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Realistic or Modern Hidden Grove CS



Ray of Sunshine
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Age (must be teenager):
Race (no race cap):
Hair color:
Eye color:
Skin color:

Skills (things anyone could learn without powers):

Appearance (description or picture):

Name: Kirsty Gorrum

Age (must be teenager): Seventeen.

Gender: Female.

Race (no race cap): Human.

Hair color: Light brown

Eye color: Dark Blue

Skin color: White

Powers: . Nature Manipulation

. Lightning Manipulation

Weaknesses: . Kirsty is blind as a bat without her glasses on.

. While Kirsty is gifted in magical combat, her lack of stamina can cause her to become extremely tired.

Skills (things anyone could learn without powers): . Kirsty is gifted outside of nature, downright great with a computer.

. She can understand animals due to experience as a vet.

. Can apply basic first aid.

Appearance (description or picture):


Personality: . Kirsty has a pure heart and will approach any appropriate situation with composure and reason. She's friendly and it's difficult to provoke her.

However, once provoked, she's hard to calm down until she wishes to.

BackSet BackSet
Name: Kirsty Gorrum

Age (must be teenager): Seventeen.

Gender: Female.

Race (no race cap): Human.

Hair color: Light brown

Eye color: Dark Blue

Skin color: White

Powers: . Nature Manipulation

. Lightning Manipulation

Weaknesses: . Kirsty is blind as a bat without her glasses on.

. While Kirsty is gifted in magical combat, her lack of stamina can cause her to become extremely tired.

Skills (things anyone could learn without powers): . Kirsty is gifted outside of nature, downright great with a computer.

. She can understand animals due to experience as a vet.

. Can apply basic first aid.

Appearance (description or picture):

View attachment 395776

Personality: . Kirsty has a pure heart and will approach any appropriate situation with composure and reason. She's friendly and it's difficult to provoke her.

However, once provoked, she's hard to calm down until she wishes to.

BackSet BackSet

― klare marie 'kd' dalton
HAIR Dark Brown┋EYES L.Grey / R.Red
HEIGHT 5'6 ft ┋ WEIGHT 164.9 lbs


Klare is a Halfing, She was mortal, but at birth was bound to a demon. As she's grown up she inherited some of his traits and abilities. She has small wings that can appear and dissapear from her back, allowing her to fly. However she's not very good at that just yet. And her main ability is telekinesis.
She speaks in Red Text.


Type: INFP
Orientation: Panromantic Hetrosexual
Vices: High Sex-Drive, Short Temper, Rash Thinker, Sometimes Narcissistic, Normally Puts Others Before her Self.
Virtues: Caring, Organized, Determind, Normally Puts Others Before her Self, Humours Sometimes


Klare is trained in first-aid, took an internship as psychologist assistant. She's able to stay on track and read peoples body language, and tones of voices very well. She's also very analytical.

mental strength.////abilties.///////////swords

phy. strength.////////romance//////////////hand combat

drawing, running, writing, cooking, skywatching, watching movies, reading
noisey/crowed rooms, letting people down, lairs, cheaters, early mornings, bad food

― shaay shadow
HAIR Black, red ends.┋EYES L.Red / Missed Right
HEIGHT 6'5" ft ┋ WEIGHT 170.9 lbs


Shaay is a Lust Aspect middle-class Shadow Demon. He was bound to Klare when she was born, and instantly disliked her. He has Charm Speak, Flight, Telekinesis, and Shadow Manipulation.
He speaks in a dark grey text.


Type: ENTF
Orientation: Pansexual
Vices: High Sex-Drive, Narcissistic, Bossy, Sadistic,
Virtues: Quick Witted.


Shaay is a tall slim male. He has light gray skin, bright red irises with black scelaras, however when he was bound to Klare, he lost his righ eye which is why her right eye is red. His hair is longer in the front and short in the back, its black with red ends. He wears a red long sleeve under a black short sleeve. He normally wears a pair of black skinny jeans a pair of red high top converse.


Shaay can cook, and over-all take command if he has too. He can quickly devise plans and help out very well, when he feels like being nice or when Klare begs him enough.

mental strength.////abilties.///////////swords

phy. strength.////////romance//////////////hand combat

running, causing trouble, sex, harassing klare, nightly walks
klare, seeing people happy, bright lights, day time.

― klare marie 'kd' dalton
HAIR Dark Brown┋EYES L.Grey / R.Red
HEIGHT 5'6 ft ┋ WEIGHT 164.9 lbs


Klare is a Halfing, She was mortal, but at birth was bound to a demon. As she's grown up she inherited some of his traits and abilities. She has small wings that can appear and dissapear from her back, allowing her to fly. However she's not very good at that just yet. And her main ability is telekinesis.
She speaks in Red Text.


Type: INFP
Orientation: Panromantic Hetrosexual
Vices: High Sex-Drive, Short Temper, Rash Thinker, Sometimes Narcissistic, Normally Puts Others Before her Self.
Virtues: Caring, Organized, Determind, Normally Puts Others Before her Self, Humours Sometimes


Klare is trained in first-aid, took an internship as psychologist assistant. She's able to stay on track and read peoples body language, and tones of voices very well. She's also very analytical.

mental strength.////abilties.///////////swords


phy. strength.////////romance//////////////hand combat


drawing, running, writing, cooking, skywatching, watching movies, reading


noisey/crowed rooms, letting people down, lairs, cheaters, early mornings, bad food

― shaay shadow
HAIR Black, red ends.┋EYES L.Red / Missed Right
HEIGHT 6'5" ft ┋ WEIGHT 170.9 lbs


Shaay is a Lust Aspect middle-class Shadow Demon. He was bound to Klare when she was born, and instantly disliked her. He has Charm Speak, Flight, Telekinesis, and Shadow Manipulation.
He speaks in a dark grey text.


Type: ENTF
Orientation: Pansexual
Vices: High Sex-Drive, Narcissistic, Bossy, Sadistic,
Virtues: Quick Witted.


Shaay is a tall slim male. He has light gray skin, bright red irises with black scelaras, however when he was bound to Klare, he lost his righ eye which is why her right eye is red. His hair is longer in the front and short in the back, its black with red ends. He wears a red long sleeve under a black short sleeve. He normally wears a pair of black skinny jeans a pair of red high top converse.


Shaay can cook, and over-all take command if he has too. He can quickly devise plans and help out very well, when he feels like being nice or when Klare begs him enough.

mental strength.////abilties.///////////swords


phy. strength.////////romance//////////////hand combat


running, causing trouble, sex, harassing klare, nightly walks


klare, seeing people happy, bright lights, day time.
Approved. My real question is: what does speaking in red or gray text sound like?
Name: Gavin Arrow
Age (must be teenager): 17
Gender: Male
Race (no race cap): Kitsune
Hair color: white
Eye color: Gray
Skin color: Caucasian


Beast shift: Gavin can turn into a white fox at will.

Heightened senses: Gavin has an excellent sense of smell.


Cocky: Gavin can be really cocky sometimes and often comes off as a Jerkass too those not familiar with him.

Beast nature: Sometimes, not often, Gavin will give in to his beast nature and run wild. Usually he has pretty good control, though.

Skills (things anyone could learn without powers):

Encyclopedic video game knowledge: as a hoarder of old video games and video game consoles, Gavin knows a lot about them. Mostly Nintendo games, though

Detective skills: Gavin fancies himself a great detective and is admittedly pretty good. Too bad his skills never come in handy.

Appearance (description or picture): Gavin is a tall young man with white, messy hair. He has Gray eyes and Caucasian skin. He has white fox ears positioned atop his head and a white fox tail. He wears a brown leather aviator's jacket he picked up in a pawn shop because he thinks it makes him look cool. The aviator's jacket also came with a white scarf that he wears as well. He wears blue jeans for pants and his shoes are brown boots.

Personality: Gavin likes a good joke. He's also rather confident to the point where he comes off as cocky (and a jerkass). He's a good friend, though and would never let his friends down. He is very passionate about old video games and hoards them along with consoles.
I approve my own character.
Name: Kana Cole
Age (must be teenager): 16
Gender: Unknown (usually appears as female)
Race (no race cap): Shapeshifter
Hair color: Varies (usually black)
Eye color: Varies (usually dark brown)
Skin color: Varies (usually light brown)

Powers: She has the ability to take on features or complete appearance of anyone she has seen before. Other than that, she is like a regular human.
Weaknesses: Her powers may fail if she is very tired or weak, resulting in her taking on the wrong appearance or her features cycling through various appearances in a short time. Change in appearance also doesn't change voice.

Skills (things anyone could learn without powers):
- Academic proficiency (A's in all subjects except history and biology; especially excellent at math and computer science)
- Basic computer programming knowledge
- Decent singing
- Decent dancing
- (Self-proclaimed) Good fashion sense

Appearance (description or picture): Her appearance varies depending on how she feels and chooses to look that day, but Kana usually takes on the appearance of a teenage girl standing at 5'4 with a slim build. The girl has long wavy black hair which reaches to her waist, dark brown eyes, and light brown skin.

Personality: Kana is fairly relaxed, not one to get very stressed or show much emotion unless she finds herself laughing. She is very patient and hard to upset, as well as fairly empathetic. Despite this, she finds herself keeping to herself most of the time, afraid to approach new people without a reason. This leads her to irrationally feeling lonely, and if she isn't liked by anyone, even when she knows it isn't true. She's a homebody, and doesn't need much to be content. She also prefers to focus on what will the long term outcome of her choices, and what will have the most long lasting benefits.
Name: Kana Cole
Age (must be teenager): 16
Gender: Unknown (usually appears as female)
Race (no race cap): Shapeshifter
Hair color: Varies (usually black)
Eye color: Varies (usually dark brown)
Skin color: Varies (usually light brown)

Powers: She has the ability to take on features or complete appearance of anyone she has seen before. Other than that, she is like a regular human.
Weaknesses: Her powers may fail if she is very tired or weak, resulting in her taking on the wrong appearance or her features cycling through various appearances in a short time. Change in appearance also doesn't change voice.

Skills (things anyone could learn without powers):
- Academic proficiency (A's in all subjects except history and biology; especially excellent at math and computer science)
- Basic computer programming knowledge
- Decent singing
- Decent dancing
- (Self-proclaimed) Good fashion sense

Appearance (description or picture): Her appearance varies depending on how she feels and chooses to look that day, but Kana usually takes on the appearance of a teenage girl standing at 5'4 with a slim build. The girl has long wavy black hair which reaches to her waist, dark brown eyes, and light brown skin.

Personality: Kana is fairly relaxed, not one to get very stressed or show much emotion unless she finds herself laughing. She is very patient and hard to upset, as well as fairly empathetic. Despite this, she finds herself keeping to herself most of the time, afraid to approach new people without a reason. This leads her to irrationally feeling lonely, and if she isn't liked by anyone, even when she knows it isn't true. She's a homebody, and doesn't need much to be content. She also prefers to focus on what will the long term outcome of her choices, and what will have the most long lasting benefits.
Approved. I have a question though: does her shapeshifting have any limits. That would be preferable so that it isn't too overpowered.
Approved. I have a question though: does her shapeshifting have any limits. That would be preferable so that it isn't too overpowered.
Well it only changes appearance. Her voice stays the same, so she won't be able to really fool anyone unless she learns to mimic the voice of who she's transformed into. Even if she transforms into a body builder she won't be any stronger than she actually is. And she can only transform into humans, and people she's seen before. It only makes a difference aesthetically, and I guess if she becomes someone really tall she can reach the top shelf? Lol, likewise for crawling through small spaces as someone short.

What other limits do you think she should have?

In a World full of Lollipops, Remain Sucka' Free


Eerica Peyton Thomas


Thy' Stats

KeKe Palmer
Skin color: Brown Skin Cutie

Dark Brown


Thy'Powers - And Persona'

Eerica has the Regenerative healing power; Meaning she has the power to heal rapidly after an injury but after it weakens her body for a couple hours.

---> Romantic
---> Energetic
---> Tolerant
---> Ambitious
---> Understanding

xxx Impulsive xxx
xxx Conceited xxx
xxx Sarcastic xxx
xxx Stubborn xxx


Thy' Skills

Playing Piano
Making new friends

Writing poetry and music

((sorry for the delay, week's been crazy))

I...uh, I kinda put the recipe for chocolate cake in the middle of that long essay...


Arden Whitlock

Age (must be teenager):

Female {heterosexual}

Race (no race cap):

Hair color:
It's naturally jet black but as seen in the picture she likes to dye it different shades of blue

Eye color:
Actually amber, although it glows a faint blue when she's casting spells.

Skin color:
Tanned, a bit bronze-y from too much outdoor escapades.


+ Her main forte is the summoning or casting of illusions.
+ She commonly casts visual illusions (can be seen, but not felt or heard or touched, etc.) But that doesn't mean she can use other kinds. She's just used to visual illusions because they're the easiest.

-- Magic comes with a price: Whenever she casts spells, her body naturally weakens or gets affected. So, like, when she casts the illusion of a cat and makes it move around, her eyesight -slightly- blurs. When it's something big like a dinosaur or when she's giving someone the illusion that they're in pain, her legs will be a bit weak and she'll find it hard to stand up afterwards. When it's on full exertion, well she won't be able to move for a few hours or so. It regenerates over time though (think 'mana')

+ Gifted with a flexible body, she's trained in acrobatics and martial arts (taekwondo). Also quite adept at dancing.
+ Draws as a hobby. Tends to use this to visualize an abstract or complex illusion.


Although not quite evident, Arden is of Scottish descent, standing at a height of 5'6" with an agile and flexible build. She has a penchant for wearing scarves in different styles and knots everyday, and sports her signature dark-blue coat over v-necks or turtlenecks. She has a multitude of sneakers in her wardrobe, and tends to partner everything up with jeans, leggings or a mix of both.

Moat people would say that Arden is mischievous and spry, that she can't seem to keep herself still for even a millisecond, except maybe when she's fully drained from using her powers. Which happens frequently, especially when she's using her illusions to aid in her daily dose of small and simple shenanigans...although sometimes they're big enough to actually get her in trouble. Arden has an eccentricity to her that would either drive people away or keep them close. It's either of the two, unless you're the type who fakes a smile but secretly just wants to run away from there. But eh, Arden can see through that. She's a good people reader.


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Name: Abigail Woods
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: White
Hair color: Strawberry blonde
Eye color: Grey
Skin color: Tan

Powers: Abigail posses the ability to manipulate nature. Nothing very major, just some small things here and there. She has been working on training herself to become something more powerful but that is something a little difficult to do without drawing too much attention to oneself.

Weaknesses: Abigail's one major weakness would be that she trusts too easily. She can be charmed quite easy and fall for almost anything. One would think that by now she has learned her lesson but it seems that she just can't go without seeing the good in everyone. Including the ones that have hurt her.

Skills: The one skill that she has that she is very proud of is her baking skills. Granted that is not the only thing that she is good at but it is the one that she loves to brag about the most. You name anything that you want made, and she will study the recipe and skill it takes to make it, and then hand you a perfect dish. Hence why she also happens to work at the cafe as both a waitress and a baker.

Personality: Abigial is very sweet and kind. She is willing to help anyone out that she can, and do whatever she can for that person. Given that, she isn't exactly a pushover by any means. She does have a pretty bad temper when push comes to shove. She will knock you on your ass if the moment calls for it. So don't take her sweet smile for granted. Piss her off and she will hurt you.

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