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  • Users: Mempo
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  1. Mempo

    Keychain #186 - 190

    May I say that the one single panel showing the juggernaut is INCREDIBLE. I want a full-page version of it for my desktop, srsly. Much <3 for that. Also: exposition is perfectly fine in places like this. You don't want backstory to drag on too long, so making it superdense is perfectly okay...
  2. Mempo

    Are the immaculate Dragons actually gods?

    It is my opinion that this is deliberately written vaguely so that Rule One can be applied - the Storyteller has final say on what the Immaculate Dragons/Elemental Dragons are, and it can go either way according to the needs of the chronicle. If a plot point hinges on the ST saying one way or...
  3. Mempo

    Are prayers answered?- Getting the gods' attention

    ...critical moment, when a candidate is on the brink of death, fighting against unwinnable odds. Said candidate may well be praying to whomever it is *they* venerate - but it is the Unconquered Sun who answers. Abyssal Exaltation is an even better example of prayers being 'poached' by another...
  4. Mempo

    Tombs! with UPDATES!!

    Re: Tombs! The hard part about this is dropping breadcrumbs that aren't obvious, but will still get the characters excited enough to pursue the possibilities. - One of the PCs recognizes a sigil on a piece of junk in a marketplace: an amulet, a ceramic pot, an old minted coin, something...
  5. Mempo

    Advice for a n00b Storyteller?

    Thank you all! I feel slightly less overwhelmed now. :roll: As of now, everyone has been sick for the past two weeks, so I've really only managed to get one of the players started on his character; I think his character will be excellent, though, he's got a good concept. :mrgreen: Hopefully...
  6. Mempo

    Advice for a n00b Storyteller?

    ...the 1E books for that (KoH, tSL, RoR) Oh, also? We might be getting two 100% new players who've never played a tabletop RPG before. Halp. *A*N*Y* advice is appreciated. I feel overwhelmed. ;_; I can put together a decent plot, but balancing the game mechanics and vetting characters for...
  7. Mempo

    Keychain 171 - 175

    Ry, you say that like it's something bad. :mrgreen: And - ow. that's about to REALLY hurt, or immobilize her. Or both. Poor Nova. :cry:
  8. Mempo

    [Background Mod] Familiar

    TBH, I think noticing an animal spy (Familiar, spirit, nemissary, whatever) should work on the same principle as spotting a Lunar's Tell. So long as you keep missing your rolls, you won't notice a thing. But once you've spotted said animal, you'll always notice it, regardless of whether it's...
  9. Mempo

    Five Days Darkness

    Aah, but the trick to getting away with it is getting some other chump to take the fall. :mrgreen: I could see a particularly vindictive PC going out of his way to get his mortal enemy an invitation into Yu-Shan - just so he'd be conveniently there when the Peaches disappeared. After all...
  10. Mempo

    Novels for inspiration

    ...Why did no one tell me Leia Weathington was writing Bold Riley comics again? They're all good, but "The Wicked Temple" is classically Exalted in feel.
  11. Mempo

    Five Days Darkness

    No lifetime is ever enough, when a body gets to the end of it.
  12. Mempo

    Keychain 166 - 170

    Aah, but it's been established that Misho remembers only his First Age exaltation, and has amnesia about his more recent, pre-Exaltation, life. As a 'blank slate', it's perfectly possible for him to have been artificially augmented in some way, either by the Sidereals, some as-yet unknown...
  13. Mempo

    Hey, the Wiki needs your love! [[Offical WW Contest!]]

    :shock: :o :D :mrgreen:
  14. Mempo

    Hey, the Wiki needs your love! [[Offical WW Contest!]]

    OK, I stand corrected. 30K characters is slightly more reasonable. The offer to paint my house is still open, though. :roll:
  15. Mempo

    Hey, the Wiki needs your love! [[Offical WW Contest!]]

    Wait, wait, wait.
  16. Mempo

    Space Opera Exalted

    :shock: ...Damn, I'd play that. Sign me up.
  17. Mempo

    Keychain 166 - 170

    I *really* like the pacing in this one - the use of sound effects to speed or slow time worked awesomely well! *takes notes for the future* I concur with your reservations on the last panel - difficult to tell if she's striking with a fore- or hind leg, though I suppose logically it would have...
  18. Mempo

    Most Exalted moments in movies.

    I didn't quite scream and gnash my teeth in the middle of the movie theatre, as I recall. (Which is good, Joseph probably would've disowned me on the spot.:mrgreen: ) But I was annoyed. I like snappy dialogue as much as the next guy, honest. But even the most elegantly crafted language alive...
  19. Mempo

    Most Exalted moments in movies.

    I liked Kill Bill, for the most part, except there was SO MUCH TALKING. The fight scenes were amazing. The dialogue was witty, but there was waaaay too much of it. This was especially true in ep two. Maybe I just have a typical American attention span, but for chrissakes, you don't need a...
  20. Mempo

    Keychain 166 - 170

    Ahahahahaha the cape is cracking me up. "I have a giant Warstrider! *SWISH* With a giant froofy cape!"