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Futuristic Realistic Sci-Fi Exploration RP! Anime Allowed.

Different Starts

  • Let's start crashed on an icy planet!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let's start crashed on a criminal-controlled planet!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let's start crashed on a lava planet!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let's start normally!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let's start under-attack!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let's start with a riot!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let's start answering a distress signal!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care, random please.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Mandalorian Warrior and Skald.
The general idea is to create a Science Fiction RP based on a ship of explorers that traverse the galaxy to sell information about sectors, new species, and maybe do a few odd jobs along the way. We will be mainly hired and backed by the Human Republic's military, but the entire Galactic Senate will also be behind us. At the same time, we have a handful of Pardons, and millions of credits at disposal.

The job of the crew is to simply gather as much information as they can about the unknown sectors and worlds, especially unknown empires and factions. However, their main objective is to reach a certain point in the Outer Rim, where a strange signal has been detected, while collecting information along the way.

The overall action will be very realistic. For example, people will be sucked into space, but their heads will not explode as the movies make it out. People will die, and not every alien will be some kind of high-tech warmongering freak. Very realistic situations and arguements will be made, perhaps even making yourself question your own moral codes, and motives.

Post here if you're interested, and maybe I will answer a few questions too!
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Sounds interesting. How many crew will be aboard the ship? Are there factions within the military and government opposed to the mission?
The crew will consist of us, and around one-hundred other NPCs, but we will depart from shuttles as a squad with us only (when we touch down on planets). NPCs are divided into four different branches, like any other military crew. Those with body armor and rifles are the SSec, or Ship Security, who patrol and monitor the ship for any non-crew organisms. Those with insignia bearing a picture of a hammer are the Engineers, who work to maintain the ship. Those with a picture of a flying ship are the Pilots, who work to control and, over-all, drive the ship. Finally, there are the Overseers, who are veteran sailors of space. They simply watch over and order the younger sailors about, simply to keep them from doing something wrong.

There are no factions within the government or military who oppose the going outside the known regions, as far as we know. However, there is indeed a religious sect that believes inter-stellar travel beyond our arm of the galaxy is wrong and sinful, and you might even call them cultists. Thirty percent of the population are of this religion, named Galaxis, with it's followers being named Galaxists.

There is a shifty organization in the military named the High Guard, who serve to protect and follow every order of their superiors, who answer only to the High Senator, who also serves as the ambassador between the humans and the aliens. They usually get in the way of other military organizations, and have no quarrels with the Galaxists. Because of this, most believe the High Senator is a Galaxist himself.

Those who serve as police around the galaxy are known as GSec, or Galactic Security. They have no say in this, but will not hesitate to stop any illegal action taken by the crew.

Those who are brave enough to exit the Outer Rim are named the Jaeger, or Hunter, as in they're Hunters of Knowledge, and just literal Hunters when it comes to running into conflict. Those who stay within the known regions are named Arma, or Shield, as they protect Humanity and the Galactic Senate's land.

The aliens of the Galactic Senate are not very associated with the matter of exploration when it comes to humans, but they do generally encourage it, and have personally funded the project we're partaking in.

Project Hospitium, or Project Welcome.
Yes, if you want to be a GSec, go ahead.

This RP will begin once I have a galactic map set up, along with races, etc.

Maybe some concept art too, shouldn't take more then this week. I'll try to be done in two days.
How big is the ship the crew will be in? A larger Jump Freighter turns battlestar or a clear-cut Battleship/cruiser?
The ship was once a small smuggler ship owned by our misfit thug crew, who are now officials working for the government. Because of this, it is now a small frigate, but the original ship build can detach from the frigate so the crew can work together as they used to, offering them more freedom, and perhaps a makeshift escape pod.
pokemariofan64 said:
I will be using my best XCOM guy
Considering my best XCOM guy was a giant Argentinian cyborg I probably won't ( :P )

Although hearing "Blanco Eliminado" in a robotic voice was pretty brill.

More on topic: I'm looking forward to these maps and race descriptions. Do you have ideas on ratios you'd like humans:aliens wise? Or is everyone pretty free to choose and the npcs will make up the numbers?
I would say aliens make up 3/4 of the galaxy, while humans make up 1/4. The total galaxy population is around 9,685,203,591, 110. (About 10 or 9 trillion).

Yes you can play as aliens when I release them into this fabulous thread.

There's always room.
Will I be able to create my own race and home planet or will I be picking from a predetermined pool of races?
The Solarborn

(For Images, search Novakid Starbound)

The Solarborn are a species made up of a rare kind of Eukaryote that takes a gaseous form due to their home-world being extremely close to the center of the Galaxy. They're capable at running at extreme speeds, and are able to take wounds others would find fatal, but can be instantly killed or wounded with any kind of water. They're equipped with generally rowdy personalities, and prefer physical guns over laser weaponry. Solarborn are your usual race associated with either bounty hunters or outlaws, and it is easy to see why.


The Vitaferro, or Mechatronus

(For Images, search Robot or Glitch Starbound)

The Mechatronus are a group of robots created by an ancient civilization. They're split into two factions, the Winged and the Chained. The Winged are a group of Mechatronus who have completely free will, and are number little among the other races of the galaxy, often despising any kind of robot-use in most civilizations. However, the Chained are completely different. The Chained have gone insane after centuries of waiting for their now missing masters, and attack any civilization who dare trespass into their master's territory. They're a massive Armageddon, and are not counted into the Galactic Population count, as their own numbers rival those of the entire galaxy's living animals. They come in three forms, Knights, Commanders, and Titans. The Knights are human-sized Mechatronus who use hyper-advanced weaponry and forms of torture to destroy their enemies, often serving under the Commanders, and tending to Titans and machinery. The Titans are gigantic Mechatronus who breath out a sort of flame that is capable of melting through most metal in mere seconds, and are over-all very powerful and fast. The Commanders are a group of priest-like Mechatronus double the size of Knights, who rule the subterranean robotic cities made in the cores of dead worlds, containing Chained numbering billions each.


(I prefer you not be Chained)

The Illuminians

(For Images, search Draenei)

Illuminians are a group of psychically powerful beings who have the ability to manipulate everything around them. They later developed a way to teach this to other species, and even create devices that enhance and create energy that is required to do such things. Illuminians are also famous for using melee weapons, their only ranged weapons being energy bows. The majority of their arsenal are different kinds of energy weaponry, such as blades, spears, and knives made of "energy", or super thin layers of a rare material named Illuminite that creates an electromagnetic field around it, one concentrating energy to the point where it burns things on contact. Illuminians play a head part in the Galactic Senate, making up most of the entire community there.


First 3 races to be introduced, more to come!

You will be allowed to create your own alien, think of it like Star Wars, just tons of fucking aliens, like that one buffalo rhyme/saying/poem thingy. Aliens Aliens Aliens Aliens Aliens Aliens Aliens Aliens.

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