Most Exalted moments in movies.

I wonder how you felt during Bill's last monologue, Mempo. That one is a few minutes long.
I didn't quite scream and gnash my teeth in the middle of the movie theatre, as I recall. (Which is good, Joseph probably would've disowned me on the spot.:mrgreen: ) But I was annoyed.

I like snappy dialogue as much as the next guy, honest. But even the most elegantly crafted language alive has to actually serve the plot. To be fair, most Tarantino movies don't have extraneous dialogue - they have just enough. If the characters are being wordy, it's serving a cinematic purpose. That was certainly true for Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. Admittedly, Dusk 'til Dawn had some awkward moments.

But KB just doesn't require that level of explication. Girl gets shot, girl wakes up, girl kicks a lot of ass to an amazing soundtrack in exotic locations around the globe. What's to fucking explain?

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