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Realistic or Modern The Fallen OOC



Here you can talk and ask questions about the RP. Let me know if you want me to make a Discord Channel and remember no OOC drama, keep the drama inside the IC. Otherwise have fun, maybe give some suggestions or just chit-chat.​
A good question arose earlier and I thought it would be useful to post the answer here as well. To explain the powers and abilities better, basically it's like three tiers.

In the beginning:
smaller or not active powers (basically powers or rather abilities that arent for attacking and are rather psychic by nature) like seeing ghosts, having visions, reading minds when you touch someone, a sixth sense (knowing things about people, things and events before they actually happen), dream walking, etc...

Later on:
Heightened senses, enhanced strength/senses and manifesting their flaming swords.
one power that the angel will be known for (healing, pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, nature manipulation, termokinesis, shapeshifting, etc... depending on what type of angel they are, an angel of death, for example, is less likely to have healing powers or an angel of love is not going to have the power over hate, etc...

At the end:
Basically when they become a full-on angel again with the whole shebang like immortality, powers, wings, flaming sword, etc...

apolla apolla lostwanderer lostwanderer Revna Eris Revna Eris Epiphany Epiphany Tori Bradley Tori Bradley Scheani Scheani
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Do you have to play as an Angel or can you play as a the human that helps the Angel gain it's place back? Sorry for the crappy wording, I just got off work and it was a long night.
I mean I don't want to make you have to do extra work. This is you rp after all. You get to call the shots lol
lol its no trouble at all, I am the GM after all :) that means I don't mind to do some extra work if It makes things easier for the players in the RP
I just had a little idea for the human redemption that I would hope that you would like.
I think I'd like to make two characters, if possible. One fallen angel (probably female) and a redemption (male, probably). Would that be okay?
might be a lame question but, if i was to make a fallen character, would another player be their redemption or would i also play that character as well?
might be a lame question but, if i was to make a fallen character, would another player be their redemption or would i also play that character as well?
If you play a fallen I would prefer for someone else to play the redemption to your fallen, but I could make an exception if the situation calls for it.

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