to the failure which permitting thou what thy wish entails for no better reason than thine own arrogance would bring. Thou shalt not lead us. Thou deservest it not."

Turning from the Templar in a deliberate snub, he nodded to the techmarine. "My thanks, Omnissian devotee. Thy display of prudence is refreshing."

Turning back to the Templar, he finished speaking to him. "Thou shamest the Emperor with thy foolishness. We ought discuss tactics and plan for the mission, not attempt to further pointless personal ambition. If thou came not to the Deathwatch to serve, then thou shouldst return to thine own Chapter. Thine arrogance hath no place here." His tone remained impassive, dissecting rather than insulting. "I shall not follow thee. Unless thou prove thy mettle be better than thine judgment thus far hath done. What thou wast within thine own Chapter matters not. Did it, mine armor here would bear the Crux Terminatus. It does not. We, all of us, must prove ourselves anew in this service the Emperor hath demanded of us. That includes mine self. That certainly includes thee."
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Before the Carcharadon could finish the 's' in 'hubris', he had Sevolt's right hand at his throat. His helmet plummeting down with a loud CLANG, obviously freeing his left hand, hovering right over the hilt of Sevolt's Power Sword. Keraunos had completely misjudged the situation, not realizing that his words were being perceived as slight of honor, leading them on a fast track to an honor duel to the death.

Sevolt would slay him as a heretic and would not have the slightest qualm about it.

[solo Mode, Delayed Action. If Keraunos continues to speak or even twitches a muscle, it's quick draw and standard attack with the Power Sword. Scornful Personal Demeanour. ;) ]

[Can be defused - but now would be a good time for the Watch Captain to swiftly step in. (Before the final step to violence has to be taken.) Who surely is more than familiar with the... uncompromising nature of the Black Templars.
:D And who may or may not be aware of Sevolt's personality.]
"Brothers I would ask that we remember who the enemy is and spill no Astartes blood here, for my supplies are limited and if I am called upon to tend to you here then not only will we perhaps be down a man but my supplies will be limited. What manner of leader would leave his brothers in such a state, I ask you?" Brother Fildelis asks in a calm casual voice as if he were reading a manual all without looking up from his place. His features are unreadable behind the face-plate of his Mk. VI Corvus helm which is further shrouded by the hood of his robe. Even as he speaks he seems unconcerned as to which course is taken, he is simple elucidating the options.

hopefully it is O to have the old Mk VI helm--if not I can edit
"Calm your spirits, Brothers." The techmarine stepped in, his ServoArm towering behind his back. "I've done some simple calculus, and i shall present you two options:

One: you keep fighting, and chances are that you both end up in sus-an or worst. Precisely the 99.27 % of probability. Thus incapacitating both you and this new Kill team. Not Logic, even for your standards.

Two: you put this little incident aside, and we all keep on with this Mission, TOGHETHER. Nonetheless, I have done a little research about you and your chapters, and i know that this option is the less probable; precisely there is the 64.31% of probability that you keep going with this fight. Option two so is the most Logic but less Probable option. What will you choose, brothers?"

formatting, colours and stuff.
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The second the Templar's hand is on the Carcharodon's face, Kyrios's hand is own his own force sword, biting back a curse from his thin lips. Foolish to so quickly support that claim, he thinks. Now my own honor is tied to this volatile Templar. Oh, Epistolary Estragon would be quite disappointed in my judgment. Kyrios clears his throat, red eyes taking on a faint but hard glow.

"I pray you end this altercation," Kyrios finally says, quietly but firmly. "It is quite an inauspicious omen for our sacred mission to begin thusly. Not to mention how unseemly it appears. Truly, our enemies here are the Great Devourer and those fools who trust in their own thin souls over the holy might of the Emperor. Our enemies are not our fellow Battle-Brothers, regardless of whether or not they bear the same gene-lineage, and especially regardless of their personal opinions on the ideal Kill-Sergeant for this mission."

[OOC: so, like I had read Keuranos as wearing his helmet throughout all this, and I wonder that it'd be so easy to pull off another Astartes' helmet...if that was the desired visual. I'm not entirely sure.]

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