Band Roleplay (Comment Even If Others Have FxFxMxM) (Open)

It's open until the bios are made. The only one that's non-negotiable is West. I will be West. And I created the RP, so I SHOULD get the first dib on one single character. It is only fair.
*peeks in* I suck at playing guys but I would be interested in a girlfriend role.. Possibly that of West >.>
0.0 See above comment about West #26 0.0

Though I guess with them fighting constantly, that could be fun...
Based on what's been written on the band members, I think i'd prefer to be the girlfriend of South.
If they were real, I would HATE South, East, and West. As friends, maybe. As boyfriends? Um, no.

I'd probably have a huge crush on North.
It's gonna be first-come-first-serve when the rp is up tomorrow. I'm terrible at descriptions so it's just gonna be me starting.
Yup. And since I told you now, and I'm posting the link and tagging everyone at the same time, if you already have the character bio ready, you have like a HUGE advantage. *coughs*
Yup. But you can copy/paste the personality or leave it out, since it is a given. I assume everyone knows how to make a standard CS: Name, Age, History, Personality, Crush, Looks, Other. That's all it is.
:D Still open? I would like to say I'm a good, constant roleplayer, and I tend to over write so :P :)

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