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    Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

    Eien walks into the bar and says "One bottle of everclear please." putting $300 on the bar counter."thanks" he says and walks oubt of the bar popping the cork and taking a swig heading back to the hideout
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    Pitch Black: The second crash

    Svie looked at Erebus and says "he was sitting next to me and I dont even know your name, oh and Seth we're on the planet riddick crashed on twenty years ago remember the stories and guess what, it'll be the month long night in a couple days at least, at most a week?" he shrugged
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    HOMESTUCK Blood lines

    i, uH, fELT tHE nEED } :)
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    Pitch Black: The second crash

    Twenty years after Riddick crashed on a mysterious planet a group of poeple (total number of crash survivors max 15) went on an expeditionary journey on that same ghost route, And for some reason... History repeated itself and the crash happened all over again. This time it would prove weather...
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    Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

    ((Didn't intend that hehe ' :D *sweatdrop*))
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    Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

    im not really and he knows me personally we're friends
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    Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

    Dude r u gonna accept the character on the 25 page or not
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    Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

    (@ Erebus Dark) Eien is my first, already accepted character thanks
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    HOMESTUCK Blood lines

    Name: Tanus Rituam Race: troll, Taurus Auto age: all characters are 17 Weapon-kind:Lance-kind Type style: iNVERTED cASE; uses commas excessively and in place of periods; adds a } in front of smileys to represent his large horns I need a Towel.
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    Pitch Black: The second crash

    Svie grunted as he searched through the wreckage for the person in the seat right next to his" HEY!... what was his name it was it was ****!... wait i remember Seth Elwood are you out there this is Svie Riddick are you ok, are you injured answer me!!!!" he yelled hoping for an answer
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    Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

    Name: Grimalkin Ravenloft Age:19 Gender:Male Side:Gene-Co Weapons: A simple homemade knife made from a survival knife blank Looks: identical to eien has the generic repo-man uniform Personality:emotionless except to his brother to which he has a strange obsession causing him to be...
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    Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

    Page 8 from what i can tell
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    Pitch Black: The second crash

    Accepted! Welcome...
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    Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

    In his room proud of his latest cache of 105 vials of z he falls asleepwith a giant smile
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    Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

    With his trailer full of thirty-five bodies he got on his bike "Maybe next time then so long. By the way if you ever meet a man named Leo Grave tell him Eien Ravenloft is still looking for him!" he shouts, driving away.
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    Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

    100% sure of his choice Eien takes out his keys and throw them over to Axel " yep I'm sure" he said with an emo grin with one eye covered by his hair swoop. "Show me drivin' skills" he says totally serious
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    Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

    "thanks, want a ride back to the hideout? (half serious half joking) I'll let you drive." he says, taking off his helmet.
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    Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

    "I can't remember when I joined all I know is that graverobbing is what I do best and it is all I will ever do" he replies
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    Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

    "Eien Ravenloft, if we get acquainted enough I just might let you take it for a spin sometime" he answered "a fellow graverobber I assume?" he asks
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    Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

    In a raspy, metallic voice Eien says "Cause if I bring them back to the hideout I can extract it at my leisure and not have to worry about being busted also if I do it here there is a greater margin for error and at the hideout knot as much so, and the more careful you are you can actually get...