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Realistic or Modern The Fallen Interest check -still accepting

Which 'genres' do you prefer for this RP?

  • Drama, romance, action, horror

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • Drama, romance, horror

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Drama, romance, action

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Drama, action, horror

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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[div class=fyuri11wrapper][div class=fyuri11imagebox][div class=fyuri11overlayparent][div class=fyuri11overlay][div class=fyuri11header]The

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Winsford Academy is a college/boarding school only chosen students are accepted into. Surrounded by nature, woods, a mysterious garden and many other secret places yet to be discovered and explored its a place ordinary people are scared to approach. It is thought of as a school for troubled young adults but the truth is something they could never guess.

The students and teachers are reborn fallen angels (or Nephilim and gifted humans) trying to cope with their situations as they find out who they are and try to find their redemption in order to either return to the heavens or regain their former selves and be free to choose their own paths.

What is their redemption?
It's a person. That person is someone they will be drawn to and each redemption is different. Some have to be saved, some protected and some need to fulfill a calling but in the end all have the power to save a fallen from being stuck in the human realm or their current state forever.

* For any questions I am always available either in the OOC or PM so don’t be afraid to contact me if you need to ask me something.

* Also Redemptions can be gifted humans (seer’s, healers, psychics, etc...), Nephilim or other angels.

Guidelines for the RP you might need to know before joining/ expressing interest:

* RPN rules have to be followed.

* No one liners please.

* LGBT friendly

* No overpowered characters, they only have abilities not some crazy strong powers since their true power has been sealed when they fell, etc...

* No OOC drama.

* Feel free to surprise us with twists and turns but don’t make it all about your OC, don’t be shy and hold back since its OUR story, not just mine. Secret enemies or oppositions, drama, Secret romances, rivalry, etc… are all welcome but not necessarily a requirement.

* Characters have to be accepted before you can start posting in the IC (I will give you a like if you're in) and please use realistic FCs only.

* Drama, romance, action maybe even a bit of horror would be cool but let me know if you don’t want one of those in the RP so I can see what you guys would prefer (maybe cast a vote in the poll?)

* There will be limited spots but you can introduce more than one character (but only one of them will be accepted)

* Characters will be between the ages 18-22

Realistic/Modern - The Fallen OOC
Realistic/Modern - The Fallen CS
[/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuri11credit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div]
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Is this slice of life? Sandbox? Do you have a plot in mind that you plan to run or are players making it up themselves?

Is this slice of life? Sandbox? Do you have a plot in mind that you plan to run or are players making it up themselves?
Well I was thinking about the possibility of letting players add to the story as we go but I can also come up with more of a plot if you guys would prefer that. I just think it feels more like a group thing if everyone adds something to the story :)

I also like to hear suggestions and stuff if anyone wants to suggest something.

I will make an OOC now so you can ask me anything you want to know about the RP, or you could use PMs : )
Sounds like my kind of jazz (reminds me a bit of the Hush Hush series) Definitely interested!
Reminds me of the Hush Hush series too, lol. But I would really love to join!

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