Partners wanted [always open]

Snark Bait

hocus pocus
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Why hello there darlings! As you can guess by the title I'm on the hunt for some 1x1 partners. That being said here's some stuff you might want to know.

-Even though I myself am a girl, I really don't like playing as a female. The male role is really more what I'm into, but I will play a female if you ask me to.

-I can mirror what my partner gives me, but really I like to just post a good sized paragraph usually. It keeps things going pretty fast, but still gives us enough to put in some good detail.

-I adore romance, but romance with an actual plot point is divine.

-I really like doing same sex pairings you know like mxm and fxf, but I haven't really gotten to do any of those on this site yet...

-Proper grammar makes me oh so very happy, but I understand minor mistakes.

So, yeah! Also, I don't have any plots listed since I like to come up with those on the spot with my partner. Hope to hear from y'all! Byeeee!!! <3
*raises hand* I like to play Females.

Would you like to talk? and discuss through PM? Maybe talk about plots or ideas. If you are interested.

Oh I like romance but I'm more of a fantasy/fiction/ sci-fi/ anything but realist and fandom kind of person. (Should have said this first).

Would you still be interested?
I would totally be interested, I love fantasy and Sci fi and other such genres! PM me and we can plan this out!
I'd be glad to take you up on this. I'm into all genres and playing both male and female characters (though I also tend to favour males). There's a pretty wide range of characters in my stock. If you're interested, maybe you could shoot me a PM?
I am willing to rp with you! I think you were one who wanted to do that teacher x student rp correct?

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Are you still open? :) I'm looking for a few more rp's to fill my roster. I'd love to set up something with you~
Romance roleplays iswhat I usually do. I prefer playing as a girl although I am a girl. xD

Pm me and we can maybe discuss some ideas.
I would also love to do a MxM or MxF romantic roleplay. I like the knight-on-the-white-horse type of stories.

The type of stories I love to do is a romance between a "dark knight" and a divine princess, where the dark knight is the strong protector of the princess. However, I prefer a story in modern times and semi-realistic. basically, the the romance between the gohst rider and a shy woman.

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