Keychain 166 - 170

Jukashi said:
Also, the buildings are mostly made from a form of cement and metal.
Ferocrete in Exalted?

Where are the trideo drones and flechette guns?
So, we know he doesn't have a five in War.

My characters would have opened fire on her corpse until the head and the little ball were nothing but a pile of slag.

My prefered weapons being twin shoulder-mounted Fuel Bolt Launchers loaded with Fire Pearls and a pair of Power Mace Gauntlets.

Though the last time I did that in game, I blew up a quarter of Nexus, destroyed Dungtown (and a Sorcery School that was volatile to begin with), killed 150,000 people and the giant mutant River Dragon that lived in the Underways that I was trying to kill and got out of town before the Emissary could have me skinned.

My Circle-mates killed me when they caught up to me anyway, but it was fun while it lasted.

Does have to get Secret out, you mean. And speaking of Secret, poor girl. The things Nova's doing to her in there are probably already really unpleasant. Now being launched through the air? I mean, that's gonna be nasty in lots of ways.
I *really* like the pacing in this one - the use of sound effects to speed or slow time worked awesomely well! *takes notes for the future*

I concur with your reservations on the last panel - difficult to tell if she's striking with a fore- or hind leg, though I suppose logically it would have to be the foreleg. I think it's mainly a problem with angle. You might try cropping in close to the claw striking the arm to make the action clearer.

Not everything has to be a medium shot, in film terms.
Ahhh... So, the little form is a partition of the whole, and it looks like Mishio is in trouble. ^_^
Less than 1%, as he'd have to either be older than 100 years or use unusual methods to raise Essence.
He has no memories after the First Age and looks identical to The Thrice Radiant. Further, he knows magic science. I'd put a large bet on him having more unusual assets than usual ones.
Arthur said:
Less than 1%, as he'd have to either be older than 100 years or use unusual methods to raise Essence.
Aah, but it's been established that Misho remembers only his First Age exaltation, and has amnesia about his more recent, pre-Exaltation, life. As a 'blank slate', it's perfectly possible for him to have been artificially augmented in some way, either by the Sidereals, some as-yet unknown faction, or perhaps even by Nova herself...
Highly unlikely given that she tried to study him.

Then there is Misho's veiled statement that he knows what the Abyssals really are, back in Mew Cai's manse. He is The Outsider, the One Who Sees.

...could he be half-Fey?
Mempo said:
Arthur said:
Less than 1%, as he'd have to either be older than 100 years or use unusual methods to raise Essence.
Aah, but it's been established that Misho remembers only his First Age exaltation, and has amnesia about his more recent, pre-Exaltation, life. As a 'blank slate', it's perfectly possible for him to have been artificially augmented in some way, either by the Sidereals, some as-yet unknown faction, or perhaps even by Nova herself...
Given everyone's apparent access to their own character sheet, Misho would either be able to directly tell what his essence was, or be able to work it out from the size of his mote pools.
Nova is Essence 7. So why doesn't she have Clarity 7? She should be pretty damn unhuman, since Essence serves as permanent Clarity. Unless...

No, Gremlin Syndrome would make her too insanely cruel. She's being way too nice for Dissonance 7. Besides, she has ambitions of creation, not destruction.

...I think being in Creation has somehow switched out her Clarity for the Great Curse. It's the only theory I can even conceive of working. Even though it doesn't make sense.

House rules country is making my skin itch.
Brickwall said:
Nova is Essence 7. So why doesn't she have Clarity 7? She should be pretty damn unhuman, since Essence serves as permanent Clarity. Unless...
No, Gremlin Syndrome would make her too insanely cruel. She's being way too nice for Dissonance 7. Besides, she has ambitions of creation, not destruction.

...I think being in Creation has somehow switched out her Clarity for the Great Curse. It's the only theory I can even conceive of working. Even though it doesn't make sense.

House rules country is making my skin itch.
Just remember that it could be worse.

It could be Bat(shit insane) Country.
You mean it isn't?

Giant magic sphinx girl rockets into the air with a summoned giant robot riding it, while conducting experiments on a creature of death in its tummy.

I'd call that Batshit insane. Exalted IS Batshit Insane.
Clarity gains occur after reaching Essence 5. The lowest possible minimum Clarity for an Essence 7 Alchemical is 2, at which point they can still behave pretty normally.
Ah, yes, you're right. I normally know that. It had changed somewhere.

So, yeah, Clarity 2 is alright. Never mind.
Nova is definately sounding fairly masochistic here. Is this another of those "didn't sound this fetishy when you were writing it" things?

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