Summer Solace


New Member

Nickname (optional):

Age (16-19):


Background info:


Apperance (real pictures only NO anime):



Name: Yun Roberson

Nickname (optional): Yunny

Age: 19

Gender: male

Background info: Yunny and his younger brother Kade are from an abusive family. Their mother spiraled out of control after loosing her first husband, Yunny and Kades father. She remarried and that's when problems began to occur. While she was so distracted with her depression, her new husband (their stepfather) began to emotionally and physically abuse them. Yunny took most of the abuse being the older and more outspoken one. Yunny tends to stay away from his home as much as possible to avoid the drama.

Personality: Yunny is the caretaker, he's the glue that holds everyone together. If there is ever a problem in the group you go to Yunny. He's very caring, strong willed, stubborn, and tough.

Apperance (real pictures only NO anime):



Other: tattoo tattoo2



Name: Kade Roberson

Nickname (optional): none

Age: 16

Gender: male

Background info: Read Yunny's

Personality: Kade is closed off, quiet, shy, blunt, vanurable. Kade tends to be the opposite of his brother when it comes to social skills. He can also be quite childish. The only reason he is ever around the group is because he's got no friends of his own. Everyone has gotten use to Kades attitude, but for the most part he is just very shy. All of this caused by the abuse from his step-father. He's teased a lot, but that doesn't happen as long as Yunny is around which is why he usually stays in close proximity to his brother.

Apperance (real pictures only NO anime):



Other: tattoo
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((Hey, could you save me a spot? My friend, Cynthia, she's never actually roleplayed before but she's a good writer and is willing to learn how to roleplay. She still hasn't decided if she wants to join yet.))

Sophia Harrington


Sophie, Sophia





Background info:

Sophias father died some days before she was born in cause of a car accident. Her mother had mental problems as she always thought that her husband was still alive. Even when Sophia turned thirteen her mother used to lay the table for three people, so she decided to move out. After moving her mother did not call her or wrote any letter and she started to become anxious and decided to visit her childhood home.

There she found her mother hanged. She could not find any farewell letter or something of the like and realized that her move must had been the reason. Afterwards she was not the same person anymore.


Even she is not a shy girl, she does not talk very much and stays passive most of the time. She appears very thoughtful and knows how to fight back if someone angers her. Sophia does not laughs very often and doesn't like anybody except from her friends.

Her hobbies are reading, writing and drawing people (mostly her parents and friends).

Her Appearance:


The way she dresses:

Name: Lana Beckham

Nickname: Lane, Beck


Gender: Female

Background info: When she was five, Lana moved to the small town with her parents after an incident with her older brother got the whole family in trouble. At that time she didn't fully understand what had happened and so she never told her new friends that her brother was a budding psychopath with an assault charge. Because her father was the police chief he had to resign and now he is the police chief where they live now.

Personality: Despite being the chief's daughter, Lana is down for breaking the law as long as it means having fun. In fact she's very open minded and will try almost anything. She loves to joke around and tease the other's and is rarely in a bad mood. She's sweet and lovable, but can occasionally also be very sarcastic.




Other: tattoo tattoo2
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[QUOTE="Neon Nyan]Hi. This roleplay seems fun. Can I join? :D ))

(( of course you can! ))
Name: Neal Qaurters

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Neal likes to express himself, through art or through music. He is typically a big ball of energy and all around happiness, he bounces off the walls. Neal is the kind of person to project into the world that he loves everyone and has a classic, 'I don't care what people think about me' attitude. this is in fact to prevent people from getting to close, if Neal lets you in you, you must be special. You could also easily break him from the inside. It's rare and he doesn't let it happen. Neal very much likes to focus on what is going on right here and right now around him. He is normally more casual not to formal and not to informal, he gives everyone he meets a chance, never judging on a snap, he knows that he has a story so everyone else must. But be warned you only get one chance with him and he can be rather easily offended. Neal likes to move with the time and flow with whatever is happening around him. He is not the type of person to interrupt something that seems like a good thing, a perfect combination of 'go with the flow' and 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'. On the other hand if he sees something wrong with the 'flow' or general happenings he will by no means keep quiet about it. He is one who will speak his mind and not back down. Neal speaks his mind at all times and generally doesn't filter his thoughts feeling that if people can't handle him inside there is no reason to have them around him. He is kind and gentle, especially towards animals and children.


Neal's father died before he was born while overseas fighting in a war, his mother couldn't bare it and alone and pregnant adopted some very unhealthy habits; not eating well or getting any sun, sleeping too much or too little. This caused her to be far too weak for childbirth, and lo and behold, Neal was born into the world to be an orphan. His mother's practices when she was pregnant had negative aspects on his health, he catches colds easily due to a bad immune system . He can't walk normally due to a spinal condition and uses forearm crutches, he has heart and lung trouble and is more delicate than other boys (bones, skin, muscles etc.). Neal was not an orphan for very long and was taken in by one of his mother's very best friends, who has two children of her own, twin boys. He has lived with Mrs. Quarters and her husband for as long as he was alive, and loves them like family, there is nothing that he would not do for his family.

Appearance (real pictures only NO anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Glasses-matt-bomer-9940829-1500-998.jpg.79e8ba5abc348bc44c0cbbd82ba348f0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15616" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Glasses-matt-bomer-9940829-1500-998.jpg.79e8ba5abc348bc44c0cbbd82ba348f0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Name: Marshall Walker

Nickname (optional):

Age (16-19): 17

Gender: Male

Background info: Soon after he was born he moved to this small town with his parents and his older brother David, things were normal until High School where he started getting introuble because he had the wrong idea of High School, things got worse when his brother David left for the military and often got detention and suspensions, by the time of his Sophomore year however he started to realize he would not be successful if he could not conform to the schools standards, at least at the school. Now he is in his senior year trying to balance everything from his friends,parents,and school.

Personality: He acts like a gangsta who often hangs around with a small group of kids who also try to act gangsta, they try to act like they are criminals but really are too scared to to anything bad. He also wants to be a rapper and often uploads his raps to the internet. He also likes video games a little bit but only plays military style shooters or football games. He is on the football team but does not consider himself a jock and he often says he is just there to help the team

Appearance :<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images.jpg.2b52d7dcd4e4444e72113b7579ddbe85.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15618" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images.jpg.2b52d7dcd4e4444e72113b7579ddbe85.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jeffery Molone

Nickname (optional):

Jeff or JJ (because he hates his first name.)

Age (16-19):




Background info:

Jeffrey doesn't like talking about his past all that much. Its not like its horrible or anything its just that he doesn't really like to be bothered with it, the past is the past so why dwell over it? But anyway here we go. Jeffrey has a mother, a farther and a little sister. Jeffrey's mother works at hospital as a doctor which explains why they are sorta rich, his farther is a business man who is barely home which Jeffrey really doesn't care about the only problem is is that his dad wants him to be a business man as well which Jeffrey constantly refuses with a "Hell no." Before Jeffery's sister Nanally was born he would play by himself and with the baby-sitters his parents had left him with. Because he was always alone he sort of made uo his own friends, sure he had friends in elementary school and everything but they were fake friends, they were only told to be friends with him because their parents wanted to be friends with his parents. As he played in his room with his imaginary friends the sitters stole, threw parties and hooked up which Jeffrey of course didn't care about either. When he was eight his Nanally was born and thats when he actually started to care, the imaginary friends were gone and he played with his little sister. When Jeffrey was in middle school he decided to not tell anybody about his personal life and thats when he started to get real friends which resulted in him not hanging around his sister as much anymore which apparently angered her which is why she is so clingy to him now. Now Jeffrey is pretty popular, he has an awesome group of friends and he has nothing to complain about...besides his smoking addition, constant partying and how he is an alcoholic.

Personality: Jeffrery is a pretty relaxed person, doesn't make a big deal about anything. Sometimes he can be a killjoy without even noticing. He isn't antisocial or anything like that, he is pretty social when he wants to be but if you talk to much he'll start to bang his head against the wall.



Name: Alexander Daylin Cross

Nickname (optional): Alex, Daylin, Day

Age (16-19): 17

Gender: Male

Background info: Alexander grew up in a single parent home, his mother having committed suicide when he was only six years old. He is an identical twin, but the two of them were split up by the court when his father's sanity was called into question. He was forced to learn the violin, and while he is exceptional, he shies away from his abilities because they were forced upon him. He is always seen with a sketchpad and pencil, his lifelong dream being to become a tattoo artist. He was adopted by his uncle at the age of thirteen, and has since been given veritable free-reign over his life, resulting in his smoking habit, multiple tattoos, and snake-bites.

Personality: Alex tends to remain quiet in a group, but is very talkative in person. He will get people to open up to him, even at the cost of some minor bullying. He is very self-conscious of his body, but hides that fact behind a mask of over-confidence. He is open about his sexuality, and feels no shame in admitting he is a homosexual. Alexander is highly protective, and will do whatever is necessary to protect his loved ones.

Apperance (real pictures only NO anime):

((Hey, Pub. You've been gone for a while and I don't want this roleplay to go inactive so I'll make another character, a chick since there appears to only be two girls.)) 
Name: Haylee Stewart

Nickname: Hayl, Hayls

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Background info: Haylee grew up alone with her father after her mother died of cancer when she was young. Her father tries hard to be there for his daughter but he works hard at the town's garage in order to make a living and because of this the father daughter relationship isn't the best. Haylee started dating a guy a few months ago and it quickly got abusive. He doesn't like that she spends more time with her friends than with him and he often forces her away from them. She doesn't know how to end the relationship and she's too scared to tell anyone about it. She's secretly very fond of Kade.

Personality: Haylee has always been quiet but now her relationship has made it worse. She used to be a good quiet, sweet and caring, speaking whenever she had something to say. Now she's even quieter, rarely speaking at all and even though she fakes the look, she's not happy.

Apperance :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/coolman.jpg.5d696643efc779379b8148715692abe9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16647" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/coolman.jpg.5d696643efc779379b8148715692abe9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Chihiro Mori

Nickname (optional):

Chi, Chi-Chi, or Mori



*Almost 18



Background info:

Chi's father is a well known doctor and her mother is a respected business woman so it's easy to say that Chi didn't grow up in a rough environment. She was actually quite a little princess when she was younger, being rather spoiled. When she first met 'The Group' she life began to change bit by bit. Though she had been basically raised with the idea of becoming a doctor like her father Chi suddenly found a new calling in fashion. Her parents, who were determined to see her in the medical field, would never approve of this though so she allowed her dream to be hidden. Only her friends really knew of her dream to be a designer and model, and still it's mostly a secret. Her fashion sense makes her stand out though, since it's bold and daring.


To most Chi is the almost clichés Asian girl, the one with top grades and a dream to become a doctor. She's reserved and cool, making her rather popular among her classmates. Not many know that she's actually an overly silly girl with her head in the clouds and that when she's smiling at them sweetly she's actually imagining what she'll have for dinner that night. For the sake of what her parents want, Chi has taken great lengths to hide the bold and daring side of herself; the side that wants to make a big splash in the fashion industry and not the medical field.









Andy Jeykins.







Background info:

Born and raised in Malibu,California,Andy was a child of a mother who was very caring and a father who was determine to teach Andy how to stand up for

himself and not to let anyone tell him that he couldn't do something.Andy wasn't the most perfect kid in the world but,he did have a potential to be successful

in life.Growing up,he use to see is Uncle a lot because his mother and father had to work and no one was there to watch him.His uncle seemed like an alright guy

but,Andy was always afraid at him.His uncle would hit him whenever he did something right or tried to do something his Uncle wouldn't do on his own.He never told

his parents because he was to afraid that his Uncle would beat him up again but,worst.So,life went on and Andy began to get a lot of looks that his Uncle took a liking to.

Andy didn't know what was going on because,he was at a young age and didn't understand why his Uncle was touching him in that kind of way.He tried to get away but,

he was to happened...Andy was scared to death now and would always cry and cry and scream whenever he had to go back over to his uncle's house yet,he

never told why he didn't want to go over there anymore.Soon enough,Andy was sent there more often yet,one particular day shocked his life forever.While he was at

his Uncle's house,his parents had gotten into a horrible accident and was sent to the E.R but,they didn't make it.Andy was terrified and devastated;he didn't have parents

and he had to live with his abusive,rapist Uncle.This went on through Elementary School and Middle school until his ninth grade year,Andy had enough,he sneaked away and ran off
.Since his mother and father gave all there money to him(they were rich) he had taken a flight to a different town and settled in there although he was a bit afraid to open up to anyone.Finally,Andy started to make friends and interact with them as well.Andy had a rough life,yes but he never let anyone tell him that he couldn't do something or that he couldn't change his life.


Andy is a cool and awesome guy that always has something exciting to say or exciting to do with his friends or by himself.

He does have somewhat of a temper but,he keeps his distance when he catches one so,he
doesn't' hurt who's near him.He's

very helpful in a stressful situation and is always caring,which is what he was taught to be by his mother before she died.He doesn't

like to judge people at all because,if everyone judged him by his looks,he would be always thought of as the bad guy or something

along the lines of that.He doesn't care for people who are bullies and stands up for someone who is getting bullied.He's protective over

his friends because they're all he has left now.


Andy has never told of his past life to anyone.

Name: Mackenzie Spencer Lane

Nickname: Spencer

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Background info: Mackenzie has knows her hometown inside and out. Unfortunately it's the only place she really does know. Her family very rarely traveled because of her parent's busy jobs and so she has hardly seen any part of the world. Although Mackenzie is happy in the town she's in she dreams of taking a year off before college to travel the world, paintbrush in hand.

Mackenzie definitely isn't a typical girly girl. From a young age she loved to play in the mud and go four wheeling with her older brother while the other girls played with their dolls and dreamed of ponies. Her parents would laugh and ignore this believing that she would one day outgrow this. She didn't. Mackenzie was called Spencer by her brother as a joke one day because of her "boy-like" qualities and somehow it stuck. By the ninth grade most people didn't know Spencer wasn't her first name. Although she can seem cold or distant at times it's usually because she's either deep in thought, upset or just feeling particularly shy that day. Mackenzie lives for horror stories, especially ones told around a campfire on a warm summer night. She's in love with the arts, whether it be sketching, painting or photography.



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