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  1. Soluxis

    Royal Witches

    Working on a post myself, but I've got the weekend from hell coming up with work. I'm busy earnin'
  2. Soluxis

    Royal Witches

    I'm envious of you both. It's a lovely 34 degrees (F) here with a wind that could freeze your cojones off. And no sight of snow either.
  3. Soluxis

    Fantasy Royal Witches

    Fianna was in a foul mood. She hated travelling by cart, but it beat the hell out of walking. Besides, it wasn’t like there was any other option since the blight took her horse just North of Hogarth’s Crossing. Lounging dejectedly against the weatherworn wooden frame, Fi tried desperately to...
  4. Soluxis

    Royal Witches

    Cloudy knows all about daisy dukes. And bikinis on top. I'm at work, where I've been trapped for long hours lately (please send help). Posts will come when my boss unlocks my manacles. I promise. I've been working on a good location to insert Fianna (hurr hurr) into the story.
  5. Soluxis

    Royal Witches

    Cheers, Welian. This weekend's going to be crazy busy for me. I got valentines day madness with one job (catering) and an article to write for my second job. I hope I might be able to ream out a post Sunday night if the thread's ticking away by then :D
  6. Soluxis

    Royal Witches - Characters

    Fianna Wolfwood Black Witch and Cartographer Details Age: 31 Sex: Female Rank: Matriarch License: 6-Petal (Combat) licence Personality Stubborn to a tee, Fianna embodies her mana colour perfectly. This can cause problems, especially when coupled with her rebellious streak. Fi is...
  7. Soluxis

    Royal Witches

    A wizard is never late. He arrives exactly when he means to.... or maybe it should be witch in this case. Regardless, expect a character bio submission soon. I have a concept, everything else should flow from there.
  8. Soluxis

    Royal Witches

    The power of positive thinking, my friend. That and my voodoo powers. On a more related note, I'd love to join this rp if it's not too late!
  9. Soluxis

    Royal Witches

    Hi folks! I'm here as a proxy of Mr. Valmont. He's unfortunately indisposed at the moment due to severe internet death (sometimes I swear we live in the internet dark ages over here). He says he's still interested and will be back with you as soon as he can!
  10. Soluxis


    -CS- Usually wears dark brown robes of the Kalaari technocracy with luminescent sigils etched upon the fabric. Stands at 6'1, with notable features including glowing red eyes and four arms. Name: Tal'adrassi (or Tal for short) Race: Kalaari Age: 46 Gender: Undisclosed, refers to...
  11. Soluxis

    Futuristic Realistic Sci-Fi Exploration RP! Anime Allowed.

    Looks great Flabbers, thanks for all the background effort!
  12. Soluxis

    Futuristic Realistic Sci-Fi Exploration RP! Anime Allowed.

    The Kalaari The Kalaari (meaning sundered ones in their own language) are a race of technologically advanced four-armed humanoids that occupy certain regions of deep space far from the galactic core. Their neural physiology is incredibly complex, resembling a convoluted biological machine...
  13. Soluxis

    Futuristic Realistic Sci-Fi Exploration RP! Anime Allowed.

    Considering my best XCOM guy was a giant Argentinian cyborg I probably won't ( :P ) Although hearing "Blanco Eliminado" in a robotic voice was pretty brill. More on topic: I'm looking forward to these maps and race descriptions. Do you have ideas on ratios you'd like humans:aliens wise? Or...
  14. Soluxis

    Futuristic Realistic Sci-Fi Exploration RP! Anime Allowed.

    Colour me interested! This sounds good!
  15. Soluxis

    Futuristic Something Dark

    I'm inclined to think that this thread might present the best option, since a 3-way PM conversation might be beyond my newbie abilities. Expect a more lengthty post tomorrow morning (when I'm not typing on my phone!) Detailing my initial thoughts and ideas but I think the first and most...
  16. Soluxis

    Futuristic Something Dark

    I'd certainly be up for a bit of brainstorming. I'll probably only be able to get started in earnest next week though, since I'm flying to Germany on Saturday and will be fairly incommunicado until Thursday. If this is okay, I can ruminate while I'm away and pool ideas with you once I'm back...
  17. Soluxis

    Cartography in RPGs

    I love maps and cartography when it comes to fiction and rp, they're not essential but can really give a feel for the background of your stories. I've always valued them as a writing tool since it allows me to envisage the realm or world that I'm building in greater detail and has led to some...
  18. Soluxis

    Futuristic Something Dark

    I'd be interested to see where Ettra takes this. I love the flavour of dark dystopian sci-fi. When you mentioned the theme I could immediately picture your totalitarian government constantly vigilant over its repressed populace for dissent through the use of robotics and faceless soldiers...
  19. Soluxis


    Thanks for the warm welcome folks. I've been doing a bit of exploring already, and I'm hoping to trawl the interest checks forum for something once I'm back from Germany next week :D I'm happy with my height. Doesn't seem to be something that runs in the family though, my sister resembles a...
  20. Soluxis


    I'm Soluxis, 6 ft 1, vaguely human shaped rp veteran of forum, tabletop and online game methods. I'm looking for a new home, new plots and rp shenanigans to get stuck in to. I'm from the sunny North of England, and lead a rather busy life of working, writing, climbing, diving, playing various...