Band Roleplay (Comment Even If Others Have FxFxMxM) (Open)

Username: AWarriorcat

Name: Avery Burrs Sorries

Age: 25 years old

Gender: Female

Personality: Avery has a badmouth and is overall, a tom boy. She hates being flirting with, advances, and just romance advances in general. She is harsh, with a sharp tongue but she is really sweet with her friends. She can have a bad mouth but she loves her friends with all of her heart. Avery doesn' trust instantly and it's hard to get onto her friends list; she knows how to fight and sometimes gets in bad moods where she'll provoke fights. Avery is not a girly girl, and nothing about her is girly, she's a great leader with smart and cool head.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: None

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None

Family: Older Brother

Role: Childhood Friend of Spencer Masks

Other: None


Username: AWarriorcat

Name: Spencer Arnold Masks

Age: 22 years old

Gender: Male

Personality: Spencer is extremely quiet with almost anyone, he'll treat you like an enemy and is super distant with all. Spencer doesn't take offense easily and he secretly enjoys breaking the rules. This boy likes being normal, he doesn't like to stand out and lets other's make his choices; he is never lazy or a procrastinator. Spencer is a cleanaholic, workaholic and a terribly horrible insomniac, he doesn't like being blunt and sugar coats a bit and is never honest about his feelings; he virtually blends into the background.

Sexuality: Demisexual

Crush: None

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None

Family: Dead

Role: Back Up Singer and Keyboard

Other: None


Username: AWarriorcat

Name: Ian Carlos Ever

Age: 27 years old

Gender: Male

Personality: Ian is easily excited and pumped person. He hangs with the girls and the girls love him, he is hated by most guys for 'stealing' away all the girls. He is a kind heart but isn't the type to rush in and be the hero, if a child ran into the street and was going to be hit, he would yell for her to look out, but not rush in and save her. He can be annoying sometimes and a jerk but he does it unintentionally. Ian is quite popular and he's sweet, also he can be very flirty and seductive with good-looking people. He can be very cruel unintentionally, and has broken a lot of people. His jokes can be cruel and rude, but he's never noticed because people usually laugh at them, except the person he teased; he doesn't mean to be a bully but it comes naturally.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Crush: None

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None

Family: Little sister and a mother

Role: Singer and back up accoustic guitar

Other: Ian has bad eyesight


Username: AWarriorcat

Name: Adam Shane Hilton

Age: 23 years old

Gender: Male

Personality: Adam has a really bad temper and despite being cold he has a very large heart. He will protect even his enemies at times. When he gets angry, he loses control and can seriously harm things. He hates life at times and suffers from depression, but with his friends, he acts happy and things. You would never imagine what he's actually like.

Sexuality: Gay

Crush: None

Boyfriend: None

Family: Younger brother, no parents

Role: Song Writer and accoustic guitar

Other: Adam is blind in one eye


Username: AWarriorcat

Name: Nichole Olivia Trevor

Age: 25 years old

Gender: Female

Personality: Nichole is a kind person when she's alone, catching her alone is the best time. She's cheerful, happy, honest with a permanent white smile on her face but once her friends appear, she turns into what she thinks they would like. She does what she's told with no questions but shes learning, slowly, to stand up for herself. She takes good care of herself, she's very strict on stuff like brushing her teeth, her hair and washing her hands. Nichole is use to being alone from her childhood that's why she struggles to be what people want her to be.

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: None

Boyfriend: Ex of Ian

Family: Only child

Role: Ex Girlfriend and stalker of Ian

Other: She is stalking him


Username: AWarriorcat

Name: Ashton Silver Saverino

Age: 26 years old

Gender: Male

Personality: Ashton is a jerk, he's arrogant, pushy and a bully. He gets what he wants, one way or another, and is very cruel to others. Ash is incredibly good at fist fighting, as well as gifted with leadership, he is rude, mean, short tempered and ignorant. It takes a lot to become friends with him, but once you do, he's really not a bad guy. He's loyal to his friends and enjoys violence, he's reckless at times but knows how to form a plan.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: None

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None

Family: Abusive dad and mother in jail

Role: Electric Guitarist

Other: Best friend of Blake


Username: AWarriorcat

Name: Blake Aaron Droons

Age: 26 years old

Gender: Male

Personality: Blake is a lot more mellow, then his close friend Ashton, but is they are similar. Blake is a bad mouthed guy with an attitude, mainly when he's with Ash, which is all the time. Alone, he's quiet and avoids people, with zero confidence. With Ashton, he's loud, smart mouthed, pushy, arrogant, and mean.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Crush: None

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None

Family: Drunken Mother who neglects him

Role: Electric Guitarist and Back up Electric Guitarist

Other: He's best friend of Ashton

She told my friend that everyone hated her and that no one cared. Guess what? That's my best friend. I CARE.

I'm not going to do anything illegal, per se, and she won't come to physical or emotional harm, but let's say this girl is going to have a very hard high school existence after this. Kapeesh? (I have a plan and some helpers. Muahaha.)

And I've been there and done that, if only for a friend who stabbed me in the back. Good luck anyway!
If you're still accepting, could i be the girlfriend of one of the PCs? It's mainly to improve my roleplaying on the romance side of things and could be interesting. :)
I'm not sure if this RP is even still open? I would be interested in a 1x1 MxM role play with either Adam or Spencer. They both seem very interesting. I haven't created a character sheet for this role play, as I don't know if it's even going, but if it is, send me a PM and I will whip one up in a jiffy!

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