Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

Axel walked through the graveyard. "This sucks." he said. He noticed a beautiful motorcycle. Then the large trailer in the back. Then he noticed the graverobber. "oh hey, what's up?" he said in surprise. "Why don't you just take the Z out of the bodies like everybody else?" he asked.
In a raspy, metallic voice Eien says "Cause if I bring them back to the hideout I can extract it at my leisure and not have to worry about being busted also if I do it here there is a greater margin for error and at the hideout knot as much so, and the more careful you are you can actually get more so, why wouldn't I being them there." he turns and grabs two bodies onein each arm and throws them into the trailer.
Axel blinked. "Well that makes total sense to me." he replied. He looked around to make sure they weren't going to be attacked by Gen-co goons. "Nice ride." he said "I'm Axel Blaze." he said.
"Eien Ravenloft, if we get acquainted enough I just might let you take it for a spin sometime" he answered "a fellow graverobber I assume?" he asks
100% sure of his choice Eien takes out his keys and throw them over to Axel " yep I'm sure" he said with an emo grin with one eye covered by his hair swoop. "Show me drivin' skills" he says totally serious
Axel smiled and threw them back. "Maybe later." he said then he put his hand in his pockets. he knew he was going to die soon. And he just wanted to walk around.
With his trailer full of thirty-five bodies he got on his bike "Maybe next time then so long. By the way if you ever meet a man named Leo Grave tell him Eien Ravenloft is still looking for him!" he shouts, driving away.
candy looked at leo and kissed him.her lips tasted like rasberrys and vodka."anytime!" she smiled rolling off and hoping to her feet."now what?" she asked with a sigh looking around.
Candy sighs and turns back to leo."i i will make you wait" she giggles and kissed leo deeply."how about shots i could drink you under the table!"
"Loser must do everything the other says for a day? Or loser strips for the winner! " she pours the first round and kisses his cheek geting comfortable in her seat.

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