Pitch Black: The second crash


New Member
Twenty years after Riddick crashed on a mysterious planet a group of poeple (total number of crash survivors max 15) went on an expeditionary journey on that same ghost route, And for some reason... History repeated itself and the crash happened all over again. This time it would prove weather mankind truly can dominate any foreign environment or if they will die in the face of the great Struggle.Welcome to... Survival!

Character Sheet:


Age: No younger than 18


History: (criminal or otherwise)



Personal belongings carried: (weapons can be personal just saying)

Only the first fifteen will be accepted

Name: Svie Riddick



History:Escaped convict using expidition as a cover Riddicks son

Looks: identical to his father, the spitting image Also has the goggles and the surgical shinejob as well

Personality: Cold and Empty to strangers, to friends unknown as of yet

Personal belongings carried: Riddicks old Ulaks http://www.keenandgraev.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/ulaks.jpg a chin he keeps wrapped around his arm like a martial artist wraps bandages around their arms and a small key he found in the wreckage of the ship


No god modding

No instant kills

No killing a human while svie can see or hear it

No overly powerful weapons ex: acceptable as STRONGEST weapon allowed: a handgun. overly powerful and 95% chance they won't have one on an expedition: a shotgun

Please type "I Love Rule 5" at the end of your character sheet

Swearing is allowed as long as it is in MODERATION, no dropping the F bomb every other word
Name: Seth Elwood

Age: 19

Gender: Male

History: Seth was convicted for the murder of his entire family. He was being transferred to a new triple max slam. He never admitted to committing the crime but all evidence pointed to him.


Personality: Dark.

Personal belongings carried: a large dagger and a katana. (dagger:http://images.wikia.com/charmed/images/1/1d/4x04-dragon-blade.jpg Katana: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110208232642/bleachfanfiction/images/4/48/Tiger_sand_katana_sword.jpg )
Character Sheet:

Name: Erebus Dark

Age: 23

Gender: male

History: actualy killed Seth's family because they are old friends and Seth constantly complained about them got picked up a few weeks after Seth for killing a cop for shooting his dog (dog was attacking cop's dog because cops dog barked at it first)

Looks:http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/0f64cc2dec0bcc989b4b187ac872dcb9/http://i1218.photobucket.com/albums/dd408/KiyaNearing/Velandreal.jpg has a self done shinejob

Personality: dark and sadistic but protective of what he loves

Personal belongings carried: Dagger (still covered in the dried blood of the cop) http://imagehost.epier.com/110659/2(2).jpg an old picture of himself and Seth and a locket that even he hasn't seen what is inside

i love rule 5
Svie grunted as he searched through the wreckage for the person in the seat right next to his" HEY!... what was his name it was it was ****!... wait i remember Seth Elwood are you out there this is Svie Riddick are you ok, are you injured answer me!!!!" he yelled hoping for an answer
apparently according to the mods on this site were supposed to make separate threads for RPing and for making characters

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