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Realistic or Modern Slice of life interest check

Starry Night Smol

Tiny adventure bean
Howdy! I've got an idea rollin' around in my head for a harvest moon/stardew valley inspired slice-of-life rp. If you're interested in the idea, post below! With enough interest, I'll get an actual thread going!

Long Story Short:
-- Genre: Slice-of-life, romance, drama

-- Setting: modern large town

-- Premise: Just some folks livin' their day-to-day in this town. Characters participate in events such as horse races, festivals, contests, and more depending on seasons. Characters can pursue romantic partners if they so choose.

-- Posting length/frequency: at minimum 1-2 paragraphs, post once a week

-- Roles: choose a career from set ones (ex: farming, blacksmith, baker, etc) or send me a message to suggest one!

-- Character limit: None. Have as many charas as you think you can handle.
Was interested; then read 1-2 paragraphs as twelve and was terrified, but now I’m interested again!

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