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Realistic or Modern The Fallen OOC

Oh that would be nice, for smoother discussion since I'm not always at a computer.
I think a Discord would be nice, that is if most everyone has a discord
I am wondering what you guys would think about the idea that there would be demons in the story? like some could try to prevent our characters from being redeemed or redeeming their angel? They would be NPCs so if you would be okay with the idea.
@Beauty_Belle @lostwanderer @Snowshadow1-5 Epiphany Epiphany Tori Bradley Tori Bradley Scheani Scheani @Odessa @Broken-Angel @Zayne1694 @Snowshadow1-5
I like this idea. It sounds cool to me.

Do you guys maybe want me to make a Discord channel?
I would love that. I, personally, use Discord more than I do texting.

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