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  1. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern [OOC] Relationship Program

    Thanks! Yea she's so freaking gorgeous. I'm so jelly.
  2. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern Relationship Program Interest (Closed)

    Awaiting your approval M'lady.
  3. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern Relationship Program Interest (Closed)

    Sorry for the basic form of a CS. Hard to do much on mobile.
  4. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern [CS] Relationship Program (Closed) her apartment has been moved even half an inch. She loves to collect old books. The smell gives her a nostalgic feeling. Likes and Dislikes: *loves iced coffee *loves Garden Salsa Sunchips *Loves surfing *Loves eating Reecie cups after they've been in the fridge for awhile...
  5. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern Relationship Program Interest (Closed)

    Alright. I'll write up a CS for a female.
  6. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern Relationship Program Interest (Closed)

    Still have space?
  7. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern Band RP?

    If ya got room, I'll take drummer.
  8. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern Slice of life interest check

    Got room for one more?
  9. Broken-Angel

    Multiple Settings MxM- Lots of plots | Lots of ships! (UPDATE- Ships and plots updated 15/08/18)

    Let's do Wait you're rich?! I like that one as my second.
  10. Broken-Angel

    Multiple Settings MxM- Lots of plots | Lots of ships! (UPDATE- Ships and plots updated 15/08/18)

    I like The Bodyguard, Wait you're rich? and One hell of a Sandwich.
  11. Broken-Angel

    Multiple Settings Got spotty availability (or lots of patience)? I'm your guy

    I'm just bored enough to take you up on this. Just pm me and let me know if you're still interested in players.
  12. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern The Fallen OOC

    Do the humans have to be gifted in order for them to help the angels?
  13. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern The Fallen OOC

    I just had a little idea for the human redemption that I would hope that you would like.
  14. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern The Fallen OOC

    I mean I don't want to make you have to do extra work. This is you rp after all. You get to call the shots lol
  15. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern The Fallen OOC

    Do you have to play as an Angel or can you play as a the human that helps the Angel gain it's place back? Sorry for the crappy wording, I just got off work and it was a long night.
  16. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern Hidden Grove CS

    Name: Abigail Woods Age: 17 Gender: Female Race: White Hair color: Strawberry blonde Eye color: Grey Skin color: Tan Powers: Abigail posses the ability to manipulate nature. Nothing very major, just some small things here and there. She has been working on training herself to become something...
  17. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern Hidden Grove OOC (the smoothie shop)

    I'm gonna start working on my CS now.