Search results for query: *

  1. TheManatee

    Searching for Partners! [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. TheManatee

    Searching for Partners! [Inactive]

    I would be fine with any venue. PM me for discussion. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. TheManatee

    Searching for Partners! [Inactive]

    TheManatee submitted a new role play: Searching for Partners! - MxM varied role play. Read more about this role play...Please feel free to send a PM regarding the type of role play you would like to begin, and the character you would like to use!
  4. TheManatee

    Summer Solace

    Name: Alexander Daylin Cross Nickname (optional): Alex, Daylin, Day Age (16-19): 17 Gender: Male Background info: Alexander grew up in a single parent home, his mother having committed suicide when he was only six years old. He is an identical twin, but the two of them were split up by...
  5. TheManatee

    (MxF or MxM) Magic, Slice of Life, always looking!

    I would absolutely LOVE to do a Prep x Childhood Friend RP! It's been ages since I've done one, and I really miss it! I don't know if you're still looking, but if you are, I would really be into this role play! Edited to remove the contact details
  6. TheManatee

    Band Roleplay (Comment Even If Others Have FxFxMxM) (Open)

    I'm not sure if this RP is even still open? I would be interested in a 1x1 MxM role play with either Adam or Spencer. They both seem very interesting. I haven't created a character sheet for this role play, as I don't know if it's even going, but if it is, send me a PM and I will whip one up in...
  7. TheManatee

    Partners wanted [always open]

    I would be willing to do a MxM role play in a scenario of your choice.
  8. TheManatee

    Realistic or Modern MxM Search - I'm back from the dead!

    Your wish is my command. Would you like to set the scene?
  9. TheManatee

    Realistic or Modern MxM Search - I'm back from the dead!

    I would go for either stepbrother or older and younger brother. I think I'm in the mood to break all sorts of normality.
  10. TheManatee

    Looking For A Few RP Partners

    I would be willing to jump on into the "bad-boy x nerd" category, or any non-fandom category. I don't own a television, so it becomes difficult.... Also, I am working on my PhD in English, so I believe my vocabulary and grammar will be adequate, as well as my length-of-post. I apologize for not...
  11. TheManatee

    Yes, I am new. Yes, I have an extensive vocabulary and a penchant for grammar.

    Yes, I am new. Yes, I have an extensive vocabulary and a penchant for grammar.
  12. TheManatee

    Realistic or Modern MxM Search - I'm back from the dead!

    At the risk of sounding slightly flaky: I literally would do any of those pairings. Please let me know if you're still looking, because I would love to be involved! (Slightly leaning towards those sibling and step-father taboos....)